

Inside a great hall, full of naked women, a bloody scene was taking place. A little goblin was running as fast as he could, holding a dagge in his hand while stabbing or slicing or sometimes both, here and there. Everytime the daggers were drawn, he wouldn't stop until taking a life, and like that,the life of his kin were ending as leaves falling in autumn.

The little goblin's history so far? He was the black sheep of the village, discriminated by everyone, not because of him being weaker than his peers, even if it was true, but because of him being times smarter than they, even the priest wasn't as intelligent as him. It should had been a good thing but his ideas evolved fastest than those of his peers, unable to kept the pace they distanced themselves from him.

Amidst his loneliness and seek for new knowledge he found something that hooked him at first sight, the village's captives. They were all females and clearly from other race, they were also vey beautiful and furthermore everything about them was totally unknown to him.

But no matter how hard he tried to made an acquaintance of them, it seemed impossible, first was the language barrier, then those looks they gave him of despise and hate. He was still a child then, and determined as a child could be, he kept trying until time rewarded his efforts, and he got to knew her.

She was very kind and teached him her language and even told him stories from where she was, he listened carefully everytime and the more he heard the more amazed he was. But as he grew up he understood how cruel life was, and how even crueler the destiny of the captives females was. He didn't wanted she to kept living like that and set as his goal recover the lights in her eyes.

But he was weak and naive as to make a plot or put in a fight, and not matter how hard he tried, every effort futile was. Searching for aid he came before their god's statue, he kneeled and prayed for weeks but to not avail. When without choice almost he was someone attacking his village appear.

It may not had been as he wanted, but if he take the chance maybe they would be able to ran. Taking his daggers with him, he moved to the building were she was. The guards in the doors were already taken care off and inside the building they seemed ignoring the chaotic of the village situation outside. Maybe because of the even heavy smell of body fluids, loud cries and moans in the air

It didn't take him to much time before ending the life of most of the goblins inside the hall, as everyone was caught by surprise when the first of them was able to react just three more goblin were left inside. The last two were for him such a headache, even with his daggers full of poison still took him a few hit to take one down, not without paying the just price receiving a wound in his back..

The last one was even more hard of what he could have expected, he even lost the daggers in the fight and could only finish the enemy life by biting off his neck after struggling in the ground. Recovering his dagges back, he walked to his friend, but when he was in front of her a feeling made him turn back. A figure wrapped in a black colored fog was looking at him, and he truly felt as if his spine chilled down, someone who can come out of nowhere, 'a god?' he thought.

The fog dispelled and a figure could been saw, it was like his friend's figure but this was male, 'he wasn't a god but rather a human? Was he here for his friend?' he wondered. His body was at his limits but he didn't knew the intetions of the human before him, at the very least and even at the cost of his life he would protect her. With trembling arms he pointed his daggers at the human male.

"Don't, don't come closer". The little goblin was somehow able to utter these words.

ght flashed in the human eyes and his expression shifted slighty before return to his plain face, 'was it amazement?' the goblin asked himself. The human figure then smiled but for the little goblin it looked more as his destiny being sealed than gratification in the human face. But having came to this, there was nothing else he could do, tightening the grip over the daggers, he attacked at the human.

"Aaaaah....aaaaaah..... die ....die...die...". Kept screaming the goblin between hits.

Nevertheless no attack touch the human even once. The human didn't even move an inch as every attack ended clashing against a blue crystal, a very cold blue crystal.

Suddenly the goblin was sent flying to a high speed and crashed with the wall, he didn't even saw the human moving,in fact, he felt as if a gust of wind was what pushed him.Hitting the wall his body was near collapse but he couldn't just give up, taking his daggers from the floor he ran again at the human but a wall of the cold blue crystal surrounded him, blocking his path. At the same time,the human who hadn't moved since he got here, took a step forward, moving toward his friend.

"Keep away from her, Keep away from her, Keep away from...". The little goblin screamed while hitting the wall over and over again with his daggers, his voice more than commanding was pleading.

The despair in his eyes was increased more and more as the human took another step forward,and another, and was about to take another step when the wall of blue crystal shattered, scattering the pieces all around, a little figure moved before him saying while heavely panting.


The little goblin was about to attack the human again when his mind went blank for a moment before his body fell to the floor. He had overexerted his body capacities in order to break through the crystal wall, and the backslash didn't make him wait long.

He thought he would be able to release her, help her ran away, maybe seen some light in her eyes, who would had thought it would ended like this. For first time since birth he cried, he cried from impotence and until that moment he didn't knew goblins could cry.

"Do you want power?". Spoke the humane figure with an emotionless tone.

Surprised the goblin looked upway, and with strenght coming out of who knows where, he was able somehow to kneel, she told him once this was how human showed respect.

"I want...please give power". Pleaded the goblin trying to represes his sobes.

"Your name?". Asked the human.

"Krieg, i am krieg my lord". Replied the goblin, that was the name she gave him, the name he used.

Out of nowhere two ball of light appeared in the human's hand, one black colored the other red, both were emitting heat, but one burned like wanting to devour everything, the other just wanted to destroy. With a wave from the human's hand the balls flew inside Krieg's head but wihtout damaging him, as if they were bestowed to him. If any other saw this, would thought of the human to be and bishop or maybe an apostle from some god and the balls of light, blessings.

The moment the ball touched Krieg forehead, he closed his eyes by instincts or wanting to felt the changes inside of him. At that moment a imposing voice, which seemed as they couldn't ignore, sounded inside the mind of everyone at the village.

"Heed the command of I, the great Satanachia. By order of mine, from today on, the one called Krieg shall be your King, my orders are his owns. And to those who still believe in the little puny god of yours, for the better, put your faith in another god".

Surprised by the familiar voice and the content of the message, the little goblin opened his eyes just to found that the human figure was nowhere to been seen. That day he gained a lot of power and he decided to use it to change things about its kin. In the future few people would know how two incredible legends born that day.

a goblin...well, tomorrow i don't think i should be able to post a chapter as i will be sleeping for sure...oh, and thanks for that power stone, it truly meant a lot.

SoyNegrocreators' thoughts