

Roan was your average kid, he made friends, went to school, and enjoyed life. In a single night his life changed, when he started to have dreams of two different people. One fought to save humanity by taking free will, while the other fought for freedom of the people.

Though_that_then · Video Games
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37 Chs

Chapter 6: Vivid Dream

Roan sat up from the chair, after going through what is ancestor Zander Kamau experienced a long time ago.

Roan sighed to himself in the dark room that was no longer illuminated by the sun. He was uncertain how long he relaxed in the chair, he only knew that is appetite resurged. He needed to recharge his energy by eating and thats exactly what he the proceeded to do. He ordered thousands of potato dishes, that seemed to disapear from the plates, he ate and ate to get his mind off of his ancestor's memories, mainly because he started to feel as if Zander started to become apart of him.

Was this the bleeding effect he had heard so much about? It often drove others insane, would that happen to him aswell?

He had went through his ancestors memories before, nothing happened like this before. He orginally felt his ancestor was just a person, who just told his story from a different point of view. Now he started to feel as if he was the ancestor telling the story to his future self.

In the past he old had recieved fragments of his ancestors memories from different points of time and nothing happened. It seemed the machine he used was the cause of this feeling.

He once again sighed and decided to sleep in a more comfortable place rather that the chair with a machine. He went to his room and laid atop the bed, his mind felt tired and hoped sleep would fix it. The bed felt so cozy, it felt like he was woken up on a school morning and his parents gave him more time to sleep. His eyes closed as his breathing stablized, he was already asleep, and entered la-la land.


"Reporting, Sir Marshal…all clear and ready to depart." A straight standing man who's posture carried no hints of laziness.

" Very well, you may be off Sir…?" The man who was clearly a high ranked leader said with a thinking expression, trying to remember the man's name.

"Williams is the name Sir" The man said with a loud voice

"Apologies, Sir Williams, work has been rather busy lately and my mind has been delayed, due to a lack of rest."

" No worries sir" The loud man said before he walked towards the door. "Have a great day sir, and best wishes sir." The man said before he left the candle lite room.

The man sighed and cleared his throat before getting back work. Many minutes pass before a loud yell broke the slience.

"The assassin is here!!!!!!"

The man called Marshal without heisation dropped his work and picked up his blade. He ran outside of his tent and saw a hoodied figure standing with bodies that surronded him. He looked nothing like a assassin that hide in the shadows, but a assassin that attacks directly at his enemies with a fast acting poison. This assassin seemed to have a abonormal blade in his hands that looked bewitching and by merely glancing at it seemed to put him into a trance. He was a hardened templar who fought many battles, how could he be scared by a assasin with a abonormal blade? How could he fear those who the father does not guide?

He cracked he left thumb then his neck before rushing the assassin, the assassin remained unmoved. He aimed his blade towards the head of the assassin to end the fight quickly and swifty, what if more came how could he deal with the rest without energy? As if he was dreaming the assassin disapeared, like a magician peforming a famous vanishing trick.

'What' he inwardly thought with shock in his heart. 'What' was all he could think before he sent upwards into the air, it was like his entire body lost gravity and was starting to send him upwards into the cloudly blue sky.

Just as his body was sent upwards, it was sent backwards, and shot into the opposite direction like a arrow from a bow. His body flew away from the camp and tents and landed in a stream of water that was near.

Cough, Cough, he coughed out water and blood as the water invaded his lungs and blood that rested in his throat. His mind and heart went crazy as he tried to guess how the assassin achieved such a level of witchcraft and sorcery.

He could not even fully stand before a magestic blade of light passed through his leg. His legs went numb and his eyes were blinded by the pure white light that looked overworldy.

He did not scream outloud to show weakness, but directly ignored the pain as he stood up with his blade as a supporting hand to lift himself. He looked around as he felt the wind change, like a tornado was incoming. Marshal never wanted to die to a single person, but to a army, he felt that death was full of glory, that desire alone was enough to make him want to stand up and face the human with a inhuman weapon. He grapsed his sword and his mind willed with resolve, along with the desire to not die.

"You still remain standing Templar?" The assassin that came out of nowhere stand with shock and admiration"


"Are you trying to figure out what weapon has murdered you entire camp" the assassin said in a questioning tone that seemed like it could change into lsughter


Marshal remained slient, as a second of talking could result in his instant death. He had not responded, but hints of angry was visable, mainly because the assassin talked about murdering his comrades in arms.

He ran towards the assassin, with adrenline that ignored the pain in his leg. He used the blade to clash against the unknown weapon, a loud ting sound rang out, along with the assassin laughter.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, you know the only reason you still remain breathing is because you have one of the eden shards. He said as he once again clashed blades with the templar " Where is it, I may spare you if i like your answer, hahahahahahaha" The assassin let power get to his head, where was the freedom fighting assassin? It was long gone, all that remained was a power seeking madman.

Marshal remained slient

" You templar scum, answer me now!!!!!" The assassin yelled out in irritation towards the templar who had not answered him."

The assassin slammed against templar and sent him backwards in a tree.

Marshal's head slamed against the tree roughly, as a headache instantly invaded his mind. Despite his current predicememt Marshal inwardly smirked as he thought about the eden shard.

'Hehe, you want the shard you will never find it on me, I had already buried it in my manor yard years ago.'

"Marshal Rogers, this death can be quick if you tell me what I want"

"Haha, may the father of understanding guide us" he said as he spit in the assassin's face

" You disgusting swine" he swung the weapon towards the arm of the templar and which made it fly off.

Marshall felt his vision blur and teeth tightly clench to not scream out directly.

The assassin took everything that was valuable to the templar, but found no shard.

"Tch, useless man, I hope you bleed out slowly, your death doesn't deserve to be quick. The angry assassin said before he vanished.

Blood was leaking from Marshal's arm that was cut off. His body felt cold and his eyes grew heavy like weights sat atop them. He desire to not die to a single man flared up again, but how could he control fate itself.

In the near distance he saw a familar figure rushing towards him, louy screaming, but he could not hear him.

"Sir Williams?" He muttered before his eyes only saw a pitch black darkness.


Roan woke up from his dream with a wildly beating heart and a poarched throat, that was desert dry. He had ragged breathing that seemed like he had seen death itself.

' A dream? No, that was to realistic to be a dream' He mind refused to believe that as a dream, but rather the past. He felt like death itself choked him out near death."

' If it wasn't a dream then' he directly sat up from bed and rushed towards a area in his home.

" Ron-Ica, give me all the information related to a man by the name of Marshal Rogers," he said in a urgent tone

["Command understood, welcome back Roan"]