

Roan was your average kid, he made friends, went to school, and enjoyed life. In a single night his life changed, when he started to have dreams of two different people. One fought to save humanity by taking free will, while the other fought for freedom of the people.

Though_that_then · Video Games
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37 Chs

Chapter 16:Returning To The Machine

Roan had woken up from his slumber, it felt like he had been asleep for a long time. He extended his arms and legs with the intent to stretch. His legs lightly shook and trembled as he stretched them out completely. He wiped the crust away from his eyes and walked towards the bathroom. He brushed his teeth, flossed, and washed his face.

["Good morning Roan, I hope you slept well last night"]

" Thanks Ron-Ica, what do we have for today" Roan said with a hungry gaze.

["one hundred pieces of bacon, twenty five pancakes, twenty five waffles, Seventy five large servings of eggs, and 85 hashbrowns] The robotic voice said

" Very, Very, Very nice" Roan said raising his thumb before rushing towards the dinning room.

His eyes brightly shone as he looked at the wonderful varity and amount of food. Roan raised his left hands fingers in a grabbing action and lightly kissed his fingers before devouring the entire table of all the food until not even a speck remained.

Roan decided to go for a light jog to rid his body of the insane amount if calories. He put on a grey shirt and shorts and walked out the house and began to jog until he got bored.

When he arrived back home he took a shower and put on new clothing. He then went in the room with the machine and connected himself into the machine. He sat in the chair and closed his eyes after saying he talk to Ron-Ica later.

["Yes, see you later, Roan"] The voice that Risn had heard before remermerged.


Zander Kamau was currently tailing a corrupt noble who rose to power because of a single eden shard. Despite it being only one eden shard, it held more than enough power to control those who lacked a sufficent amount of mental strength and will power.

Zander was not in the woods and was currently watching from a average sized building in a highly populated large town. The large town was known Negin, it was quite well known a mostly populated with overly rich nobles and people who were once nobles that now lived in poverty in the south side if the town. The north side is where celebrations and grand events were held, people often had gathered there, not to celebrate but to build relationships with others.

The noble Zander was currently following name was Abel Ferrson, he was a older man who was arriving in the middle ages of his soon to end life. He was one of the nobles who showed up to the celebration despite not being invited. His plan was to manipulate one of the guards to let him inside uninvited. Althrough he was a noble who quickly rose to power he was rumored to be a noble who took underhanded means to get what he wanted, so he wasn't invited, he knew this but still went anyway.

Roan was currently not wearing his usual hoodied coat but rather a vest and coat that hung off his shoulders, he seemed to like the new style he created. He looked rather stylish and looked as if he could be the highlight of the celebration.

He jumped dowm from the building and began to tail the noble on foot. After following noble for some time, the noble finally arrived at the large property that looked as if it could have easily be filled with one hundred people, comfortably.

The noble took out a shard of eden and took control of the mind of the guard, who was now loyal as a trusted friend, who you knew for two decades. The guard bowed and said in a emotionless voice, that seemed to be bored with the entire idea of life.

"Welcome Sir, may you be blessed with health, fertility, and wealth for all of eternity.

The noble named Abel laughed as he patted the shoulders of the guard and said in a loud voice for every person around to hear, as if he was attempting to show off his dominance to others.

"Hahaha, you really know how to raise people up. Here, take some coin home to your beautiful wife. The man said with a arrongant expression as he dropped a couple of bronze colored coins onto the ground. The amount he dropped wasn't even alot to even lowerclass people, it probably couldn't even buy you a mug of throat burning rum.

Despite it being a small amount the guard didn't even care and kneeled downwards like he was praising a higher being.

"Thank you for your donation." The kneeling guard said as he picked up the coin while kneeling

The noble smirked as he walked pass the guard, who was still kneeling

Zander looked at this and decided to hurt the noble even more thst before than orginally.

"Coming through, the choir group is here" a loud women yelled while making motion with her hands that said "get out of the way".

Zander who wore a similar color of clothing of the choir, easily blended in and slipped into the large celebration. When he entered the primises he instantly activated his eagle vision and located the noble, Abel who he already put his eagle vidion tracker own. As long as you were in his area he could easily find you no matter were you went.

Zander watched Abel without hiding his slight at all. He watched as the man tried to build relationships will numerous people before the celebration officially began. Althrough the people around him were smiling, it was clear as a sunny new day to Zander that is was fake. He saw a random lower class noble who some how managed to get in, mutter money over and over again to maintain a smile on their face.

" Allow me to have your undivided attention" I loud man said as he clapped his hand in a loud manner.

