
Ascension of Soulweaver

In a world where power means everything, a young boy with nothing to lose dies and is given a second chance with the powerful Nexus system. Join him as he travels through a constantly changing Earth, where ancient mysteries are unveiled and new lands arise from the depths of the ocean. But with great power comes great struggles and challenges, and the boy must face them all as he journeys to uncover the secrets of the universe itself. Will he be able to rise above the chaos and emerge as a true hero? A tale of survival, self-improvement, betrayal and many other. Witness the true darkness men reveals as he is pushed into the corner. Witness the inner demon.

Eclipse_Havoc · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Bound by secrets

As the boy slowly regained consciousness, he became aware of a pounding headache and a throbbing pain all over his body. He struggled to open his eyes, which were blurry and unfocused at first, but gradually cleared up to reveal his surroundings. The world around him began to come into focus, revealing a bleak and gloomy warehouse. 


The air was heavy with the acrid stench of chemicals and machinery, and the boy could feel a sense of dread creeping over him. Looking up, he saw a platform high above, with armed guards standing at attention. But it wasn't until he tried to move that he realized the true extent of his peril. His hands and legs were tightly bound to the chair he was sitting on, leaving him helpless and immobile.


Panic set in as he realized he was bound to a chair on the floor, with no escape in sight. He tugged at the ropes binding his hands and legs, but they were tight and unforgiving. The boy tried to shout for help, but a gag in his mouth muffled his cries. As he surveyed his surroundings with mounting panic, he couldn't shake the sense of being thrust into an ominous and solitary performance, with all eyes watching him in cruel anticipation.


As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he began to notice the details of the warehouse. Rusty machinery and stacks of crates were scattered around the room, and there were murky stains on the floor that he didn't want to contemplate. The armed forces on the platform above seemed to be focused on something else, ignoring his presence completely.


The rusty door of the warehouse screeched open, emitting a piercing, high-pitched sound that echoed through the cavernous space. The sudden flood of sunlight cast long, slanting shadows across the dusty floor, illuminating the hazy air with swirling particles. 


A figure stepped inside, silhouetted by the bright sunlight outside. All eyes turned to the newcomer as he made his way towards the bound boy. He walked with a purpose, each step calculated and deliberate, creating an oppressive atmosphere in the dimly lit space. The boy strained to make out the man's features, but all he could see was a dark outline against the light.


As the man got closer, the boy's fear intensified. He could feel the intensity of the man's gaze and the aura of danger that seemed to emanate from him. The boy attempted to shrink back into the chair, but the ropes that bound him prevented any movement.


He could see that the man was tall, with brown hair and piercing blue eyes that seemed to bore into his soul. The man was well-built, with a muscular physique that was apparent even through the suit he was wearing. The top buttons of the shirt were open, revealing a well-defined chest. The boy felt a chill run down his spine as the man's dangerous aura seemed to fill the entire warehouse. As the man stopped just a meter away from him, his intense gaze made the boy's heart race with fear in the deafening silence.


Breaking the eerie silence, a chilling voice spoke up. "Hello there," the man introduced himself, his tone icy and menacing. "I am Ragnar, and I'm sure you're aware of  why you find yourself in this predicament," he whispered in a low, intimate tone that sent shivers down the boy's spine, who was bound and helpless before him.

"Mr. Navak," he spoke with a hint of reproach in their voice. "You shouldn't have gotten involved in these matters. And now, it seems, you've hit a dead end."


The boy's eyes opened wide, revealing a look of shock on his face.


Reading the look in the boy's eyes, the man said with a cold and menacing tone sending shivers down Navak's spine. "Why are you so surprised? We only needed one day to gather all the information we needed about you," he said.


The individual asserted, "Your name is Navak, and your purpose for being in this country is solely for educational pursuits. Regrettably, you lack any significant familial or social connections here. Undoubtedly, this presents its challenges."


"As we dug deeper, we found out that you had taken a loan from a shark with high interest rates to come here.  In a desperate attempt to repay the debt, you turned to illicit practices such as black hat hacking. Remarkably, even after settling your financial obligations and making illicit gains, you persisted in your unlawful activities.

Navak was shocked beyond words. He had his past and his action after coming to the foreign nation out in the open. As Navak grappled with the reality that his secrets were laid bare, a sense of vulnerability and exposure washed over him. His heart thudded painfully in his chest, and sweat trickled down his palms, leaving them clammy and slick.


"Time is short, so let's not delve into the details," he said brusquely. "From what you've learned, you should know what comes next. It's time for you to rest, eternally."


