
Ask the Kim’s?

In which a man who as everything, but his memories. Due to a tragic accident, Jeon Jungkook multi-millionaire can't seem to remember a thing. Turn out everything is not what it seems for the Kims. "Mr. Jeon can you further explain what is going on with your son", The reporters standing in front of the Jeon house asked two weeks after the accident. "Ask the Kims!!!!!"

Arie_03 · Celebrities
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Part 2: Mirror/ rorriM

  I've never seen this man before. I didn't take anything he said to heart because I've seen many of these from the very first day I got in that accident. My parents never said anything about my memories, I can't and I won't remember a thing.

  All I remember from that day when I went home for the first time from the hospital---was a man with a soothing deep voice saying <<Ask the Kims>>. I've asked my parents who seem to have heard the same, but they both said nothing. 

   Before I can say anything he wrote something else on the board. Something I've never seen before. <<Kim Taehyung>>. The name role out of my mouth like it's supposed to be familiar and it was. 

" Tae you know I don't mean it like that", was that a memory or a dream.

"Eomma!!", I ran downstair towards my mom who was preparing breakfast for both my dad and i. Currently, she is pregnant with my baby sister. She chose to not tell anyone that she is pregnant. She refuses to go out without ten guards. She had become very protective after what happened to me.

"Yes honey", she touches his face and Jungkook signs. She always feels so warm.

"Remember our last appointment with the doctors and they said I would never remember a thing. I don't really know if this is a dream or not, but who is Kim Taehyung ", Her face answered my question but she didn't say a thing.


"Jungkook call your dad" she holds on her 9-month-old stomach in pain.


"Jungkook my water broke call your dad please", Jungkook looks to the ground to see water coming from her long dress in a panic he just stands there.

"Jungkook!!!!!", Jungkook snaps out of his thoughts and run towards the stairs where his father was still asleep.

"Honey", Jungkooks dad came running down the stairs towards his love and picking her up bridal style. carefully running towards the door.

"Jungkook grab the keys and don't forget the guards get 10 of them. You know your mother" his dad said rushing out the door.




They took mother to the operating room. both dad and I wait out the door waiting for the news.



"Kim Taehyung how many times do I have to tell you to stop smoking?" Jimin takes the cigar away from Taehyung who frowns. Now, hat he knows this man well always hunt him and it bee two years.

  Kim Taehyung now the Mafia leader of the Kims since his dad passed away two years ago, by a certain someone. Never had he tried to take revenge because this was the man he loves, his own father tried to kill. Plus his father never gave a shit about him.

  Back then Tae was sure that he was the bottom to that relationship. Due to his submissive inquires. But for some reason after the accident he changes himself for him. even though he knows very well that he can't go near Jeon Jungkook, because the Jeon hate s the Kims and the reason is quite clear.

"Give me my distraction back or I will cut off your tongue", Tae says walking towards Jimin who didn't seem to be scared at all.

"I dare you Kim" Tae grabs the hand Jimin was holding the boxes of cigarettes not paying attention to them. He smirked and Jimin frowns.

"If you don't give it to me, willingly,  I well tell Yoongi what happened at the club that night", Jimin's face went flushed and pulled away from Taehyungs hold and held out the cigar to Tae, as well as the lighter.

"You know what,  I refuse to care about your health anymore. I only did it because Jin asked me to. Oh, one more thing I saw him today" Jimin was about to walk out when he said the last part. Taehyung stops what he was doing and looks at Jimin with shock eyes.

"where? how? when?" He didn't know anything else to say. Jimin smiles at the mafia, who was buff and full of tattoos now. Acting all cute and innocent.

"Namjoon accidentally slams his hand on his car door, so I went to check up on him and I saw Jungkook and his dad at the hospital waiting for something. The dad saw me and threw a disgusting glare at me like I wasn't his son's friend before the whole thing happened", Taehyung grabs his key and runs out.

  Maybe just maybe Jungkook might still be there... Tae searched everywhere nothing. Maybe its a sign from the man up there that this is not meant to be. Out of frustration, he opens the door to the bathroom and looks at himself in the bathroom mirror. 


   Mom was holding the sweet little baby in her hands, my dad too was by her side softly caressing her back and compliment how good she did. I smiled at my parents who were enjoying the euphoria of my baby sister.

"Mom, Dad I'm going to use the restroom real quick", Jungkook his father would let him to alone.


"Don't bother its just down the hall," I said back and he signs looking at mom and shakes his head.

   I wonder why babies smell so good. Although they look like potatoes, they smell so nice. Just like a year ago, workers at my dad job would flirt with me because I look so intimate and buff, but truly I am a real softy on the---

   I open the restroom door and continue to walk past the man who was staring at me with shocked eyes. I'm used to does eyes so it didn't bother me. I went on into the stall and due to my business. The man as though was still there with tolled up sleeves, arms full of beautiful art. Honestly, he was very attractive.

Suddenly he looks at me with knowing eyes then suspiciously smirks.

"I see that the Jeon Jungkook doesn't remember me, it's better if you don't I guess," Tae says raspily with his deep voice and left Jungkook weak to his knees.

Eyes widen he traces my lips and walks away.
