
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

BlankVisage · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Life's a forge

As Captain Willard, the caretaker of the orphanage, began barking orders and leading the children through their military drills, Jinn and the others moved in unison, their bodies automatically responding to the commands they had been drilled with for years. Though they were just children, they had been through harsh military training for the past year, and were already accustomed to the rigors of physical exercise and discipline.

Despite his rough exterior and cruel methods, Captain Willard was a highly skilled military trainer. Captain Willard was once a high-ranking officer in the Ironclad military, but he was dishonorably discharged due to his brutal and inhumane treatment of prisoners of war.

Despite his misconduct, he has managed to avoid punishment due to his connections with powerful figures in the government, which allowed him to take over the orphanage and continue his cruel behavior without consequence.

Now, he uses the orphanage as a means of exerting his authority and control over others, enjoying the power and control that he couldn't have in the military. He's a menacing figure, one who the orphans fear and try to avoid whenever possible. He pushed them to their limits and beyond, molding them into skilled soldiers.

Jinn and Alex exchanged a quick glance, both showing a hint of fear and determination in their eyes. They knew that this was just the beginning and they would have to go through many more grueling training in the future if they wanted to survive.

As the training went on, they became more and more aware of the dark reality of their situation. They were just children being trained to become nothing more than cannon fodder for the empire's never-ending wars. They couldn't help but wonder, why did they have to endure this kind of life? Nevertheless, they knew that complaining will only lead to a harsher punishment.

They just have to keep going beyond their limits, determined to survive and perhaps even to find a way out of this oppressive society. Despite the harsh conditions and the constant fear of punishment, they formed a bond of friendship and camaraderie, supporting each other through the trials and tribulations they faced.

Jinn stood out among the other orphans. He possessed a quiet determination, and refused to be broken by the system. He held onto a spark of hope, a belief that one day he would find a way out of this life of oppression and violence. He made a vow to himself that he would not accept the fate that's been forced upon him. He is determined to find a way to escape and make something of himself.

As the training came to an end, Captain Willard dismissed the children, and they all trudged back to their dormitory, their bodies aching and exhausted. They were given their bland, tasteless meal, which they ate quickly and silently, not daring to speak or complain about the poor quality of the food. They knew that any complaints would lead to punishment and that it was just another aspect of the harsh reality of their lives.

Jinn, Alex and the other orphans had become accustomed to the lack of luxury and comfort in their lives. They were used to the never-ending drills and the constant hunger, they were just trying to survive. They all knew that the purpose of their training was not to give them a better life but to use them as pawns in the empire's never-ending wars. They were just children, being forced to fight and die for a cause they didn't even believe in.

Alex, noticing Jinn's distant expression, decided to start a conversation to take his mind off things. "Hey Jinn, do you remember the day we first met?" he asked, trying to bring a smile to Jinn's face.

Jinn turned to Alex, his expression stoic as ever. "Yeah, I remember," he replied, his voice low and emotionless.

"You were so different back then," Alex continued. "You didn't talk much and you always had this blank look on your face. I was the one who talked to you first. I could see you were in a lot of agony, and I wanted to help."

Jinn remembered the day he first came to the orphanage. He had just lost everything and everyone he loved, he couldn't even bring himself to speak. He was numb, feeling nothing but pain and despair. He had been alone for a long time before he came to the orphanage and Alex was the first person who talked to him and try to reach out to him.

"Thanks, Alex," Jinn said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I really appreciate it. I don't know what I would have done without you here."

Alex smiled. "Anytime, brother," he said, before lying down and closing his eyes.

As Jinn lay in bed, he couldn't shake off the feeling of hopelessness that consumed him. They were just children, yet they were already being used as pawns in the empire's game of power and control.

He knew that their fate was already sealed and they were just waiting for their inevitable demise. As he closed his eyes, he couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to escape this fate and survive.

Thinking back on what Alex had just said, he remembered his early memories when he first arrived at the orphanage.

Alex, who had been at the orphanage for longer than Jinn, noticed the new arrival's sullen demeanor and decided to reach out to him.

"Hey, what's your name?" Alex asked, trying to initiate a conversation with a cheerful tone.

Jinn simply looked at him with a blank expression, too exhausted and emotionally drained to respond.

"I'm Alex," he said, not discouraged by Jinn's silence. "I've been here for a while now. I know how hard it is to adjust at first, but you'll get used to it. Trust me."

Jinn didn't respond, but he couldn't help but feel a small spark of gratitude towards Alex's efforts to reach out to him.

As the days passed, Jinn slowly opened up to Alex, and Alex would always tell him stories about his past and his family, making Jinn remember the life he used to have before the tragedy happened, and it helped Jinn to cope and start to have the sense of belonging in the orphanage.

After the day's training, all of them were given bland food, just enough to sustain them for the next day's training. As they ate, Alex would tell Jinn stories of his past, how he ended up in the orphanage and how he learned to survive and adapt in the harsh environment.

