
ASoulmate: Anti-romantic Relationship With My Soulmate

"What are you doing here?" A girl asked with a frown on her face as if he just invaded her in the bathroom. This was the dawn of everything. ----- "I am not woman anymore?" She asked with a shaky voice that was far from her usual confidence and cheerfulness. "Who told you that?" He asked. He was raging with anger inside him like a volcano ready to erupt with a slight disturbance. "That doesn't matter!" She grasped his hand tightly so that he wouldn't hurt the person who told her that. "Maybe it's right. A woman who doesn't have the function of a female doesn't deserve to be called a woman..." ***** She became his first friend. First and only best friend. She treated him like a brother like her own twin. Understood each other without words, only with eyes. ... Soulmates do not always romantically love their one but sometimes in a brotherly, best friends, and a family way. Maybe loving the other this way is wrong for some people but at least right for us. I DO NOT OWN THE COVER Credit to tieduptongues :) on REDBUBBLE.com

hyemi_m · Teen
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


"When are you going to tell aunti and uncle? You know, this should be celebrated." Vesper asked the birthday girl sitting next to him. They were in Helia's room, and when they concentrated, they could hear adults talking downstairs.

It was already five pm, and the sunset from Helia's view was fabulous. Nothing was blocking the way and could see the sun disappearing behind the tall buildings in the far.

"I'll tell them tomorrow or tonight." Helia blushed, talking about this kind of stuff with her best friend who was a boy.



The silence was comfortable for the both of them.

"It's almost Christmas. Have you got plans?" The red-haired boy asked the girl. The ray of the sun was directly in his eyes and made the eyes more jewel-like.

Helia just stared into the scenery. "Nah. My grandparents will come, I think and stay, just like the last time."

Vesper nodded.

"Let me go check on them again." He said and went down the stairs. He found his mother and aunt talking at the dining table while the dads were in the living room. This was the nth time he came and checked on them for the last two hours.

When the party ended and everything was cleaned, his mother came and told him to get ready to go home, which he did. He grabbed the things he left in Helia's room, and when he came back, he found Aura, deeply in conversation with Mare. He tried calling out to her, but she just told him that she was going to finish in a second and continued. The fathers just shrugged, meaning 'Let them be. Don't bother.'

"Were they done?" Helia turned to her friend once he returned. She was a real beauty. The sun seeped through her hair and outlined her face with a warm orange glow. Did Mare know how Helia was going to grow up? Is that why she named her daughter 'Helia'? That name was meant for her.

"Nope. Not even close." Vesper answered after he took a second to take in that picture.

"Ves, there's something I need to tell you." Helia's smile vanished, as well as, the last ray of sun died down.

"What is it?" He instantly came to her side and faced her. He had a frown on his face, but that didn't affect his beauty. His face could even beat a girl's. Girls in school swooned over him and referred to him as the fire prince. Lame.

Helia, too, looked serious. This wasn't the time for joking. "I haven't confirmed to my parents or anything but these days, I hear them talking downstairs after they think that I'm asleep and it's about me." She paused there, making Vesper eager to hear more. Was she sick somewhere, like cancer or something?


"Remember, that I'm not one hundred per cent sure, okay? Promise you won't go nuts." The girl held out her pinky finger.

"I promise. Now could you continue?" Vesper hastily tangled his pinky finger to her tightly.

"I think we are moving."

Vesper stopped being serious and smiled. "Is that a problem? We'll still meet together, right? Be together, right?"

"No, Ves. To another country. To the other side of here." The girl put the still promising pinky on the bed but didn't let go.

Vesper didn't, couldn't, say anything and stared at the girl in front of her with confused eyes as if she spoke an alien language and couldn't understand her.

The girl was silent for a while before the pinky was tightened. "I don't wanna go. I don't want to part from here, from you, from aunti and uncle and everyone. I don't wanna go." The girl removed a big round tear from her eye. The tear looked like a pearl.

The boy asked, "When?"

"High school." The girl spoke the words clearly despite crying.

"We have less than a year left?" Vesper was also about to cry. He felt the lump in his throat. Painful and making him hard to swallow.

"Mn." The girl tried to smile just like she usually did but failed miserably. "Fudge."

The boy slowly embraced the girl tightly in his arms and let the girl sob while she too embraced him. He only saw her tears once in the past when ms ice cream bear was ended.

The girl's sob gradually ended and he heard her hiccuping when his back started aching from being in a weird position.

"Before we jump to any conclusions, we need to be sure. Absolutely sure that this is true or not." Vesper patted Helia's head brotherly.

"And what if they say that it is true?" Helia looked up to the boy. Her eyes, along with her nose, were red.

"Then that's it." The boy replied like he didn't care.

