
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

BlankVisage · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Amid the dark clouds 

The environment in the continent of Ironclad was one of oppression and despair. The smokestacks and factories loomed over the cities, belching out thick black smoke that hung in the air like a shroud.

The streets were crowded with workers, trudging to and from their grueling shifts, their faces etched with exhaustion and resignation. The ruling elite, made up of factory owners and industrialists, lived in luxury, while the common people struggled to survive in poverty and squalor.

Ironclad is a continent steeped in a dark and oppressive culture, its history is marred by corruption, exploitation, and war. The empire is known for its ironworks and steam-powered machinery, but the ruling class, made up of factory owners and industrialists, holds most of the power and wealth, while the common people are relegated to lives of poverty and oppression. The government is authoritarian and uses the powerful military, the Iron Hand, to maintain control over the population. Criticism, dissent, and free thinking are not tolerated.

In the midst of the chaos, there is an orphanage. Tucked away within the outskirts of the city. It's modest building has stood there after the war between different factions has ended in the continent of Ironclad, and it remains almost exactly as it was when it was first built.

The orphanage is a small, dilapidated building located in the outskirts of the sprawling metropolis of Ironclad. Its cracked walls and shingled roof have seen better days, with cracks and holes visible throughout the structure. The surrounding area is rundown and dangerous, with crumbling buildings and trash littering the streets. This is the home of Jinn, a child who was adopted by the orphanage after his parents were murdered.

Inside, the orphanage is a chaotic and overcrowded place. Children of all ages are crammed into small rooms, with rows of bunk beds lining the walls.

Within them, there was a small and thin 7-year-old boy, with unkempt hair that reached past his shoulders. His face was thin and gaunt, with dark circles under his eyes, a reflection of the harsh conditions of the orphanage. He had delicate features that resembled that of a girl, with a small nose and dainty chin, making it hard to tell if he was a boy or a girl. Despite his fragile appearance, there was a determination in his big dark brown eyes that belied his age.

Jinn blends in with the other children in the crowd, his stoic expression and distant demeanor making him hard to notice. He is a keen observer, and his dark brown eyes hint at a deeper intelligence and determination.

He doesn't waste time complaining about the difficult circumstances of his life, but instead focuses on finding ways to improve himself. He spends his spare time reading a collection of books that belonged to her parents in the past, before they were murdered.

Despite his cold exterior, he burns with a fierce determination to make something of himself and to rise above the poverty and oppression that surrounds him, He is a determined, driven, and ambitious person, who doesn't let his emotions cloud his judgement, but let actions speak louder than words.

Jinn sits alone in the corner of the dormitory, deep in thought. Suddenly, Alex, another orphan he is familiar with, approaches and sits down beside him. Alex, who is a year older, looks up at Jinn.

Alex is a thin, scruffy looking boy with short, unkempt hair and a scar above his left eyebrow. He has big blue eyes that are often filled with a sense of mischief and a ready smile.

Alex: "Hey Jinn, what's got you so deep in thought?"

Jinn: (in a stoic and reserved tone) "Nothing that concerns you. I am simply formulating a plan."

Alex: "A plan for what?"

Jinn: (hesitates for a moment before responding) "A way out of this place. To make something of myself."

Alex: "I understand, it's hard to see a way out of this situation."

Jinn: (in a determined voice) "I will not be trapped here forever. I will find a way, and you should too."

Alex: "But how? We don't have any resources or connections. It's hard to make something of ourselves in this situation."

Jinn: (gives a small sigh) "I do not have all the answers. All I know is that we must be resourceful and make the best out of what we have."

Alex nods, understanding that Jinn is not one for sharing his feelings or thoughts easily, but still appreciates the guidance he offers. Alex can tell that Jinn is always thinking, always planning, and he knows that his friend is going to make something of himself one day.

Jinn and Alex, settle into their beds, exhausted from the day's events. The room is dimly lit by a single flickering lamp and the sound of the other children's breathing fills the air. They both drift off to sleep quickly.

However, Jinn wakes up abruptly, covered in sweat, his heart pounding in his chest. He had been plagued by a nightmare, one where he is a young boy again, watching as his parents were brutally killed in front of him. He can still hear their screams and the sound of gunfire ringing in his ears. He takes a moment to catch his breath and wipe the sweat from his forehead before getting out of bed, trying not to wake Alex. He walks to the window, and looks outside at the dark, desolate streets of Ironclad. He can't shake the feeling of despair that the nightmare has left him with.

Jinn's parents were farmers from a small village in one of the neighboring continents. Their village was destroyed during a devastating war, forcing them to flee as refugees in search of a better life. They eventually found themselves in Ironclad, with the hope of starting over and building a new life for themselves and their young son, Jinn. However, they soon found themselves caught in the middle of the political turmoil and violence that plagued the continent.

Ironclad is a place of smokestacks and factories, where resources are scarce, competition is fierce and the government rules with an iron fist. The ruling class, made of factory owners and industrialists, holds most of the power and wealth, while the common people are relegated to lives of poverty and oppression. The government is authoritarian, using their military to maintain control over the population.

