
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

BlankVisage · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Heated iron

Week had passed since Jonas ordered the deployment of the "Neo-Genesis" serum to the selected orphanage. The soldiers that had been deployed to the orphanage had been briefed on the nature of the drug and told to administer it to the orphans secretly without fail.

The orphanage, named "Iron Haven," was heavily guarded by the Ironclad soldiers and it was becoming increasingly difficult for Jinn and Alex to come up with a plan to escape without being caught. They knew that time was running out and that they had to act fast.

They began to gather information, trying to find any weaknesses in the Ironclad's security. They also started to gather information about the area outside of the orphanage and plan their escape route. However, they were careful not to draw attention to themselves, they knew they could not risk being caught before they were ready to make their move.

They knew it wouldn't be easy. They would have to outsmart the Ironclad soldiers and navigate through the harsh terrain of Ironclad continent if they wanted to have any chance of escape and survival. But they were determined, as they were not only fighting for themselves, but also fighting for the safety and freedom of their family, the other orphans of Iron Haven.

They also began to rally the other children, trying to get them on board with their plan. They knew that they would need everyone's help if they wanted to escape successfully.

"We have to do this," Alex told them earnestly. "We can't just sit here and let them use us as test subjects. We have to fight for our freedom and our lives. Are you with us?"

"But how are we going to get out?" one of the young children asked, fear and uncertainty etched on their face.

"We've been working on a plan," Jinn replied. "We've been gathering information, trying to find any weaknesses in their security. We also have a rough idea of the terrain outside the orphanage and a possible escape route."

"But it's not going to be easy," Alex added. "We'll need to outsmart the Ironclad soldiers and navigate through the harsh terrain of Ironclad continent if we want to have any chance of escape and survival. But we can do this, as long as we work together."

With that, the other children began to come around, and they all agreed to help with the plan. They knew it would be a difficult task, but they were willing to fight for their freedom.

"Wait a minute," Michael interrupted, "I don't think running away is a good idea. We've been given a roof over our heads and food to eat at the Iron Haven orphanage. Out there, we wouldn't be able to survive for long. We need to think this through before making any decisions. I respect your desire for freedom, but you two (referring to Jinn and Alex) are being stupid, do you think that we can just leave and everything will turn out to be okay after we stepped out of this place? , How are we able to feed ourselves? I think we should consider all options before taking any drastic measures."

As Michael spoke, the other children couldn't help but take notice of his appearance. Despite his young age, he carried himself with a sense of maturity and experience that was well beyond his years. He stood tall, his muscles taut with tension, ready for action. His eyes, a piercing green, held a sense of determination and grit that came from years of surviving on the streets alone. His scars, evidence of his tough upbringing, were a testament to his resilience.

Despite the rough exterior, it was clear that Michael was not one to be underestimated, and that he had the best interests of his fellow orphans at heart. The other older children, Sarah, Jake, Beth, Thomas, and Natalie, looked to Michael and nods in agreement. They all knew that he had lived through more than any of them and his words carried weight. They all understood that Michael's rough exterior was a testament to his resilience and determination to survive.

"Michael's right," Sarah spoke up, "We can't just run away blindly, we need to think this through before making any decisions."

Jake nodded in agreement, "I agree, we need to consider all options before taking any drastic measures."

Beth chimed in, "Running away might seem like the easy solution, but we don't know what we'll be facing out there."

Thomas added, "I trust Michael's judgement, if he thinks we should stay put, then I say we stay put."

Natalie looked around at her fellow orphans, "I think we should listen to Michael, he's been through a lot more than any of us, he knows what's best for us."

It was clear that Michael has the support of other older children and they understand the risks and difficulty in running away from the orphanage.

The older children at the Iron Haven Orphanage, Jinn, Alex, Michael, Sarah, Jake, Beth, Thomas and Natalie, were seen as leaders by the younger children.

Sarah is a talkative and determined young girl of 8 years old. She has long, curly red hair, and big brown eyes that seem to hold a wisdom beyond her years. She's one of the eldest orphans at the Iron Haven Orphanage and is known for her intelligence and resourcefulness. She's often the one the other orphans turn to for help with their studies or when they need advice. She's been through a lot in her life, but she's never let it get the best of her.

