
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

BlankVisage · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The echoing sound of a hammer

The days passed by in a blur for Jinn, Alex, and the other at the Iron Haven Orphanage. They were becoming increasingly aware of the disappearances of their fellow orphans, who were showing signs of aggression and uncontrollable behavior. They feared for their own safety and the safety of the remaining orphans in their care. They knew they had to come up with a plan for escape before it was too late.

That day, Beth was assigned to the kitchen as part of her daily chores. She was washing dishes and cleaning up when she overheard a conversation between two guards. They were talking about something called the "Neo-Genesis" serum and how it had been administered to the orphans through their food for the past week.

"Yeah, I heard about it too. They're calling it the 'Neo-Genesis' serum. Apparently, it's supposed to make the orphans more docile and easier to control," one of the guards said.

"But what's the point of giving it to the kids? They're already confined to this orphanage," another guard asked.

"I don't know, but I heard that the higher-ups are planning on using them for some kind of military experiment. They want to see how the serum affects their combat abilities," the first guard replied.

At first, Beth couldn't believe what she was hearing. She listened carefully, her heart pounding in her chest. The guards were talking about how the serum was supposed to enhance the physical and mental capabilities of the subjects, but also mentioned that there had been some unexpected side effects, such as aggression and uncontrollable behavior.

Beth's blood ran cold as she realized the implications of what she had just heard. She knew she had to tell the others right away. She quickly finished her chores and ran back to the dormitory where the other orphans were staying.

As soon as she saw Jinn, Alex, Michael, Sarah, Jake, Thomas, and Natalie, she blurted out, "I just overheard the guards talking about something called the 'Neo-Genesis' serum. They said it's been administered to us through our food for the past week. I think they've been experimenting on us!"

Jinn, Alex, Michael, Sarah, Jake, Thomas, and Natalie looked at each other in shock.

"They were saying how it's supposed to make us more docile and easier to control," Beth explained, her voice shaking with fear. "But they also said there were some unexpected side effects, like aggression and uncontrollable behavior."

The other orphans looked at each other in shock and horror. They couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"We have to do something," Michael said, his voice filled with determination. "We can't just sit here and let them use us like this. We need to come up with a plan and take action."

"Michael is right," Alex said, agreeing with Michael's words. "We have to take action, we can't let them continue with these experiments."

The group huddled together, brainstorming ideas and coming up with a plan. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but they were determined to take a stand and fight for their freedom. They knew they couldn't sit back and let the Ironclad use them as test subjects. They were willing to risk everything to escape the orphanage and take back control of their own lives.

As they were discussing their plan, Sarah chimed in with a suggestion. "We should try to gather as much information as possible about this serum," She said. "We need to know more about what exactly it does and what are the other potential side effects. This way, we can prepare ourselves for the worst."

"That's a good point, Sarah," Jinn said. "We'll need to be careful and discreet, but we can start asking around and see if any of the guards will slip up and give us more information."

"I think we should also try to find allies outside of the orphanage," Jake added. "There must be people out there who would be willing to help us."

The group agreed and they all decided to gather information and make contact with any potential allies that could help them with their plan. They knew it was risky, but they were determined to succeed. They knew that the fate of their future and the lives of their fellow orphans at Iron Haven orphanage was at stake and they were not going to back down.

As the days passed, the group worked tirelessly on gathering information and making contact with potential allies. They asked around discreetly and tried to find any weaknesses in the Ironclad's security. But despite their best efforts, they hit roadblock after roadblock. The guards were tight-lipped and the security was airtight. They couldn't find any allies outside of the orphanage and the attempts to contact anyone outside were unsuccessful.

Feeling discouraged, the group met to discuss their next move. "It's like they're one step ahead of us," Alex said, frustration etched on his face. "We can't seem to get any information or make contact with anyone outside."

"It's like we're trapped in this place," Sarah added, her voice heavy with despair.

"We can't give up now," Jinn said, his voice determined. "We just need to come up with a new plan, one that they won't see coming."

Despite the setbacks, the group didn't give up. They knew that their freedom and the safety of their fellow orphans were at stake, and they were determined to find a way out. They began to brainstorm new plans, thinking outside the box and coming up with new ideas that would hopefully give them an edge.

They knew it would be an uphill battle, but they were willing to fight for what they believe in. They continued to try different approach in order to find a way out from Iron Haven Orphanage and find a way to end the cruel experiments that the Ironclad were performing on them.

Despite their failed attempts to gather information and make contact with outside help, the group continued to train and plan for their escape. They knew that their physical abilities were key to their survival, and they were determined to make the most of what they had.

One day, as they were training in the courtyard, they slowly began to notice a change in themselves. They were stronger, faster, and more resilient than they had ever been before. They were able to lift heavier weights, run faster, and take on more intense physical challenges.

"Look at us," Thomas said, a sense of awe in his voice. "We're like superheroes or something. I can't believe how much stronger we've become."