Jinn's parents, who were simple farmers, were not prepared for the cutthroat nature of the Ironclad society, they were looked down upon as outsiders and as refugees, making it hard for them to find work or even a place to live. They were constantly struggling to make ends meet, and as they try to survive in the cruel society, they were eventually caught in the crossfire of a riot between the resistance and the government.

Jinn stands at the window, staring out at the cold, unwelcoming streets of Ironclad, feeling a mix of sadness, anger, and determination. Remembering the day his parents were killed, how they were just trying to survive in this harsh society but were caught in the crossfire of a brutal government crackdown on a workers' protest.

He can't help but think about how different his life would be if his parents were still alive, if they had never been forced to flee their home as refugees. But he knows dwelling on the past won't change anything, it only serves to fuel his determination to make something of himself and to find a way out of this oppressive society.

He turns away from the window and looks back at Alex, who is fast asleep, unaware of the turmoil going on inside of Jinn. He's determined to not let his past consume him and to not let his friend fall victim to this cruel society. He makes a silent promise to himself to do whatever it takes to survive and to make a better life for himself and those around him. He climbs back into his bed and tries to get some rest, knowing that tomorrow is another day filled with new challenges and struggles.


The next morning, the sound of the caretaker's harsh voice echoes through the small room. "Get up, all of you! Time for chores and training," the caretaker growls.

Jinn and Alex, along with the other orphans, were abruptly awakened by Captain Willard's harsh voice, growling that they have chores to do and if they don't finish them they would not receive their meals.

"Get up, you lazy brats! You have chores to do before you eat," Captain Willard shouted, his eyes scanning the room, looking for any sign of disobedience.

Jinn and Alex quickly got out of bed, rubbing the sleep from their eyes. They could feel the other children around them doing the same, the room filled with the sound of shuffling feet and the rustling of sheets.

Alex stays silent, not wanting to draw attention to himself, knowing that the caretaker's wrath can be harsh.

Jinn, remaining stoic, still feeling the weight of his nightmare from the night before. "It's hard to shake off this feeling of dread," he says in a low voice, "like we're trapped here forever."

"I know what you mean," Alex replies, keeping his voice low so the caretaker doesn't hear them. He's visibly nervous and uneasy but tries not to let it show. "But we have to keep going. We can't let this place break us."

Alex's parents were killed in a factory accident when he was only five. He was sent to the orphanage and has been living there ever since. He's grown accustomed to the harsh conditions and the cruel caretakers, but he's determined not to let that bring him down.

"One day we'll find a way out of here," Jinn whispers to Alex, trying to give him some hope.

But Alex's reply is a quiet, hopeless whisper. "Yeah, I hope so. But it doesn't feel like it."

As he walked past each bunk bed, He came to a sudden halt.

"You, boy," Captain Willard said, pointing at an orphan. "You didn't finish your chores from yesterday. I suggest you get to it before you're punished."

"Y-yes, sir," the orphan stuttered, his voice trembling with fear.

Captain Willard, however, was not satisfied. He approached the child and sought to punish him. But Alex, the older orphan, could not stand idly by and watch this happen. He stepped forward, putting himself between the captain and the child, "Stop it!" Alex yelled, his voice firm and filled with a sense of conviction. "Leave the child alone. You have no right to hurt him like this."

But Captain Willard's anger was too much and he turned his violence on Alex. He beat him mercilessly, leaving Alex on the floor, bloodied and bruised. The other orphans were in shock, watching him being beaten right in front of their eyes. They watched in horror, too afraid to intervene.

Jinn could see the fear in the orphan's eyes and he couldn't help but feel a sense of anger rising in his chest, although he, too, was terrified to intervene. He knew how the Captain treated those who didn't follow his commands. It's not something he would want to happen to anyone. He could see the other orphans too were terrified, it's hard for them to even look at Captain Willard in the eyes.

the orphanage that Jinn and Alex are living in is not your typical orphanage. "Iron Haven Orphanage" was built long ago as part of a program established by the Ironclad government to train and prepare orphans children for service in the military. The idea behind the program is to provide the Ironclad army with a steady supply of soldiers who are strong, obedient, and fiercely loyal to the government.

The children in the orphanage are usually between the age of 5 and 9 , and are subjected to strict training, harsh discipline, and little to no education. They are taught to be soldiers, and nothing else. They are trained in combat and survival skills, but also in discipline and obedience. Any form of disobedience is met with punishment, and children who do not meet the standard are often removed from the program to become slave labor till they succumbed of exhaustion and starvation.

The children are not treated as individuals, but rather as part of a larger machine, one that the government can use to maintain control over the population. They are not seen as potential citizens but as potential soldiers, a tool to be used in the government's pursuit of power and control. The government does not have concern for their lives, and only sees them as disposable assets that can be sent to the front lines of battle without hesitation. This is the reason the caretaker, Captain Willard, has such a cruel attitude towards the children, He sees them as nothing more than resources to be trained and used by the army.

