

"Echelons of Ascension: Chronicles of a Warrior's Promise" is an epic tale of determination, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of one's destiny in a world where combat defines life itself.

J14S07 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

unfamiliar landscape

Blake stumbled through the dense forest, his legs threatening to give out beneath him. The battle with the goblin monsters had left him battered and exhausted, deep claw marks etched into his flesh like a grotesque map of pain. He needed to find a safe place to rest, somewhere he could tend to his injuries without fear of another ambush.

His vision blurred as he surveyed the unfamiliar landscape, desperately searching for some semblance of shelter. Finally, just as he was about to collapse, he spotted it - a small cave entrance nestled between two massive boulders. It wasn't ideal, but it would have to do.

"Finally," Blake whispered, his voice hoarse from shouting during the battle. He forced himself to keep moving until he reached the cave, practically falling inside. It was dark and damp, but at least it provided some protection from the unforgiving wilderness.

As he lay there on the cold ground, the adrenaline began to wear off, leaving only pain and fatigue in its wake. But even in his weakened state, Blake couldn't help but think about the 0.8 points he had collected during the battle. They were a testament to his determination to grow stronger, to become more than what he was before the fight.

"Alright," he muttered to himself, wincing as he tried to sit up a little. "Let's see how I can use these points to my advantage."

He thought about investing the points into his strength stat, knowing that doing so would make him a more formidable fighter. But then again, perhaps it would be wiser to invest in his agility or endurance. His breaths came shallow and ragged, reminding him painfully of how quickly he'd tired during the fight.

"Maybe... maybe endurance is the way to go," he reasoned, gritting his teeth against the pain that flared with each word. "If I can last longer in battle, I'll have a better chance of surviving."

But then his thoughts turned to the goblin monsters and their wickedly sharp claws. He would need to be faster, nimble enough to dodge their relentless attacks.

"Or perhaps agility... yes, that might be the key," he mused, his mind racing with possibilities. "Being able to dodge their strikes could mean the difference between life and death."

Blake knew he couldn't afford to waste those precious 0.8 points. They were his lifeline, the key to becoming stronger, more capable. With a renewed sense of determination, he vowed to use them wisely - no matter how long it took him to make up his mind.

"Whatever it takes," he whispered, closing his eyes as exhaustion finally claimed him. "I will become stronger."