"Yeah, it's like the serum they've been giving us is making us into super soldiers or something," Jake said, a sense of realization dawning on him. "I feel like we're becoming like the hero in that book we read before, 'The Mighty Warrior'. Remember that one?"

"Yeah, I remember," Alex said, trying to suppress a wince as he stood up. "But I don't think it's quite the same. We're not saving the world or fighting for justice, we're just being used as test subjects."

The group looked at each other, their expressions a mix of fear and sadness. They knew that the serum was responsible for their newfound abilities, but they also knew the dangerous side effects that the guards had mentioned. They were unsure of how long these abilities will last before the negative side effects take over.

But despite the uncertainty, they were determined to use their abilities to their advantage. They knew that their physical abilities would be an asset in their quest for freedom and they were willing to take any risk to get out of the orphanage and stop the Ironclad from using them as test subjects.


For the past week, Captain Willard, the head guard of the orphanage, noticed the change as well. He was surprised by the sudden improvement in the orphans' physical abilities. He had been present during the time when "Neo-Genesis" serum was first introduced and tested in the past and had seen the potential of what it was capable of, but he was not expecting such drastic results from the diluted small portion that was administered to the orphans.

"I have to admit, I'm impressed," Captain Willard said to one of his guards as they watched the orphans training in the courtyard. "I didn't think the serum would have such a profound effect on them, even with the small dose that we gave them."

"It's astounding sir" the guard replied. "They're like completely different people."

Captain Willard's face took on a more serious expression. "But we must remember, these children are still test subjects, we need to keep an eye on them and report any unexpected changes or side effects to the higher-ups. We can't let our guard down."

The guard nodded in agreement, saying "Yes sir."

As they watched the orphans train, Captain Willard turned to the guard again and said, "Make sure that the serum is increased by a small amount tomorrow. I want to see how much more they can handle."

The guard nodded in agreement, saying "Yes sir, we will" They both watched as the orphans continued their training, unknowingly becoming more powerful with each passing day, their once weak bodies now able to handle intense physical exertion and push themselves to the limit. But as their strength grew, so did the side effects of the serum, with more and more orphans becoming aggressive and uncontrollable.

Soon, He walked back into his office, scratching his chin in thought.

In his office, Captain Willard sat down and wrote a report about the change he had observed. He wrote about how half of the children's bodies had rejected the serum, causing them to become aggressive and uncontrollable. He mentioned that the reason the orphans had been given a diluted version of the serum through their meals was to see whether their bodies were compatible with it before deciding to select a few of them that show very promising results to be sent to the Ironclad laboratory to be injected with the non-diluted version of "Neo-Genesis" serum into their bodies. He ended the report by saying that they needed to carefully monitor the progress of the other half of the other children and see if they will also show similar side effect or not. He sent the report to his superiors and await for further instruction.


As Jinn, Alex, Michael, Sarah, Beth, Jake, Thomas, and Natalie returned to their small dormitory after their training session, they couldn't help but notice the empty bunk beds lining the walls. There were a lot more empty beds now than before and they couldn't help but wonder where their fellow orphans had gone.

"Where do you think they've taken them?" Sarah asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling it's not good," Alex replied, his expression grim.

"We need to find out," Natalie said, determination in her voice. "We can't just sit here and do nothing. We have to find a way to bring them back."

"We'll start asking around and try to find out as much as we can about where they've taken them," Jinn said, his determination clear in his voice.

The group nodded in agreement, their resolve to rescue their fellow orphans strengthening with each passing moment. They knew it would be an uphill battle, but they were willing to fight for what they believe in and they won't stop until they have rescued each and every one of their fellow orphans.

As the night came, Sarah was on her way back to the dormitory after finishing her chores, when she overheard a conversation between two guards. They were talking about a secret facility within the orphanage, where the missing orphans were being taken. They were discussing how the subjects there were given the non-diluted form of the "Neo-Genesis" serum and were being used for more advanced experiments. Sarah was able to memorize the location of the facility and the key needed to open it.

Back in the dormitory, Sarah shared the information with Jinn, Alex, Michael, Jake, Thomas, Beth, and Natalie. They were shocked at the discovery and knew that they had to find a way to get into that facility and rescue their fellow orphans.

With Sarah's information, the group devised a plan to steal the key needed to access the secret facility. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but with the enhancements from the diluted "Neo-Genesis" serum, they were more confident in their abilities.

They waited until the night shift, where the guard who was in charge of the keys were fall asleep, they took advantage of the situation and successfully obtained the key without anyone noticing.

Feeling confident, they decided to put their plan into action and sneak into the secret facility in the middle of the night. They knew that it was a risk, but they were willing to do whatever it takes to save their fellow orphans and put an end to the cruel experiments.

Soon, Jinn and Michael waited until the middle of the night when the guards were at their most relaxed before making their move. Sarah had provided them with the key and the location of the secret facility, which was hidden within the Iron Haven Orphanage itself.

