
As the Wind Blows Your Scent to Me

Author: hansora
Contemporary Romance
Completed · 639.5K Views
  • 357 Chs
  • 4.8
    35 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is As the Wind Blows Your Scent to Me

Read ‘As the Wind Blows Your Scent to Me’ Online for Free, written by the author hansora, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering SLICEOFLIFE Fiction, BEAUTY Light Novel, SWEETLOVE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: [COMPLETED]"Meow~ Meow~"The orange tabby cat sneaked out of the house, bringing back with it a little girl to resurrect ...


[COMPLETED] "Meow~ Meow~" The orange tabby cat sneaked out of the house, bringing back with it a little girl to resurrect the faint link between two people who had just crossed paths together once. Three years ago, Kato Himari was forced to end her first love in order to cherish herself more. In the early moments she faced her own heartbreak, she met him in a series of strange events. At the same time, Hayashi Kazuya was compelled to assume a crucial role after tragic events kept on befalling his loved ones. There were things he had to let go of and there were things he had to hold on to. Unknown to them, a funny companionship of a cat and a little dumpling led them to meet again. Would their encounter give them second chances of gaining more hopes in the face of the future? Would the reappearance of Himari's first love break the ties of their Fate? And, what was the secret that Himari concealed even from her loved ones? "Uncle, when would you give me an auntie?" "Uncle, why don't you marry Teacher Kato home?" "Teacher Kato, do you find my uncle handsome?" Both of them exchanged glances before they hurriedly looked away with the tips of their ears reddened. The little girl grinned and gave thumbs up to the orange tabby cat next to her before she looked at her back. "Big Brother, look! I've found us an auntie!" "Meow~ Meow~" The orange tabby cat happily agreed to the little girl's words. --------------------------------------------------------------- Commissioned cover by yuuri_e (Instagram). Exclusively for this book. Entry for Spirity Awards Spring 2021 for Slice-of-Life and First Love themes My other books: Spring Blooms When I'm With You [Completed] The Ocean Beneath Her Feet [Completed] For Our Happier Path [Ongoing] Get Rid of Him (Ongoing) Discord: hansora#1507 Instagram: hansora_author Enjoy!

