
Ascension Of Kaelestis

Ryan Miller was a not so normal university student who grew up in a loving family. He had everything one could wish for, caring friends, good looks, perfect academic scores, and also good at sports but he was not satisfied and strived to be strong. His wish would soon be fulfilled. Although with a lot of responsibilities. He will gain power but at what cost? There will be sacrifices, pain, and rage but he will devour every obstacle that comes his way and rises above. A boogeyman for those who commit wrong but a figure of admiration to his people. Come join him on this journey. -------------------- The world is fictional so any similarities with the real world are mere coincidences. =============================== There might be some yanderes in this story, but if you don't like harem or yandere you should still give it a try, who knows you might like it. ___________________ [A/N: I don't own this cover. If the owner has any issues. I can take it down.] ==========Discord Server========= Note: Please ignore any discord link you see while reading this novel. I recently deleted my server so none of them will work. I apologize for the inconvenience. ==========Author Contact=========== Discord: Alvin_Celest #5848

Alvin_Celest · Fantasy
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178 Chs

Chapter 3: A caring brother

"So, you got something to do now?" Elijah asked while standing up with a grin plastered on his face.

"Yes, we need to break some young bones." Ryan said in a menacing tone.

"I wonder who touched your sister this time," he said with curiosity.

'Shit only god knows what he'll do, Someone might actually die this time'

Elijah thought.

Suddenly they hear someone knocking on the door.

"Come Inside." Elijah said while turning off the laptop screen. It was Elijah's mom on the door, she brought some fruits for them.

"Thanks Mom." Eli said while trying to pick a piece of apple from the plate, but before he could do that, his hand was swatted away by Rachel as she said "Go brush your teeth first, you are not a kid anymore, you should take care of your hygiene...bla .....bla..."

20 minutes later

"I hope you have learnt your lesson." She said while leaving the room.

After Rachel left the room "pfft..hahahaha, look at your face,you look like a mango whose pulp has been squeezed out." Ryan said while laughing hysterically.

"Will you please stop laughing?" Elijah said

"okay." Ryan wiped the non-existent tear from his eyes and continued "That was so funny, I wonder if I should come to your house more often."

"Now then shall we go?" Ryan asked before as he stood up.

"Whatever, I'll just beat some guys to lighten my mood." Elijah said while getting up from his bed.

Outside Blue Dawn Highschool

"Hey Ken, How about we visit the arcade today?" A guy with black hair and an average looking face said to another guy who was trying to call someone on the phone.

"Shut your trap up Jimmy, can't you see I am busy." Ken said, glaring at jimmy.

"Are you trying to message Rebecca?, dude I think you should give up now, I don't think she likes you, and I heard her people saying that her brother is really scary" Jimmy said with a cautious look.

"Jimmy you must be blind to not know that Rebecca loves me, she's just playing hard to get, and her brother, I don't know who he is, but he won't be able to do anything to me and I can bet my money on it." Ken asserted.

"Dude you don't understand, you've heard about Rudy right?, the guy who looked like a thug, he once tried to kiss Rebecca, but coincidentally her brother was there and stopped him before he could do anything to her, and her brother didn't stop there, he beat him up so bad that he never came back to school again, teachers say he transferred to another city but there's no solid proof of it." Jimmy said while trying to convince Ken to stop pestering Rebecca.

"Wow jimmy, I didn't know you were her brother's fan, must be nice to be a fanboi, and don't worry, soon Rebecca will be mine, then I'll maybe let you use her, I bet she'll be a good fuck, afterall she has some nice numbers...haha-ha" Ken was dead set on his motive.

"Ken tried to under-" Jimmy couldn't complete his words because suddenly he felt like someone was following them.

Jimmy tried to inform Ken about it but before he could do that, two figures showed up, and ofcourse they were Ryan and Elijah, Ken saw this with a pale face.

"Elijah you handle the black haired guy, I'll take on the foul mouthed one." Ryan said in a menacing tone.

"Just don't kill him." Elijah said with a yawn.

"I will try." Ryan said before running towards Ken, Ryan threw a punch at Ken's face, but Ken dodged it and said "Who are you?, and why are you attacking us?"

"Who are we?That's not something you deserve to ask!" Ryan said while throwing a jab at Ken's face, but this time Ken couldn't avoid it.