Slowly, the man dipped his hand into his coat pocket, pulling out a gleaming black revolver. Navak felt a jolt of fear as he recognized the Beretta 92, a lethal weapon famed for its frame-mounted manual safety and single-action-only mechanism.


"There are things that are not meant to be learned. Let it stay in the dark, where it belongs. Goodbye! little boy."


Navak was regretting his choice of delving deeper into the online mystery. Now, he was facing the consequences of his actions. 'I should have stopped after earning some cash. I should have known better than to delve deeper into the online mystery. See, what it has led me to, death.'


Navak felt a sense of desolation that seemed to permeate everything around him, leaving him feeling hollow and alone. His thoughts were jumbled, and his heart ached with remorse. He had made a mistake, a grave error in judgment that had led to the unthinkable - death.


His mind abruptly shifted course, veering off in a new direction. 'How can this be my fault?' he muttered to himself, frustration mounting. 'I was simply trying to uncover the truth, to shed light on the wrongdoings of others. Why should I be the one to suffer for it?'


Yet despite his attempts to rationalize his actions, Navak knew deep down that there was more to the story than he cared to admit. Perhaps in his eagerness to expose the truth, he had overlooked the potential dangers that lay ahead.


As he contemplated his next move, Navak felt a sudden surge of anger and determination. He vowed to take revenge on those who had wronged him, to make them pay for their misdeeds.


He shouted spitting the gag out of his mouth, "I will collect all the debt with interest, even if I have to wake up from the deathbed." He smiled showing his teeth.


A deafening gunshot reverberated within the warehouse, the sound echoing off the walls. Navak crumpled to the ground, a fatal wound in the center of his forehead. The man's voice sliced through the silence, filled with chilling resolve, "I'll be waiting for your revenge, should you find yourself in another life." The words hung heavy, emphasizing the weight of eternity and the possibility of future reckoning.

The man got out of the warehouse and went away in his car, which was parked right next to the warehouse door. The tense atmosphere was palpable as silence filled the environment. Not even a single sound could be heard, save for the distant hum of the car's engine. The air was heavy with anticipation, as if any sudden movement or noise might trigger an explosive reaction.


The body of the boy laid on the chair motionless with blood dripping from the forehead. The boy had smile on his face with his teeth covered in blood. It looked creepy and might make one doubt, how can a person laugh like that while loosing life. 


An old man from top of the platform broke the silence with his commanding voice,"A-94 and C-114, take care of the body. Everyone else move out." Despite his wrinkles and age, had a robust physique with well-defined muscles that testified to a lifetime of discipline and hard work. His posture was erect and proud.


As he stood tall, his face bore the marks of his years of service, with deep wrinkles etched into his weathered skin. But even as his face showed the signs of age, his eyes still gleamed with a sharp, piercing intelligence and a fierce determination.


His overall appearance exuded a sense of strength, authority, and unwavering resolve, serving as an inspiration to all those around him.


"Tsk. Acting all high and mighty. Why am I always included in clean up process?"


"Private first class Jackson, if I were you, I would keep my voice down. I don't want to end up like that boy over there."


The blonde man looked at the one who spoke to him and focused on his name tag.


"What do you know Mr. 114, it's your first time but not mine. He has made me do this for too long. When you are in my condition, you will understand."


Blonde man acted all haughty showing his superiority over the new private, who had just enlisted in the ranks of force.


"Sir, it would be better if you don't call me by my number."


"Huh. What did you say? You could have said same thing to that old man as well. Why didn't you?"


The newly enlisted boy who had a small frame murmured "I now know, why you are always included."


"Did you say something? Huh."

"Nothing sir, sorry sir. Let's complete our task else Major is going to punish us."


They both moved towards the body and untied him from the chair. One of them caught his leg and the other caught his hand.


"Sir, what should we do with the body?"

"Listen newbie, don't talk and just follow me."


The two individuals picked up the lifeless body and began to carry it in unison. The weight of the body was heavy in their arms, yet they did not falter. They made their way to the bank of the nearby river. Without a word, they tied a large stone to the body and then heaved it into the water below. The sound of the splash echoed across the quiet landscape as the body sank to the riverbed, carried away by the current.


As the body sank into the water, it created ripples that spread outwards in all directions, the surface of the water distorting and warping as the body slowly descended into the depths below.


The stone tied to the body added the weight to it, pulling it down deeper and deeper into the cold, dark waters. With each passing moment, the body descended further into the abyss, disappearing from sight as it was consumed by the murky depths.


Finally, the body came to rest at the bottom of the body of water, silent and still. The only sound was the distant hum of the current and the gentle movement of the water. The stone tied to the body ensured that it would remain there, undisturbed, for a long time to come.