As Captain Willard finished his beating, he looked around the room with a cold and menacing gaze, his eyes lingering on Alex. "Remember this, any one of you dare to go against me, and you'll end up like him." He gestured to Alex's bloodied and bruised form. "If you attempt to oppose me again, I'll make sure you suffer even more." He said with a low growl before turning and leaving the room, leaving the orphans cowering in fear, their hearts heavy with the knowledge that they were trapped in the Iron Haven Orphanage, at the mercy of a brutal and inhumane captor.

As Captain Willard stormed out of the room, Natalie rushed over to Alex, her heart breaking at the sight of him bloodied and bruised. "Oh, Alex," she exclaimed softly, tears welling up in her eyes. "Are you okay?" Natalie gently examined his injuries, her skilled hands quickly assessing the extent of the damage.

She knew she couldn't do much for him in the current conditions, with limited resources and poor sanitation, but she would do whatever she could to make him feel better.

Alex, who was still in pain, tried to put on a brave face, he knew that this is a usual thing that happen in the orphanage, but deep down, he was still afraid of Captain Willard's warning. He tried to lighten up the mood, "I'm fine, Nat, just a few bruises."

She looked into his eyes, trying to comfort him with a kind smile, "Don't worry Alex, I'll help you clean up and get bandaged up. And don't worry about Captain Willard's warning, we'll be fine" she said trying to lighten up the mood and calm down the young orphan who was the intended target of Captain Willard's beatings, so as not to let them feel sorry about it.

"Hey Jinn, can you help me stand up?" Alex says, wincing in pain as he struggles to stand. His clothes are torn and bloodied, bruises and cuts covering his face and body.

"Of course," Jinn replies, quickly moving to help Alex stand up. "I'm sorry that I couldn't help...."

"Hey, it's fine. I did it of my own accord." Alex replies, with a cheerful tone. Despite his injuries, Alex tried to lighten up the mood by joking around. "Looks like I got a little too close to the action. But, don't worry, I'll heal. Hey, don't look so scared kid, you're alright."

He approaches the young orphan who was about to be beaten by Captain Willard earlier and putting a hand on their shoulder while he ruffles their hair, he adds "Captain Willard may be scary, but we gotta stay strong, We can't let him win." He smiled at the young orphan trying to calm them down, showing them that despite the abuse he received, he was still strong and that they can be too. He knew that they can't speak out against Captain Willard or they'll be risking their own lives. The only thing they could do is to stay low, and try to survive.

Jinn, listening to Alex's words, nodded solemnly. He knew that life in the orphanage was hard and cruel.

Captain Willard continued to bark orders, keeping a close eye on the children as they worked. He was a cruel and ruthless figure, one who took pleasure in making the children's lives as difficult as possible. His main concern was not the well-being of the children, but making sure that they were ready for military service as soon as possible, no matter the cost to their well-being and humanity.

Jinn had been living at the orphanage for a year now, and in that time, he had learned a lot about the man in charge, Captain Willard. When he first arrived at the orphanage, he overheard the other children talking about Willard and how he had been removed from the military for his misconduct. He couldn't understand why anyone would entrust the care of innocent children to someone like him, but he knew that he had to tread carefully and keep his head down.

As he settled into life at the orphanage, Jinn became more and more aware of Willard's cruel and oppressive nature. The captain had a quick temper and was not afraid to use physical force to maintain discipline. He would often punish the children for the slightest infractions, such as not finishing their chores or speaking out of turn.

Despite the harsh living conditions and the constant threat of punishment, Jinn kept a stoic face, knowing that it would not do any good to complain or show weakness. He knew he had to survive this, and he will use this experience to make sure he will not let this happen to anyone else in the future.

As the day wears on, the caretaker scolds one of the other orphans for not working fast enough. The sound of the caretaker's voice raised echoes through the room as the other child starts to cry. Jinn flinches at the sound, feeling a surge of sadness and helplessness. He knows that if they don't listen to the caretaker they will be in trouble too, and the consequences are severe. Soon, they are handed a dry, tasteless piece of bread after their chores are completed.

Later, Jinn and the others were marched to the courtyard, where they were made to stand in formation in order to prepare for training. As Jinn stood there, waiting in line, he could feel his stomach churning. He hasn't eaten much today, and being hungry makes everything worse. He swallows back the bile in his throat and tries to focus on the task at hand.

Captain Willard appeared, his stern face set in a scowl as he surveyed the children before him. "You will work harder, or you will face the consequences," he growled, his voice like thunder in the courtyard. "Those who don't finish their training will not receive their food."

The children around Jinn looked nervous, and some of them even started to weep quietly. They knew what happens when they don't meet the Captain's demands. Some of them have been punished before, and they didn't want to experience it again.

Jinn felt a sense of dread wash over him. He knew that he had to survive this, but it was getting harder by the day. He tried to ignore the gnawing hunger in his stomach and the ache in his bones as he stood there at attention. He was determined to stay strong and make it through, but the reality of their situation was starting to weigh heavily on him. He couldn't help but wonder if they will ever get out of this nightmare.

decided to redo some of the paragraphs.

BlankVisagecreators' thoughts