

"Echelons of Ascension: Chronicles of a Warrior's Promise" is an epic tale of determination, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of one's destiny in a world where combat defines life itself.

J14S07 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

What am I missing?

A soft, ethereal glow surrounded Blake as he opened his eyes, the remnants of sleep still clinging to him. This place seemed almost otherworldly, a fleeting oasis in the midst of chaos. The safe haven that he had found himself in was like a hidden treasure amidst the dark and twisted forest.

"Jay, are you there?" Blake called out hesitantly, remembering the voice that had guided him during his battles.

"Of course, I'm here, Blake," Jay responded, his voice smooth and comforting. "How can I help you?"

"About those 0.8 points I got... I've been thinking about where to invest them. Can you give me any advice or guidance on how to do it?" Blake asked, hoping for some clarity from the mysterious voice.

"Unfortunately, I cannot directly help you with that decision, Blake," Jay replied apologetically. "My purpose is to provide you with information and aid you in understanding your abilities, but I cannot make choices for you."

"Fair enough," Blake murmured, feeling a bit dejected. He focused his thoughts on the points once more, attempting to allocate them into agility. But no matter how hard he tried, nothing seemed to happen. "Jay, why can't I allocate these points? What am I missing?"

"Your confusion is understandable, Blake," Jay said with a hint of concern. "I can sense that something is not right, but I cannot pinpoint the exact reason why you can't allocate the points as intended."

"Maybe I need to try something else," Blake mused aloud, focusing his energy on endurance instead of agility. Again, nothing happened. His frustration mounted as each attempt proved futile.

"Could there be some sort of requirement I'm not meeting?" he pondered, his brow furrowing as he mentally sifted through potential explanations. "Or maybe I'm just doing this all wrong."

"Those are both valid possibilities," Jay agreed, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "I would advise you to remain patient and continue exploring your options. There may be information or understanding yet to be uncovered that will help you solve this mystery."

"Alright," Blake acquiesced, his curiosity piqued by the challenge before him. As he sat there, a renewed sense of determination began to well up inside of him. He knew that if he could overcome this obstacle, he would be one step closer to becoming the powerful warrior he aspired to be.

"Let's figure this out, Jay," he said with steely resolve, his eyes shining with fierce determination. "No matter what it takes."

"Of course, Blake," Jay replied, his voice filled with quiet confidence. "I will be here to support you every step of the way."