
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

BlankVisage · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Iron sharpens iron

At the Council of Ironclad Minister building, a man sits at a desk, staring intently at a large map of Ironclad continent. His name is Jonas Marcus, and he is the Minister of Military Affairs for the Empire of Ironclad. He is considered one of the most influential men in the country and is well respected by all those around him. He is tall, dark skin, robust, and wears a perfectly tailored suit exuding an air of power and authority. His hair is neatly combed, his mustache meticulously trimmed, and his expression is calm and composed.

He gazes at the map before him, his mind focused on the task at hand. The Empire of Ironclad has been at war for many years, and despite their superior technology and weaponry, they have yet to emerge victorious as they remain in a stalemate against the resistance. Jonas knows that they are in dire need of a new weapon, something that will give them the edge they need to defeat their enemies.

Ironclad is constantly in a state of war with the few remaining factions that still existed in the continent of Ironclad that went into hiding and the resistance forces within their own continent. These resistance forces are made up of various factions, including those who are dissatisfied with the government's oppressive policies and harsh treatment of the people, as well as those who have been displaced by the never-ending wars and violence. They are determined to overthrow the Ironclad government and bring about a more just and equitable society.

With the support of an unknown foreign force, the resistance has become increasingly powerful and well-equipped. They have been able to launch coordinated attacks against government forces and disrupt their operations, putting the Ironclad government on the defensive. This has led to increased tensions and violence throughout the continent, with no end in sight to the conflict.

That's when the idea of the super soldier serum was first developed, it was a way to enhance the physical and mental abilities of soldiers. But it came with a dark side effect, soldiers who used it turned into mindless killing machines, attacking anyone and everyone, including their own comrades. They were nearly impossible to stop and control, and the serum was shelved.

But now, with the war still raging, and their resources dwindling, Jonas sees an opportunity to use the serum again. He has selected a group of young beggar children that they kidnapped from the streets. They were malnourished and not well taken care of, making them the perfect test subjects. The serum has turned the children into formidable soldiers, stronger, faster, and more resilient than any human being should be. However, some of them did not endure long before going insane and murdering many Ironclad scientists and soldiers. They were quickly taken down afterwards.

As he thinks about this, his mind is filled with both excitement and a sense of unease. "Neo-Genesis", The serum is a powerful weapon. He knows that the use of these super soldiers will change the course of the war, but at what cost? He takes a deep breath, extinguishes his cigarette, and makes his decision. He would deploy the serum to the selected orphanage, it would give Ironclad an advantage on the battlefield, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that he's playing with fire.

Recalling his past memories from centuries ago, As a mercenary, Jonas was known for his ruthless tactics and willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. He was feared by many, but also respected for his strategic mind and battle prowess. He was a skilled fighter and a master of many forms of combat, from hand-to-hand to long-range weapons.

The continent of Ironclad was once a place that was largely uninhabitable and uninhabited. It was a harsh and unforgiving land, filled with deserts, mountains and other maelstrom hazards that made it difficult for people to survive. It was known as the "Dying Continent," as it seemed that nothing could grow or thrive there. But that all changed when the founder of the Ironclad empire, a powerful industrialist, stumbled upon a rich deposit of a rare mineral that would change the fate of the continent forever.

This mineral, when extracted and processed, had the ability to fuel the industrial revolution that occurred in the continent. It had the ability to power machines, vehicles, and weapons in a way that was previously thought impossible. Suddenly, the Dying Continent was transformed into an industrial powerhouse, a place where the impossible was made possible.

Ironclad's newfound wealth and power allowed it to rapidly expand its territory, slowly uniting the different factions that existed in the continent through the sheer might of their superior technology, until it became the powerful Empire it is today.

After the discovery of the valuable mineral, Jonas found himself in the middle of the power struggle between the different factions fighting for control over the resources. He initially worked as a hired gun for different groups, but eventually formed his own army and took control of a small portion of the mining operations, becoming one of the wealthiest men in the continent.

As the Ironclad empire was formed, Jonas saw an opportunity to gain even more power and influence. He pledged his loyalty to the new government, and with his wealth and military skills, quickly rose through the ranks to become the Minister of Military Affairs.

Now, as the minister, he is tasked with leading the empire's military efforts, including the development of new weapons and tactics, as well as the recruitment and training of soldiers. He's considered a powerful figure in the empire, feared by many and respected by all. His ambition and desire for power still burns bright and he will do anything to protect the empire and maintain his grip on power.