Since Jinn and Michael were considerably more skilled than the others, they were the only ones who would enter the secret facility in the middle of the night.

Jinn and Michael moved quickly and quietly, taking advantage of the enchances they had gained from the diluted "Neo-Genesis" serum. They were able to move faster and with more agility, and their enhanced senses helped them to avoid detection.

They reached the door to the secret facility and quickly unlocked it with the key. Inside, they found a long, sterile corridor with doors lining either side. They knew that behind those doors were their missing friends and they needed to act fast.

"We need to find them quickly," Jinn whispered to Michael. "We'll split up and check the rooms on either side of the hallway. Meet back here in five minutes, and we'll regroup and decide on our next move."

They parted ways, each heading to one side of the corridor. As Jinn opened the first door, he found himself in a small, windowless room with a bunk bed and a small table. The room was empty, but he could sense that someone had been there recently. He quickly moved on to the next room.

Meanwhile, Michael had similar luck, finding empty room after empty room. But as he reached the end of the corridor, he heard a noise coming from the last room on the right. He carefully approached the door and opened it to find one of the missing orphans lying on a bed, hooked up to a monitoring equipment.

"Jinn!" Michael called out in a hushed tone. "I've found one of them! We need to get them out of here and fast!"

Jinn rushed to where Michael was, and they worked quickly to unhook him. But as they shook him gently, little Joel's body started twitching and he seemed to be in distress. "Wake up," Jinn whispered, shaking the boy gently.

The boy's eyes fluttered open and he looked at Jinn with confusion. "What's going on?" he mumbled.

But before they could answer, little Joel suddenly lunged at Jinn with a fierce growl. Jinn barely had time to react, quickly dodging to the side and pushing Michael out of the way.

"Joel, stop it!" Michael yelled, trying to grab hold of the boy.

But little Joel was beyond reason, his eyes wild with aggression as he continued to attack Jinn. Both Michael and Jinn struggled to keep the boy at bay, trying to talk to him and reason with him but he seemed not to recognize them.

"What the hell?" Michael said, trying to hold the boy down. "What's wrong with him?"

Jinn's heart sank as he realized that the boy was not himself. He was aggressive and uncontrollable, just like the guards had warned.

"We have to put him to sleep," Jinn said, quickly looking around for something to use as a weapon. "We have to subdue him."

Jinn and Michael struggled to hold back the thrashing and lashing out little Joel. He was stronger than they remembered and the serum's side effects have made him more aggressive, it was a difficult fight. "Joel, it's us, your friends" Jinn shouted but it was to no avail, Joel was too far gone. Michael was getting overpowered, so Jinn quickly grabbed a metal pipe and swung it at Joel's head, trying to subdue him without causing serious injury. But Joel was too quick and caught the pipe with his hand, wrenching it out of Jinn's grasp.

Joel swung the pipe wildly, forcing Michael to jump back and Jinn to dodge. Joel was too strong, too fast, and too aggressive for them to subdue him without hurting him. They had no other choice but to defend themselves, Michael grabs a nearby chair and broke it, using one of the legs as a weapon to fend off Joel. While Jinn uses his agility and speed, darting around the room, looking for an opening to strike.

The fight was intense, both of them were bruised and beaten but they managed to subdue little Joel by hitting him on the back of his head, knocking him unconscious. They both felt guilty and heartbroken, having to resort to such measures to subdue their own friend.

Jinn looked at Michael with a heavy heart. "This is what the serum does to them," he said, his voice filled with anger and sadness. "We have to find a way to stop this."

Jinn and Michael snuck back into the dormitory, their hearts heavy with the knowledge of what they had just seen. They gathered the others in the small room and shared the news with them.

"We found one of the missing orphans," Jinn said, his voice somber. "It was little Joel.. but we couldn't bring him back with us."

"Why not?" Sarah asked, her eyes filled with concern.

"He was...different," Michael said, struggling to find the right words. "He was much more stronger, aggressive and uncontrollable, we couldn't reason with him."

As they related their story, the group listened in shock as they described the aggressive and uncontrollable behavior of the young orphan they had found in the secret facility.

shock and horror etched on their faces. They couldn't believe that the Ironclad would do something so cruel and inhumane.

Natalie's face was etched with concern as she asked, "Did you find any hint of where the other missing orphans were sent to?"

Jinn shook his head. "No, we didn't find anything that would tell us where they were taken. It's like they disappeared into thin air."

"It's not fair," Beth said, tears welling up in her eyes. "Why do we have to go through this much suffering?"

The group sat in silence for a moment, processing the weight of this new information. They had all hoped to find their missing friends and bring them back, but now it seemed that the missing orphans were lost forever.

"We have to keep looking," Alex said, determination in his voice. "We can't give up hope. We'll find a way to bring them back."

The others nodded in agreement, determined to keep fighting for the safety and freedom of their fellow orphans, even in the face of such overwhelming odds. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but they were willing to risk everything for their cause.