"I remember the day I first came here," Alex says, his tone filled with a hint of sadness as he reflects on his past. "I was so scared and alone. I didn't know what was going to happen to me, but I knew I had to be strong and survive."

He pauses and looks around at the other orphans, "After staying here for a while, I realized," Alex says, his tone reflective. "At first, I was just trying to adjust, to survive. But then, I started to notice something, the eyes of the other orphans, they were dead and empty, devoid of any life or warmth."

"I couldn't stand seeing everyone like this, so lifeless and empty," he continues. "I knew I had to do something, so I decided to treat everyone here like my family. To be a big brother or a sibling to all of them, to help each other survive and thrive in this orphanage."

Jinn listened to Alex's stories, feeling a sense of camaraderie with him and the other orphans. Despite the difficult circumstances, they had each other to rely on for support and friendship. It's not much, but it's all they have in the cruel world they live in and that's how they instantly bonded and became sworn brothers. Following the flashbacks, Soon after, Jinn shuts his eyes and falls asleep.


As the sun rose and the children woke up, they could already hear Captain Willard barking orders outside. They quickly got dressed and made their way to the courtyard, where they found Captain Willard waiting for them. The caretaker stood in front of them, his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. He waited for them to form a neat formation before speaking.

Captain Willard stood at the front of the formation, his face stern and imposing as he surveyed the children. "Listen up!" he barked. "As you all know, your training has been leading up to one thing: serving the empire in battle. And while some of you will serve as the backbone of our military, others will have the honor of being selected for a special program."

He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. The children looked at each other nervously, not quite sure what to expect.

"Out of all of you, only selected few of you will be chosen to be trained as elite soldiers," Captain Willard continued. "You will receive advanced training in weapons and tactics, and will serve as the tip of the spear in the empire's battles. The rest of you will be deployed as standard soldiers, serving the empire with the same valor and bravery as the elite soldiers."

As Captain Willard's words echoed through the courtyard, Jinn felt a sense of dread wash over him. He knew that he had to be chosen for the special training if he wanted to survive, but at the same time, he couldn't shake the feeling that this was just another way for the empire to exploit and use them. He looked over at Alex, who was trying to hide his fear and excitement, both Jinn and Alex knew that they have to fight harder than ever to become the elite soldiers.

Jinn and Alex had been together for a long time, and the two of them had formed a close bond. Alex was a cheerful person who always brightened the mood in the orphanage, but he was also someone who knew how to keep his head down and obey the rules. He was the one who talked to Jinn first when he first arrived at the orphanage, but Jinn was emotionless at the time as he had not yet come to terms with the death of his family and the fact that he had been taken in by the orphanage.

As the captain finished his speech, the tension in the air was palpable. Everyone knew that only a select few would be chosen for the elite program, and the competition among the children was fierce. As Captain Willard dismissed them to perform their daily chores and training, Alex leaned over to Jinn and said, "This is it, the chance to prove ourselves. We have to give it our all. "

This is our chance to escape this place, to be more than just cannon fodder," Alex said, the excitement clear in his voice.

Jinn didn't share the same excitement, but he knew that this was their only chance. He replied to Alex with a stoic expression, "I know. We have to be chosen for the special training."

Alex nodded, determined to do whatever it takes to be selected. The two of them knew that the competition would be fierce, but they were determined to come out on top. They were going to give it their all in the training and become the elite soldiers that the empire needs.


Meanwhile at the Council of Ironclad Minister building,

A man sits at a desk, a cigarette is hanging loosely from his lips, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the table.

In front of him are a series of reports regarding a super soldier serum called "Neo-Genesis." The serum was developed in secret by a team of scientists, using a combination of advanced technology and forbidden science. The serum is made from a mixture of various chemicals and hormones, which, when combined and injected into a subject, drastically enhance their physical abilities, making them stronger, faster, and more resilient. However, it also has a dangerous side effect: it changes their mind, completely alters their personality, erasing their sense of self, and makes them more inclined to obey the orders given by their superiors without question, though there is a possibility of rendering them unable to recognise the difference between friend and foe if the serum isn't compatible with the body.

The man at the desk takes a drag from his cigarette. After several minutes of contemplation, he makes his decision and puts down the report. He summons his secretary and gives her the order. "I want you to experiment the serum on all the orphans at the orphanage. Make sure to take note of their physical and mental progress, we need to see if this serum is truly worth the risk."

The serum is a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few in the government and military, and has only been tested on a few soldiers, with mixed results. They found out that the serum works best when applied to young subjects, as their bodies are more malleable and can better adapt to the serum's effects. The government sees this as an opportunity to create an unstoppable fighting force and plans to use it on the children in the orphanage.

The secretary nods, she exits the room and sets about carrying out her orders. Little did Jinn, Alex and the other orphans know that this would be their last day of normalcy, from now on they'll be living a life of constant training, fight, and possibly death.