Jake is a young boy around 8 years old. He is quite strong for his age, and has a thick build. He's fiercely protective of his fellow orphans and has a big heart. He's also one of the eldest orphans at the Iron Haven Orphanage and he's known for his strength and dependability. He's always willing to lend a helping hand, and his physical strength is a big asset for the group.

Beth is a frail-looking young girl of 7 year old. She has short black hair and big, round eyes. She's the eldest of the group and one of the most experienced in surviving on the streets. She's been living in the Iron Haven Orphanage since she was a child and she has a lot of knowledge about the city. She's quiet, but when she speaks, people listen. She's known for her quick thinking and her ability to come up with solutions to problems on the spot.

Thomas is a young boy of 8 years old. He's tall and lanky, with a mop of curly blond hair and bright blue eyes. He's one of the eldest orphans at the Iron Haven Orphanage and he's known for his quick wit and his ability to make others laugh. He's always cracking jokes and pulling pranks, but when the situation calls for it, he can be serious and focused. He's an asset to the group as he's able to keep the spirits of the other orphans high, even in the most difficult of situations.

Natalie is a young girl of 8 years old. She has long brown hair and dark brown eyes. She's one of the oldest orphans at the Iron Haven Orphanage and she's known for her compassion and her empathy towards her fellow orphans. She's always willing to lend a listening ear, and she's always there to offer a hug or a kind word when someone needs it. She's also a skilled nurse, and she's often the one who tends to the injuries and illnesses of the other orphans.

Together they had taken it upon themselves to make sure the younger children were safe, well-fed, and had a sense of community and family. They organized games and activities to keep the children occupied, and acted as advocates for them in dealing with the caretakers and administrators of the orphanage. They were determined to create a better life for themselves and the children around them, despite the harsh conditions of the orphanage and were respected and looked up to by the younger children as they served as role models, showing that determination and resilience can overcome any challenge.

As the group discussed and weighed their options, Alex and Jinn tried to explain their reasoning for wanting to escape. "Listen, we know it's a risk," Alex said. "But think about it, why do you think we've been getting such good food and training lately? It's not because the Ironclad Empire cares about us, it's because they're using us as test subjects."

Thomas looked skeptical, "But why would they do that? I mean, we're just a bunch of orphan kids, what use could we possibly be to them?"

"They want to create an army of super soldiers, Thomas," Jinn said. "And they see us as the perfect test subjects. If we don't do something, we'll be turned into mindless killing machines, controlled by the Ironclad Empire."

Thomas frowned, deep in thought. He knew that Jinn and Alex had a point, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story than they were telling. "I don't know," he said. "I need more information before I make a decision."

"I understand where you're coming from," Jinn said, "but have you noticed how some of the kids have changed recently? They were once lively and full of energy, but now they're subdued and almost robotic in their behavior. It's like they're not themselves anymore. I don't know about you, but that doesn't seem normal to me."

Thomas, who had been skeptical earlier, nodded thoughtfully. "Now that you mention it, I have noticed that some of the kids have been acting strange lately."

"And it's not just the change in behavior," Alex added. "I've also noticed that some of the kids have been showing an unusual amount of aggression and violence, like they're not in control of themselves. I think there's something more going on here, and I think we need to find out what it is."

Sarah looked worried, "You don't think they're experimenting on us do you? That's a scary thought."

"It's definitely a possibility," Jinn said. "We need to get to the bottom of this, before it's too late. We need to make a move, before we all end up like those kids who were changed by whatever it is they're doing to us."

The older children exchanged worried glances, finally starting to realize the gravity of the situation. They knew that whatever was going on, it was serious and that they needed to take action before it was too late.

"We'll help," Michael said firmly, with the other older children nodding in agreement. "We'll get to the bottom of this and we'll make sure that everyone gets out of here alive."