"Ken, he's Reb-"

"Hush! He doesn't need to know that."

Elijah said with a smile which didn't reach his eyes, after this Elijah knocked him unconscious.

"Now time to watch this fight." Elijah said while sitting beside Jimmy's unconscious body.

"Aaaaah... please stop, I won't touch her, I promise" Ken said while spitting blood from his mouth.

"Stop you say?, Why should I stop?, when I can finish you off" Ryan said in fury.

"Please forgive me, I was just trying to act cool" Ken said while crying, both of his legs were broken and his face disfigured, He could not handle any more, hoping Ryan would stop he started begging, but he didn't listen to anything he said and kept beating him, after that he put a gag on his mouth to keep him from shouting.

"Now, we should talk" while removing the gag from Ken's mouth, he had already stopped crying accepting his fate, ken currently looked like someone who has been tortured for hours but alas it has only been ten minutes.

"pl-eaz st-"Ken said in a frail voice.

"Ok, but you need to transfer to a different city, never to return again" after hearing him, Ken nodded slowly.

"Hmm....Good" Ryan turned around looking satisfied. He then said to Elijah "Wake him up."

"Okay" Elijah replied nonchalantly.

He then grabbed Jimmy with his collar and slapped him so hard that even dead bodies might wake up.

"Aaah.....it hurts" Jimmy said after gaining consciousness, but then he saw Elijah smiling at him, he soon realised that ken has been fucked up and now it's his turn.

"I swear, I never saw her that way, hell she doesn't even know about my existence" Jimmy said in a hurry.

"Relax kid, we won't beat you, our target was that maggot lying over there." Elijah said while pointing his finger toward Ken.

"Did he die?" Jimmy asked, his face devoid of blood, as if someone cut off the air supply around him.

"No, But he might die if not treated soon."

Ryan said with a Predatory smile stamped on his face, he currently looked very menacing, with blood splattered all over his face.

"You know what to do right because explaining stuff is quite a hassle" Elijah said while he continued yawning.

"Yes, I didn't see anything, I was walking towards the arcade but when I entered this alley, I saw Ken lying unconscious."

"Smart boy, but if you even try to tell someone about us, you being dead will be the least of your problems, now take him to a hospital or he might really die." Elijah said while getting up.

"Let's go Ryan, our work is done here."

After the pair leaves, Jimmy goes to take a closer look at Ken. He looked like a doll which babies play with, of course the broken ones, who knows?, he might never wake up.

Elijah's room

"Ryan that was too much, that blonde kid might as well be dead, this time we can be in danger." he said in a worried tone.

"Oh come on Eli, this is not the first time we did this, just forget about it, nothing good will come, thinking about it." Ryan said without bothering to show any reaction.

"Haa...that carefree attitude of yours is really bothersome, and we are still moving out tonight right?" Eli said with a smile

Ryan didn't say anything, just smiled.

Cloudy sky devoid of any light, lights of buildings turned on, among these two hooded figures could be seen jumping from one house to another, but one of them stopped , followed by the second one.

"This is it." the first one said while pointing towards a warehouse, a few hundred metres away.

"Are we really doing this?This might be the most dangerous thing we've ever done." Elijah said without showing any expression.

"Well...we can't chicken out now after coming here" Ryan shrugged.

"Hehe....Do or die is it?" Elijah said

"But first we need to kill some rats." Ryan said while looking at a certain place, he took out a knife from his pocket before plunging towards the man hiding in the shadows.

He slashed the man's neck swiftly before avoiding the punch coming at his face, he then kicked his solar plexus and punched the third one. The man tried to dodge his punch but he was a second too late.

A solid punch landed on his face, breaking his nose, which was followed by a knife slashing his neck, after that the second one, tried to stab him with his knife, but he already saw the man running forward with his knife, he redirected the knife towards the man's left arm, the knife pierced his arm and he let out a cry of pain, but soon after that his jaw was impaled by a knife.

'Where did he learn fighting like this, he always aims for the neck, which is not possible in every scenario but somehow he does it, I need to ask him to teach me later'

Elijah thought, but soon he was interrupted by Ryan.

"Elijah, let's go, we don't have much time."

After clearing the mess, two normal University students went towards the warehouse.