
Ascension of Soulweaver

In a world where power means everything, a young boy with nothing to lose dies and is given a second chance with the powerful Nexus system. Join him as he travels through a constantly changing Earth, where ancient mysteries are unveiled and new lands arise from the depths of the ocean. But with great power comes great struggles and challenges, and the boy must face them all as he journeys to uncover the secrets of the universe itself. Will he be able to rise above the chaos and emerge as a true hero? A tale of survival, self-improvement, betrayal and many other. Witness the true darkness men reveals as he is pushed into the corner. Witness the inner demon.

Eclipse_Havoc · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Last breath

Inside the dark cave, the air was heavy with a dense, suffocating heat. The only source of light was the flowing magma, which illuminated the space with a fiery, otherworldly glow. The molten rock coursed along the cracks on the walls and floor of the cave, casting flickering shadows that danced and twisted around the space.


The cave itself was barren and empty, with no signs of life or activity. The walls were rugged with cracks all over it with lava flowing in them.Magma rivers flowed through the cave floors with a fiery determination, illuminating every corner of the space with their blazing glow. The only sound in the cave was the hiss and crackle of the magma, which echoed around the space like a haunting melody.


In the center of the cave sat a shadowy figure, cloaked in a tattered robe that fluttered in the hot breeze. The figure was still and silent, their form barely discernible in the shifting light. They seemed almost out of place in the empty space, like a solitary island in an endless sea. The aura that emanated from them was eerie and unsettling, with a palpable sense of foreboding, that hung heavy in the air.


The figure remained motionless, their eyes fixed on the flowing magma. As the minutes stretched on, the figure's stillness became more pronounced, their presence seemingly growing in power with each passing second. Their eyes, fixed unwavering on the magma, seemed to possess an otherworldly gleam, as though they could see something beyond the physical world. The hypnotic power of the flowing lava held the figure in its thrall, and yet, it was as though the figure had a greater power, something ancient and mysterious that transcended space and time. 


It was impossible to discern the figure's age or gender, they seemed to exist outside the bounds of mortal comprehension, a being of untold power and secrets. The air around the figure grew heavy with an unexplained aura, and it was as though the very fabric of reality quivered in their presence. For a moment, it seemed as though the figure and the lava were not just in a primal dance, but rather, they were orchestrating the very movements of the universe itself.


And then, with a suddenness that made the air ripple, the figure spoke. Their voice was raspy and low, as though it came from the depths of the earth. "So, this is it. The end has finally arrived."


The figure's words hung in the air, reverberating around the cave and sending shivers down the spine. The atmosphere grew more intense, the sense of other-worldliness becoming almost overpowering.


As the figure spoke, their form began to disintegrate, slowly dissipating into the thick air. The tattered robe fluttered and swirled around the space, as though caught in a sudden wind. The aura that had surrounded the figure dissipated along with them, leaving behind only the eerie silence of the cave.



In the aftermath, the lava continued to flow, casting a soft red glow around the space. The shadows danced and flickered, still caught in the dance that the figure and the magma had begun. The air remained thick and heavy, as though the figure's presence had left a lasting mark on the space.


For a moment, it seemed as though the cave would remain frozen in time, caught in the hypnotic spell of the magma. But then, with a suddenness that was almost jarring, the spell was broken. The shadows began to shift and change, the lava began to flow in a new pattern. The eerie atmosphere dissipated along with the figure's form.




The room was bathed in the eerie blue glow of holographic and computer screens, each displaying charts, graphs, and other data. Amidst the humming of the machines, there was a solitary figure, his face hidden by a hood, poring over the information on the screens with intense focus.


The hooded figure was a lean, wiry boy, his face obscured by a hood and a pair of spectacles that reflected the screens he was studying. He sat hunched over, his fingers flying over the keyboard as he surfed through the data with an intense focus.


As he delved deeper into the information, he began to notice that something was off. There were discrepancies in the data that he couldn't explain, and his mood became increasingly urgent as he realized that he was running out of time.


Suddenly, he jumped to his feet, shock and fear etched on his face. "What is this?" he exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear. "They know my involvement. If I stay here, they'll try to silence me for good. I'm as good as dead."


He frantically looked around the room, his eyes scanning the screens for any sign of detection. He noticed that his movements were being tracked, and his worst fears were confirmed. It was over.


He frantically sifted through the files on the computer, quickly pulling out a flash drive and severing the connection. Moving to the next room, he hastily began packing his belongings. But as he was about to leave, the unmistakable sound of a helicopter drew near.


The hooded figure worked frantically, stuffing clothes and essentials into a backpack, his hands shaking as he heard the sound of the helicopter grow louder. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he struggled to think of a way out. He had always known that what he was working on could put him in danger, but he never thought it would come to this.


As he zipped up his bag, his eyes darted around the room, searching for any sign of a way out. But the windows were too small for him to fit easily, and the door would be no match for the heavily armed forces outside. He felt trapped, like a rat in a cage, with no way to escape.


Peering out the window, he saw figures in military gear descending from the ropes, guns at the ready. Panic set in as he realized he had nowhere to run; they could track him from the sky.


He slung his backpack over his shoulder and darted out of the room. He sprinted down the hallway, his heart pounding in his chest as he heard the sound of boots clattering on the stairs. He could hear them getting closer, their footsteps echoing through the building like the pounding of drums. He knew he didn't have much time.


He knew he had to act fast if he wanted to escape the impending danger. As he frantically searched for a way out, his eyes caught sight of a motorcycle parked in the backyard. It was as though a ray of hope had illuminated his path to freedom. He remembered how he had arrived at the location earlier in the day on the same bike, and how he had forgotten all about it in his state of panic.


With renewed determination, he made his way to the back of the room, where a small window provided a possible escape route. He smashed the window and climbed out, adrenaline pumping through his veins. As he reached the ground, he quickly made his way to the bike and mounted it, revving the engine as he prepared to make his escape.


The night was dark and quiet, with only the distant sound of the helicopter interrupting the silence. The figure sped off into the darkness, the wind whipping past his face, a feeling of hope and freedom filling his heart.


But his hopes were short-lived. The sound of the approaching helicopter grew louder and louder, drowning out the roar of the bike's engine. The hooded figure's hands shook on the handlebars as he saw the spotlight from the chopper sweep across the street, illuminating his every move. 


The helicopter light gave way to the headlights of several cars as they raced after him, weaving through the streets in hot pursuit. He felt a glimmer of relief that they weren't firing guns, but knew that he couldn't outrun them forever.


The chase seemed to go on forever, a blur of twists and turns that left him breathless and disoriented. He had no idea where he was, but he knew that he had to find a way out before it was too late. As he sped down a dark alleyway, he saw a glimmer of light ahead and felt a surge of hope.


It was a small opening in the alleyway, leading out into a wider street. He gunned the engine and raced towards it, feeling a thrill of exhilaration as he burst out into the open. But his relief was short-lived as he saw that the road ahead was blocked by a line of cars, waiting to run him down.


He swerved to the side, trying to find a way around them, but it was no use. The cars closed in on him from all sides, trapping him in a deadly game of cat and mouse. He could hear their engines roaring, their headlights blinding him, as they closed in for the kill.

In that moment, he knew that it was all over. He had fought hard, but he couldn't outrun fate. As the cars closed in on him, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. He had made his choice, and he was ready to face the consequences. With a final, defiant roar, he revved the engine and charged forward, facing his fate head-on.