

"Echelons of Ascension: Chronicles of a Warrior's Promise" is an epic tale of determination, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of one's destiny in a world where combat defines life itself.

J14S07 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

together forever

Blake leaned back against a moss-covered rock, the coolness of the stone offering some reprieve from his exhaustion. He let out a weary chuckle as he reflected on his current predicament.

"Maybe I just don't have enough points to invest," he mused aloud, trying to shake off the frustration that had been gnawing at him. "I mean, 0.8 points does sound like an oddly specific amount." Despite the situation, Blake couldn't help but feel a twinge of optimism. After all, every problem had a solution; it was merely a matter of finding it.

"True," Jay chimed in, "but it still doesn't explain why you're unable to allocate any points at all."

"Maybe my body's system has gone haywire, and I'm actually going senile," Blake suggested jokingly, a lopsided grin spreading across his face. "My mind's so scrambled, I can't even tell what's real anymore."

"An interesting theory," Jay replied, his voice holding a hint of amusement. "However, I doubt that developing sudden senility would be a particularly effective survival strategy."

"Who knows?" Blake shrugged, his spirits buoyed by their banter. "It might be the key to unlocking some hidden potential. People say that necessity is the mother of invention, right?"

"Indeed, they do," Jay conceded with a laugh. "Still, I believe our focus should remain on figuring out the issue with your stats. It's more likely that there's a logical explanation we simply haven't discovered yet."

"Fair enough," Blake sighed, pushing himself up from the rock. As he stood, he stretched his limbs, feeling the lingering soreness from his battle with the goblin monsters. With each movement, he was reminded of his need to grow stronger – not only for his own survival but also for the sake of those who might rely on him in the future.

"Let's get back to it then," he said, a renewed determination lighting up his eyes. "We're not going to solve anything by sitting around and cracking jokes."

"Agreed," Jay affirmed. "Together, we'll find the answers you seek, Blake. I have no doubt about that."

With that, the duo resumed their efforts to unlock the secrets of Blake's mysterious stats, their bond growing stronger as they confronted each challenge side by side.