
Ask the Kim’s?

In which a man who as everything, but his memories. Due to a tragic accident, Jeon Jungkook multi-millionaire can't seem to remember a thing. Turn out everything is not what it seems for the Kims. "Mr. Jeon can you further explain what is going on with your son", The reporters standing in front of the Jeon house asked two weeks after the accident. "Ask the Kims!!!!!"

Arie_03 · Celebrities
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Part 3: Taste of You

  When Taehyung saw Jungkook opens the door to the bathroom everything automatically froze.  He didn't know what to say, he hasn't seen Jungkook for two years. But what hurt him the most was when Jungkook saw him, he had a blank face on and walks pass him like he doesn't know who he was.

  Jungkook had long soft hair that false to his, big brown eyes and his bunny teeth which was smiling at me. He became so soft, just how I was. His parents probably didn't let him go anywhere without a few guards at his tail so I see why he has become so soft.

   As always my heart flutters when I see him. I didn't mean to stare that long at him. It's not my fault that he is so cute and bunny-like. I don't know if I should leave him alone, not knowing me or--- None sense. He doesn't remember Taehyung. You just wanted to know how he was doing now leave.

Why the hell did I do that just now? opening the door to leave.

"Why are you here?" Jungkook dad grits his teeth at Taehyung as he opens the door.

"I didn't know you owned the hospital, Mr. Jeon", Tae walk past him with a smirk and Jungkook's dad runs inside thinking maybe he had done something to Jungkook.

"Jungkook he didn't do anything to you right", Jungkook was confused to whom his dad was talking about. Never has he thought that man would hurt him, but he was kinda weird to him. ever since the accident Jungkook never felt any human contact. Not that he couldn't go outside or work it's just that anyone outside his family was not allowed to see him or touch him.

"Dad I think you're being dramatic, the man just wanted to use the bathroom. One more thing who is Kim Taehyung I asked mom earli---

"Jungkook let's go ", Jungkookwas Dragged by his father out of the bathroom. He doesn't know why his parents refuse to answer his question. Don't they want him to remember? He stayed quiet for now, but he's going to talk to his Neurologist.

"Dad, can you stop being overprotective of me, I'm 24 years old? I can take care of myself", Dohyung lets him go and signs.


"Dad I know, but before we go to mom can I talk to my doctor. would that be okay with you?" no harm will come to him if he sees his doctor. It's his job to take care of Jungkook, but he hates that the doctor and Kim Taehyung are somehow connected.


"Good morning Doctor Kim Seokjin", Jungkook smiles at his Hyung. They are really close, but jin talks to him like he knows him and he likes it a lot.

"Hi Jungkook you don't have any appointments today and hows your mom" Jin was sitting on his table looking at me who was still standing next to the door. He had a smile on his face and Jungkook can't help but compliment how pretty the doctor looks.

"She doing okay--- I just wanted to see you and I'm guessing your the only one that can answer this question. since my parents seem very uncomfortable when I brought it up/

"Yeah sure let me just grab your information real quick", Jin grabs Jungkook's clipboard from the cabinet next to his desk. opening it and frowning at Jungkook never progress not even once the pass 2 years. "Jungkook please take a seat", Jin says smiling.

" This morning someone was in front of my house---he wrote on a whiteboard something about... Wheres my memories? and Kim Taehyung", Jin was shocked at first and that didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook. Which to him stated that Taehyung was important somehow.

Seokjin on the other hand note to make sure that he pulls on Hoseok ears later when he gets home. He told him to stop looking crazy in front of Jungkooks house---ugh.

"Oh is that all" Jungkook looks at him and shakes his head no.

"And I saw someone I don't know if this was a dream or not but I keep on seeing him, I think he was my boyfriend. I couldn't see his face, but we were definitely something more then friends. I called him Tae. I thought Kim Tehyung had to do something with Tae", Jin froze.

   Clearly, Jungkook can't visualize people from the past, but his remembering. Seokjin wasn't close to Taehyung at the time only his crush, as well as Jimin and Hoseok. They met a few times, but just small talks.

"Jungkook can I take an X-ray of your brain, I think you're slowly remembering something", Jin makes a phone call.

"So Kim Taehyung is real", Jin hums yes by accident. He promises Jungkook dad to never bring up Tae. Jungkook eyes went wide, he remembers someone. But he doesn't necessarily know what that person looks like.




"Mr. Kim as you can see from the x-ray matador Jungkook frontal lobe is slightly improving which means anything that seems familiar he well remember. The cerebrum to the right of his brain doesn't show any improvement which means he can't picture anything from the past, but he can recognize them", Jin informs both Jungkooks parents who were slightly worried.



Taehyung took a cigarette and put it between his lips, but it wasn't light up. Conflicted with what he can do to have Jungkook his, but at the same time, he doesn't what to hurt him.

"Kim Taehyung we have a problem", Jimin comes running in and Taehyuhng frowns.

" Woo-jin our secret spy has been discovered and they delivered his head to us this afternoon, What do we do?" he was just talking to Woo-jin, how come he's dead?

"Grab my gun and coat. Call Jhope and Yoongi, no delays. What are you still doing here?" Tae says in a hurry.

" What about Namjoon?" Jimin said and remembering how stupid he sounds.

"Does it look like Namjoon can hold a gun right now?!" Kim Taehyung walks pass Jimin out of anger and Jimin hist on how stupid he is.