

Roan was your average kid, he made friends, went to school, and enjoyed life. In a single night his life changed, when he started to have dreams of two different people. One fought to save humanity by taking free will, while the other fought for freedom of the people.

Though_that_then · Video Games
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37 Chs

Chapter 5: Zander Kamau 2/2

It was a intolerable hot summer evening that broke records, what crazy lad would dare to do anything in this unbearable heat?

"Zander, please, lets just go in the manor and rest!" The pleading voice of a man was heard

"No, Mentor we have to keep fighting every second we lose is a second gained for the templars. A young voice spoke in rebuttal.

"Zander, what is even the point of training with me? Ever since me and Ais brought you home, I have lost every-single-time, you are already stronger than me. The man's voice sounded like he was on the verge of crying.

The young male head titlted as he thought about the question, then he slamed his fist on his hand as if coming up with a answer.

"Because you are the strongest why else?" " Im coming for you, lets go"

The young man rushed towards the man with wooden weapon he crafted from a branch off a tree. The man prepared himself and rushed foward also.

The two weapons slamed against each other repeatedly like magets that were attracted with each other. Clash after clash, blow after blow, and bout after bout, no clear winner was decided

'Have I gotten better' the older man thought as he smiled and laughed

The young man's face paled and started to breathe heavy, before he jumped backwards, away ftom the older man. The old man laughed even loud and even took the innitaive to rush towards the one he named Zander Kamau.

Zander Kamau smirked extremely smugly as he easily knocked the weapon out of the older man's hands.

"What how? I had you!" The older man loudly voiced his displeasure. Which caused Zander to laughly loudly as he watched the man's smile to vanish in a instant, like it was never there.

"Hahahahahaha!!! You really fell for that trick I was just joking with you." "The face was fake and the exchanges where fabricated, althrough I do admit you have gotten better. He said with a smiling face that looked like they acomplished a great prank.

The man look of shock changed in laughter.

"Hahahahaha!!! You really got me, great, just great.

There relationship was close, you could clearly see that the older man personality rubbed off on Zander. They shook hands and exchanged pointers, even through it was mostly zander telling his mentor what and how he can improve. They walked back to the manor like two close friends and walked in together. He watched as two figures made a evening meal while humming together, they heard the door and turned to look.

"Ah, my future son, welcome back." She said with a bright smile. She was the women who was married to his mentor. He looked at his mentor and back at the women and wondered how he acomplished such feat. She radiated motherly charm and made one feel happy and welcomed in her presence, she had clear eyes brown eyes and dark brown hair.

"Mot-Mother!!! The other women who looked like a side by side image of the same person,excepts with black eyes said with a blush and happy smile on her face.

"Fufufufufu, my dear Ais, we all know its going to happen so just accept it. The mother called Risa said with a teasing and mischeavous smile

"Exactly, I have already given up my daughter, I just have to accept little Zander as my son. The man named Alfred said went a similar smile as the women. "Right zander? The man said in a tone as if he already knew the answer.

"Of course, father and mother, I wont let you down" He said smiling

"Zander!!" Ais said loudly

The all broke out laughing even, Ais joined in after a while.

They all hoped days like this countinued forever, but this was real life and things didn't last forever.


It was unknown how much time passed, since Zander last laughed happily with his family. He remember there interactions that summer evening before they vanished like a false illuision, he remembered that day being his last of him happily laughing.

After eating the warm and tasty meal he wanted to train to burn it off and asked his mentor to join him, but the latter refused, as he was not as energic as Zander, Zander didn't force him and went off to the training ground after waving to everyone. Before he could fully walk out of the door his mentor and future father stopped him and handed him something.

" What is this?"Zander asked in a tone that was curious, as he had never seen this

"Its a eden shard and a key to the basement" "Check it out after you leave from training" he said with a smile that he never showed before

"Is everything alright father?" Zander asked with clear and visable traces of worry that where impossible to be faked.

The old man said smiled and said

"It will be after you see us next time, hurry up and train, we will waiting for you…son

Althrough Zander was clearly worried and it showed he still walked towards the trainning grounds. He decided to ask his mother and Ais what was going on with mentor afterwards.

He trained and trained but those words his mentor said never left his mind for a moment, he couldn't focus on trainning and rushed backwards his house.

He opened the door and the scence before him made his heart sink into the bottem of his feet. Everything was gone. Every single thing was gone, not even dust remained.

This was the first time he had ever felt lost in his lonely life, as he had nothing to lose. He reached into his pockets and took out shard and key.

'The key that's it. Why else would mentor give it to me now it must have a purpose?" Those words slightly comforted him, as he rushed to the basement

He without thinking about it put in the key and unlocked it, there it was his beacon of hope, in a manor were everything and everyone remained and single open chest remained. He rushed over as he felt tears formed in his eyes, which was a new feeling.

His heart beat wildly as he lifted the top of the open chest. All that resided in the chest was a Single sheet of paper that only had a single word on it 'Focus' along with a outfit, proper sword,rope, hidden blade, kurikuri and a charkram.

He picked up the single sheet of paper that only said 'focus'. With tears that swelled up his eyes unknownly, he activated his eagle vision that he had since he was a child, there words appeared and read as follows

"Son, I know you may be confused right now and feel lost, but don't be. They reason I am entrusing you with this is because I believe in you, I believe you will save us from these templars and allow us to all be together again. Im sorry for not telling you earlier, but im not strong enough to take them all on my own. I assume they will began to use a piece of eden to directly send us to them along with everything in hour vincity. I will be putting all of my faith in you to save us from the predicement, never and i mean never let anyone have that shard. I wish you well and hope to see you again one day my son. I Love you."

Wetspots that where already dry on the paper were soon replaced by new one's. Zander folded paper and put it into his pocket. He picked up the outfit and weapons left behind and closed his teary eyes, then walked out of the house with a single goal in mind.

To save his loved ones.