
Ask the Kim’s?

In which a man who as everything, but his memories. Due to a tragic accident, Jeon Jungkook multi-millionaire can't seem to remember a thing. Turn out everything is not what it seems for the Kims. "Mr. Jeon can you further explain what is going on with your son", The reporters standing in front of the Jeon house asked two weeks after the accident. "Ask the Kims!!!!!"

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Part 1: Break you to Pieces

< Please pay attention to the dates or you might get confused>

January 2018

"I want him dead," Taehyung says out of anger. He didn't mean it of course, but when he is angry it doesn't matter if it's the most disgusting thing that comes to mind he well says it. No play, no games.

"Kim Taehyung you don't mean that?" Jimin says out of anger. That was his husband's best friend Teahyung is threatening to kill. "Kim you know for sure what your dad can do and you know he hates the guts out of him. If he happens to---

"Too late, end him," Kim Taehyung Dad says behind the door on the phone, and Taehyung's heart stopped.


24 hours earlier

They are 7 billion people in the world and every single one of us is our own main characters. Who else thinks we are in a simulation? My dad for instant thinks that he owns the world, just because he happens to be the leader of a Mafia Gang << The Kims>>.

My family is pretty private, to be honest, I don't even think that the world knows I exist. I am seriously not trying to brag over this but I was born with a very unique body, you might even say god took extra time building me.

I might sound bratty, but I only brag about myself to myself. My father for some suspicious reason hates the Jeons and I happen to be dating their handsome Jeon Jungkook. Although we never met in person, I know he loves it when I call him---(Clear throat).


"Jungkook please be careful today, I have a bad feeling," Jungkook's mother says standing by the door. She kisses his forehead and he nods at her.

"Dad is waiting for me mom" He lets go of her and went ahead. On the way to his fathers' company, his phone started to ring. He picks it up and frowns, at the phone ID. It's not that he doesn't like the man, the problem is that he feels so distant from him. He loves Taehyung, but until he can take Taehyung out of that place.

This relationship is useless.

"Hey, babe what's going on?" Jungkook tries to sound enthusiastic, but the latter frowns.

"You're pretending again", Tae says sadly. He knows that compare to Jeon Jungkook he is dusk. He signs.

"look Tae-

"Don't say it, please", Tae's throat went dry. There no way Jungkook is going to say those horrible words to him. He knows he hates them.

"Tae listen to me. It's not what you think--- I wanted to say that maybe we need a break. I am not breaking up with you or any---- Hello Taehyung", Tae ends the call. Jungkook knew he was crying, he knew. The troubled man hits his hand on the steering wheel.



" Tae what's going on?" A man says behind the line with a worried voice.

"He broke up with me Chim', Jimin didn't say a thing. He knew Jungkook's plan, but why did he have to take it so far.




"Son you did well, go home and take some rest" Jungkook father says to him patting his back. He could see that Jungkook wasn't doing well, so he let him out early. Maybe he shouldn't have done that because 45 minutes later he got a call from the hospital and Jungkook badly harmed.


"Due to the injuries from his brain, our specialists are not sure if Jeon Jungkook would be able to remember anything from his past, your son will never be the same.

I didn't detect any drug use from his system and the car that he collided with the passenger didn't make it. It all seem planned, I advise you to leave this to the police". The doctors said with a serious tone, but truly he was hurting.

The only thing keeping Jungkook from taking his last breath is god and those horrible cords. Tears fall out Jungkooks Fathers' eyes. "The Kims" he grits through his teeth as his wife runs towards her loves In tears.


2 months after the accident Jungkook due to his high status in the community, everyone knew he was being hospitalized-----the future heir of the Jeon's family.

The reporters crowded the who front yards, with their cameras at hand and mics.  Jungkook was still in a wheelchair because he couldn't stand just yet.

"Mr. Jeon what can you say about your so Jeon Jungkook accident"? One reporter asks them who was struggling to walk due to the crowds. Jungkook couldn't talk and he was covering his face because it was all bandaged up.

"Was it, an accident or was it planned?" a second asked.

"How come Jungkook isn't speaking?" and comes another.

"Ask the Kim", no one heard who said it, but to Jungkook it was familiar. He refuses to look up and look to whom had said those words.

The reporter didn't catch who it was being distracted the poor family was able to make it inside their homes.


Present time

I look outside my bedroom window. It's something I do every day don't judge me. Winter was almost over people flood the streets with their bags and cups of coffee.

My parents own many Hotels inside of South Korea. Which makes us one of the riches companies out there. Having such power was never interesting to me. All I wanted was my parent's attention and love. Enough about my depressing life.

Like the sunrise a little more I slowly step away from the window, but before I can move away completely. My eyes linger on a figure.... this individual was staring at me, but why does this scene seem so familiar? Deja vu maybe."

He took out a marker and word on a whiteboard. <Where are your memories Jeon Jungkook?>>