He looked around and coutinued when everyone was silent

" Allow me introduce myself to those who don't know, I am the current noble in charge of this celebration and town. I welcome you all here today to my Fifthy eighth birthday celebration, I will be blunt I know you all didn't come for me and came to form better relationships for your own benifits, but that doesn't matter. I welcome you all here again and I wish and hope you all have a great time" the man finished and raised his glass into the air signaling to the people that they can now cheer.

Loud roars and clapping could be heard from even by those who were outside, still trying to get inside despite getting refused.

Zander silently ate as he waited for the perfect chance to assassinate his target. He didn't care about the side glances he was recieving from higher class nobles. He watched and ignored the women who asked him for a brief dance.

The noble had finally walked into a large group of people, to form his relationships.

'It's finally time, I was beginning to get bored of eating.' Zander said as he walked towards the noble, he easily faded into the crowd like a silent ghost going for the kill. Zander instead of killing the main instantly he decided to take the eden shard and implant the man's system with a faint poison that would grow worse over time. He swiftly pickpockted the man by lightly pushing a man in his direction and distracting him before pickpocting him. Next he caught a glass off a servers tray and swung it into a direction, when every one turned to look in the direction of the loud sound of glass shattering, Zander lightly pricked the nape of Abel before walking off and countining to eat.

He used the eden shard to shut off the mind control of the guard who just now regained the memories of what happened. He poured himself a nice glass of water and coutinued to eat, with a faint smile, that looked a little evil. He sat down in a wooden chair a table and began to watch the show that was about to take place.

The closed celebration doors suddenly broke open with a loud thud that broke away everyone's attention


The guard who was kneeling at the front towards the noble named Abel, had shattered open the door. His eyes displayed clear and visable rage, veins bulged out of his entire body, and his image looked as if he would kill anyone who stepped out in front of him.

The guard looked around and found his target, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face as the soles of his shoes picked up off the ground and dashed towards Abel.

Abel smile faded as a large fist from a trained guard sent him flying into a food table, away from Zander. The guard picked up Abel and threw another fist into the throat of Abel, his body thst fell was grabbed before it could fall down completely was slamed into the hard ground. Abel's body tried to fight back but couldn't for a unknown reason. Everyone watched as a unknown guard beat a noble senseless like he had his wife stolen. The guard bit off his ear like a rabid animal and slapped the back of his hand against Abel face and knocked him into the window and broke it. Glass was scattered in the area of the window and Abel's face.

He screamed as shards of glass were stuck inside of his face. The guard grabbed a empty bottle and rammed it atop of the scalp of the noble, causing it to bleed instensely. He bottle that was half broken was stabbed into the side of Abel and he fell on ground with blood the dripped out of the side of his mouth like baby drool.

The surronding people was slient as they watched the guard ruthlessly beat the man, they only heard cracks and blows being thrown out. The guard grabbed the leg of the noble and beat him while standing, screamimg, and cursing swears towards the man that made him kneel.

Finally after that long scene the guard stopped and spit on the man and quit his job. Zander made a mental note to reward the man later for his efforts while he ate and drank great food. After a while a small group of people came and picked up the man and carried him off in the direction of his house.

Zander was already lone gone and dispeared from everyone's mind except for the people he blantantly ignored. He already knew were the man was staying and arrived and sat and waited to murder the man who was thrown off his thrown like a old forgotten king.

As he was been carried away, half dead, he began to reach in his pockets and began to scream that he would control everyone here. Everyone who was holding in their laughs begans to laugh at the man who was screaming at the top of his lungs. Abel began to snicker at the people he believed to be below him but no matter how much he searched he couldn't find his eden shard. His dry throat had gotten dryer, his heart raced, and his legs felt wobbly. He wanted to get back he eden shard but that would have to wait another day, he needed to recover.

He shook himself away from the people who helped him up after he had gotten beaten senseless. He walked away on his own towards his house, with a limp and blood trail that followed him.

When he arrived at his dark house he cried and cried as tears fell from his eyes, he was like a child that took away someone's toys and cried when they got it back. Zander watched this with a indifferent gaze that didn't care at all that a grown man broke down in front off him.

He went up behind the man without caring about the man seeing his face as it would it be his last day. He made his steps known as he loudly stomped his soles against the wooden floor house. Abel's loud breakdown stopped as he looked up with red eyes of tears and rage he lookes at the man as if he was a demon.

He knew what was coming and the man before came to kill him at his weakest moment. Zander said nothing and forced the man to sent all his money and a letter of forgiveness to the guard who beat him black, blue,purple and red.

When the letter was wrote Zander took out and blade that was hidden in his wrist and drove it into his throat. The man's body fell and he began to gag and choke on his own blood. Zander watched as the man died.

He walked out off the house and walked off into the distance and faded away like a shadow after the sun vanished.