"What do you mean that's it? You are fine with me leaving?!" The girl snapped and immediately moved out of the hug. The dried eyes once again had tears in them.

Vesper's arms felt cold without her warmth. He lay his arms on the bed. "Of course, not! You are my best friend! How can I be okay? I'm just saying that I'll figure something out if you are leaving. I can't be away from you."

Silence engulfed the room. The orange wall no longer looked orange. Everything was dark, but he could still see his best friend's figure sitting on the bed, looking at him. They didn't need to talk to know that they were scared. They were scared of being parted, away from each other.

"Let's go and confirm them. I don't want to have regrets thinking we could have spent more time if we knew of this earlier. Please." Vesper held out his hand out. It was always Helia who held his hand when he needed it.

Helia took the hand. Her hand was small compared to Vesper's.

Together they silently headed out downstairs. When they got to the living room, the fathers saw the intertwined hands but didn't say comment on it. It was normal for them to be holding hands.

"Just so you know, they are not done yet." Neo answered playfully until he saw his daughter's face. His expression froze and turned into a serious one. "What happened?"

This caught the attention of mothers whose expressions changed into confused and worried ones.

"Did you make Helia cry, Vesper?" Aura asked as she walked over to her child and the girl. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

"Mum, are we moving?" Helia turned to her mother, who came to her side, ignoring what her aunt asked.

"Agh..." Mare stopped moving.

"So it's true?" The daughter held tighter to her friend's hand. "When were you going to tell me?"

"Helia, we were going to tell you after your birthday." Neo tried to place his hand on his daughter's shoulder, but she swiftly moved back. "I'm sorry we didn't tell you earlier."

Vesper looked at his parents, who were facing down. "You guys knew about this."

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to spoil the upcoming good mood with this news." Aura tried to make a point, but all she received was a hurt expression from her son.

"I'm not mad because we are leaving. I'm mad because you guys didn't tell me earlier. You could have included me in the conversation but chose not to!" The tears couldn't be held in anymore and flowed down like a stream on Helia's smooth cheek.

Vesper held the girl's hand firmly. "Helia, you rest. I'll talk with them." He told her softly and supported her to go up the stairs.

He came back minutes later, went straight to the kitchen, removed the ice cream cake from the fridge, cut a piece and placed it on a plate, put back the rest, and went back to Helia to deliver it. He showed up after another few minutes and took a seat in the dining room where everyone waited.

"Why are you guys moving?"

Mare answered that question. "We promised Helia's grandparents that we spend some time with them before Helia becomes an adult."

Neo added to his wife. "We were actually thinking of moving before you and Helia met. We stopped that plan when you guys became friends and inseparable. You needed her by your side during the court thing, and we couldn't do that then. Then recently, Helia's grandfather called, asking when we were coming. I told him that Helia won't stop in the middle of the year, so maybe next year and will join the high school there."

The boy looked down at his knitting fingers. He had a bad feeling. "How long?"

Aura spoke. "Three years."

Nobody spoke after that. It started raining outside, and Cillian closed all the curtains. The curtains still held the balloons in place. The prints were more visible.

"Can I come with you?" The boy asked hopefully. Then he turned to his parents. "I want to stay with Helia."

Aura told the boy, "We'll talk about this at home. Right now, I can't give you an answer." She then looked at her friends. "Thank you for inviting us. We really had a nice time. Sorry for ruining the mood. And please wish Helia a happy birthday for us."

"No problem." Mare smiled, but it seemed forced.

Cillian stood up from the table, "We'll stop by another time. Vesper, go and say bye to Helia. We'll be waiting in the car."

The boy nodded and walked to Helia's room. He knocked on the door thrice and heard her say to come in.

"I'm leaving."

"Mn," Helia answered. She was wrapped in a blanket, facing the wall. Vesper saw the table and found the plate he brought up empty.

"Make sure you change your clothes and brush your teeth before sleeping. Or you'd get a bad tooth." He grabbed his belongings, the plate and the fork. "I'll see you in school tomorrow. Good night and happy birthday."

"Thanks. 'Night." With that, Vesper closed the door and let the girl be. He placed the plates in the sink and left to the entrance.

"Thank you and good night." Vesper got into the car that his father was driving and waved at his aunt and uncle, sending them off.

When he got back to the house, he silently made his way to his room. His parents didn't stop him.

Once he closed the door behind him, he roughly threw his jacket on the bed and sat down on the floor. Leaning on the door. He didn't turn on the light but knew where everything was. He stared in space as he thought in that position for fifteen minutes.

The boy rose from there when he finally came up with a plan.

He turned on the lights and sat at his study table. He activated his laptop on the table and patiently waited. He opened Google and typed in the keywords of what he looked for. Once he found a good site, he removed his pen and a notebook from the drawer and began writing the components.