The group fell silent, each lost in their own thoughts. They knew that whatever decision they made, it would be a life or death situation. They needed to be sure that they were making the right choice.


Meanwhile at the office of Captain Willard Wilson,

Captain Willard sat at his desk, studying the reports in front of him. His office was sparsely decorated, with only a few photographs of him and his men hanging on the wall. The phone on his desk suddenly rang, disrupting his thoughts.

He picked up the phone and answered gruffly, "Willard here."

"Captain Willard, this is the secretary of Jonas Marcus," a woman's voice came through the receiver. "I'm calling to inquire about the progress of the Iron Haven orphans. How are they faring with the "Neo-Genesis" serum?"

Captain Willard leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh. "It's been a week since we began administering the serum, and so far, the results have been promising. The children have shown small increased in their strength and agility, as well as heightened senses. However, there have been a few cases of aggression and instability that we're keeping a close eye on."

"Excellent," the secretary replied. "The Minister will be pleased to hear of your progress. It's important that we monitor the progress of all the children closely to ensure the success of the project."

Captain Willard nodded, even though the secretary couldn't see him. "I understand. We'll continue to send updates on their progress."

"See that you do," the secretary said before hanging up the phone.

Captain Willard slammed the receiver back down and leaned back in his chair. He knew that he had to step up the training and make sure that the orphans were ready for deployment soon, or he would face the wrath of Jonas Marcus. He stood up, determined to do whatever it takes to accomplish his mission. He knew he was in this position only because of the promise he made to Jonas Marcus, that he will serve under him in exchange for being saved from the punishment he deserved for his brutal and inhumane behavior during his time in the military. Captain Willard knew that he was indebted to Jonas Marcus.

As he walked out of his office and headed towards the training grounds, where the children were currently training, he couldn't help but realise that the youngest of the orphans seemed to be affected the most by the serum. They were showing signs of aggression and instability much faster than the older children.


As the sun rose above the horizon and illuminated the orphanage, illuminating its surroundings. It was a beautiful sight to behold, but a cold reminder that the world was a cruel and merciless place.

The next day, the children were abruptly awakened by the sound of a young girl's screams. The sound was coming from one of the beds across the room. Everyone sat up, rubbing the sleep from their eyes, trying to make sense of what was happening.

They stumbled out of their beds, to find one of the younger children writhing in pain on the floor. Her body was contorting and twisting in ways that no human should be able to, and her screams were unbearable to listen to.

Jinn rushed over to her side, trying to comfort her and stop her from hurting herself. He looked up at the other older children, his expression one of grave concern.

The other older children, Alex, Michael, Sarah, Jake, Beth, Thomas, and Natalie, looked at each other with fear and uncertainty in their eyes.

"We need to come up with a plan, and fast," Alex said. "We can't just stand here and do nothing. We have to save them before it's too late."

"But what can we do?" Beth asked, her voice heavy with doubt. "We're just kids, we can't go up against the Ironclad soldiers. We're outmatched and outgunned."

"We don't have to fight them head-on," Jinn said, his mind racing with ideas. "We just need to be smart and resourceful. We need to find a way to sneak out of here and find help. There must be someone out there who can help us, someone who can stop this madness."

Suddenly Captain Willard stormed into the room, his expression cold and unemotional. He walked over to the girl's bedside, where she was writhing in pain, her body convulsing.

"What's wrong with her?" one of the younger children asked, her voice trembling with fear.

Captain Willard ignored the question, his eyes scanning the room. "Get up, all of you," he barked. "You have training to do."

The children scrambled out of bed, still confused and frightened. They couldn't understand why one of their own was suffering like this. They wanted to help, but they were too afraid to speak up.

The other young children looked on in horror as the girl was dragged away, her screams echoing through the halls. Jinn and Alex exchanged worried glances. They knew that time was running out, and they had to act fast before it was too late.

As the orphans went through their training, their minds were heavy with worry and confusion. They couldn't understand why their fellow orphan was suffering so horribly, or why they were being treated like test subjects. They knew that something was not right, and they longed for the day when they could be free and far away from Iron Haven Orphanage.