In the orphanage, after they completed their chores and training, Alex would gather the other orphans and try to lift their spirits. He would tell jokes, play games, and share stories from his own life in an effort to distract them from the bleak reality of their situation. He would also take the time to talk with each of the other orphans, trying to understand their fears and concerns and offering words of encouragement and support.

Despite the difficult conditions, Alex had made it his mission to create a sense of family among the orphans. He would always be there for them, treating them like brothers and sisters, looking out for their best interests, and trying to make the orphanage a better place for them to live. He would share the little food he had with others, help them with their studies, or console them when they were feeling down.

As a result, the orphans started to look up to Alex as a leader and a big brother, and they would follow his lead. They began to form bonds of friendship and trust, and the orphanage became a more bearable place for them to live. They would work together, help one another and look out for each other, and the loneliness, hopelessness, and despair that had once gripped their hearts began to dissipate.

Jinn, who had always been a loner, was one of the orphans who benefitted the most from Alex's leadership. He was initially skeptical of Alex's efforts to bring the orphans together and improve their lives, but over time, he began to see the value in what Alex was doing. He would be seen talking and laughing with the other orphans, and he too felt a sense of camaraderie and belonging that he had never felt before.

As days went on, however, Jinn began to sense something amiss, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. He couldn't shake off the feeling that they were all being watched and that their every move was being monitored. He also noticed that the other orphans, who were once lively and full of energy, had become subdued and almost robotic in their behavior.

As days went on, Jinn couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. He noticed that the food they were being given tasted different, almost like there was something mixed in with it. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was not right.

Jinn: "Hey Alex, have you noticed anything strange about the food lately? It tastes different, almost like there's something mixed in with it."

Alex: "Really? I haven't noticed anything. Are you sure you're not just imagining things?"

Jinn: "I don't know, it just seems strange to me."

Alex: "Well, don't worry about it too much. I'm sure it's nothing. Besides, we should be grateful for whatever we get, given our situation."

Jinn: "I guess you're right. I'll try not to think about it too much."

But despite Alex's reassurance, Jinn couldn't shake the feeling that something was not right. He decided to keep a close eye on the situation, unsure if he was just being paranoid or if there truly was something amiss. What they didn't know yet was that the food was mixed with "Neo-Genesis." serum.

The next day, Jinn noticed that there were a lot of Ironclad soldiers patrolling around the orphanage after Captain Willard announced that a few of the orphans would be selected to be trained as elite soldiers.

Despite the excitement of some of the other children, Jinn felt uneasy about the whole situation. He started to notice that the orphanage was being barricaded from outside contact, with barbed wire fences being erected and guards stationed at all entrances.

He knew that something was not right and decided to keep a close eye on the situation, unsure if he was just being paranoid or if there truly was something amiss.

One night, Jinn woke up in the middle of the night and overheard a group of Ironclad soldiers outside their dormitory, talking in hushed tones. As he listened in, he heard them mention something about a "program" to train a select few of the orphans as elite soldiers, but also something about using them as test subjects for a new weapon. Jinn's heart sank as he realized that they were being used as guinea pigs for some sort of military experiment.

Feeling a sense of dread and betrayal, he quietly slipped out of bed and woke up Alex to tell him what he had overheard. "We have to get out of here," he whispered urgently. "They're using us for some kind of weapon, and we're not safe here anymore."

As Jinn explained what he had overheard, Alex's expression turned to one of disbelief and fear. "Are you sure that's what they're doing?" he asked, struggling to process the information. "We can't just leave, we have to take everyone with us. we can't leave anyone behind"

Jinn could see the reluctance and determination on Alex's face, but he knew it was going to be hard to get everyone out. "I'm sure," he said firmly. "We have to get out of here before they turn us into some kind of weapon. We'll figure out how to get everyone out once we're away from this place."

Despite his reservations, Alex knew Jinn was right. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that they couldn't leave their brothers and sisters behind. He turned to Jinn, a determined look on his face. "I understand why we need to leave, but I can't abandon the others. We've been through so much together, they're like family to me. We can't just leave them here to be used as test subjects."

Jinn could see the determination and loyalty in Alex's eyes. He knew that it would be a difficult task, but they had to at least try to save as many of them as possible. "Okay," he replied. "We'll try to come up with a plan to get everyone out safely, but we have to move fast before it's too late. We'll have to work together if we want to have any chance of success."

With a sense of purpose and urgency, the two boys began to strategize, determined to find a way to save their family and escape the clutches of the Ironclad government before it was too late.