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Seorang gadis yang bernama Quille dikutuk sejak dari dalam kandungan. Dia selalu mengalami hal-hal aneh yang membuatnya muak. Jika sesuatu terjadi padanya, di telapak tangan Quille akan mengeluarkan sinar. Karena keanehan itu, di usia muda saat-saat masa jatuh cinta, dia terpaksa menghindari lelaki karena tak ingin sesuatu terjadi pada lawan jenisnya. Quille, adalah anak dari seorang profesor sedikit gila. Pria itu tetap tinggal di sebuah kota mati, ketika sang istri harus meninggalkan kota tersebut demi melindungi janin yang bersemayam di dalam perut istrinya. Sampai Quille lahir, Quito tak ada lagi kabar darinya. Semuanya menjadi sebuah misteri. Kota mati itu benar-benar menjadi kota yang ditinggalkan oleh penduduk. Di saat mengadakan study tour, Quille dan rombongan melakukan perjalanan di bagian sebelah kota mati. Pembina mereka sudah mencoba melarang agar tidak gegabah, melanggar aturan. Namun, para mahasiswa itu tetap pergi ke sana yang pada akhirnya mereka terjebak di kota tersebut berhari-hari. Satu per satu mati mengerikan. Awalnya tidak ada yang tahu apa penyebabnya, karena tak satu pun pernah melihat korban. Iya, hanya Quille-lah yang tahu bagaimana kondisi dan situasi. Quille seperti dituntun oleh seorang pria, tetapi wajah pria itu tak bisa dikenali oleh Quille karena tertutup jubah yang menjutai di wajah pria tersebut. Quille mencoba melawan dirinya sendiri ketika hendak memangsa sahabatnya yang bernama Erren, tetapi nahas, dia akhirnya tak bisa menahan diri karena kelaparan. Setelah semuanya habis tak bersisa, barulah Quille keluar dari kota mati itu. Di saat dia kembali ke rumah, ternyata kalender sudah berganti. Satu bulan lebih mengembara, tanpa diketahui oleh orang-orang di luar sana. Quille menceritakan semuanya pada sang ibu, tetapi ibunya hanya diam saja karena sudah tahu itu akan terjadi pada putrinya. Quille juga mengalami kisah yang pernah diceritakan oleh Miss Aora. Dia akhirnya jatuh cinta pada seorang pria, kemudian pria itu mati dan bangkit kembali. Bertahun-tahun mengurung diri, sampai sang ibu meninggal dunia, Quille pun berhenti di saat usianya menginjak dua puluh lima tahun. Berhenti menua. Dia menjadi abadi di usia tersebut. Kemudian dia kembali berkelana dari negara ke negara lain untuk memenuhi hasratnya yang pada akhirnya penggila kenikmatan dari tubuh lelaki. Setiap dia bercinta, maka lawan kencannya itu akan mati secara mengenaskan. Iya, tetap saja apa yang dia perbuat tidak pernah diketahui oleh orang lain. Semakin dia bercinta, kecantikannya kian bertambah dan awet, sampai bulan purnama bersinar terang, di saat itulah kulitnya akan berubah. Dengan itu, dia harus mencari mangsa yang masih segar. Pada akhirnya, dia benar-benar jatuh cinta pada seorang pria berdarah Indonesia asli. Haikal nama pria itu. Dia keturunan dari raja pada zaman dahulu dan tak sembarangan orang atau makhluk astral bisa membunuhnya apalagi sampai mempermainkannya. Karena Haikal memilik ilmu yang tak tertandingi. Sampai suatu malam Quille dan Haikal bercinta. Setelah selesai, Quille hendak mencicipi sedikit darah kekasihnya. Dia tidak berniat membunuh. Haikal pun tahu, dia sengaja menggores jari telunjuknya, lalu meneteskan ke dalam mulut Quille. Setelah berpacaran lebih kurang enam bulan, Haikal mempersunting kekasihnya. Setiap selesai bercinta, Haikal menghadiahi setetes darah untuk istrinya. Di saat buah hati mereka lahir, Haikal akhirnya mengembuskan napas terakhir. Sehebat-hebatnya dia, Haikal tak bisa juga bertahan karena rutin memberi istrinya darah. Dia tak ingin melukai orang lain, apalagi mengizinkan istrinya bercinta dengan orang lain. Quille frustasi dengan kematian suaminya. Setelah menghabisi nyawa buah hatinya agar tak bernasib sama dengan dirinya, Quille pun pergi menembus alam lain. Di sana, dia membangkitkan Haikal, tetapi tetap saja tidak bisa berbaur dengan manusia. Akhirnya Quille dan Haikal menetap di alam tersebut. Alam yang dihuni oleh bermacam makhluk.

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Nidera mengalami sedikit masalah dengan usahanya. Ia pergi ke rumah bordil untuk melampiaskan kepenatan yang dialami. Di sana, ia membeli seorang gadis yang masih perawan bernama Laksmi. . Mendekat, Nidera menatap lekat-lekat wajah si gadis muda. Cantik. Ia memuji si muncikari yang begitu jeli dalam mencari barang bagus. Nidera mulai merasakan bahwa darah di dalam tubuhnya bergolak membara. Ia mengerang kecil, seperti harimau yang hendak menerkam mangsanya. “T-tuan, aku mohon. Jangan lakukan itu ... aku mohon ....” Suara Laksmi mengalun lirih. Syarat akan nada mengiba. “Kau pikir untuk apa aku membayarmu mahal-mahal kalau bukan untuk melakukan itu?” Nidera mendengkus dingin. Ini bukan kali pertama ia membeli seorang gadis yang masih dara. Mulanya, mereka memang suka merengek-rengek tidak mau. Namun, toh akhirnya mereka menjalani juga profesinya sampai bertahun-tahun. “Ta-tapi mmhhh—“ Laksmi tidak mampu meneruskan kalimatnya karena Nidera sudah keburu membungkam; melumat bibirnya. Dengan jari-jari kokohnya, Nidera mencengkeram lengan atas Laksmi. Lantas, menghempaskannya ke atas kasur. Jemarinya lincah bergerilya membuat tubuh Laksmi bergetar dan menggelinjang. “Tu-tuan ... kasihani aku ....” Laksmi mengiba di sela-sela suara-suara—yang sebenarnya tak ingin ia lososkan—dari mulut. Tak mengindahkan, Nidera sama sekali tidak menyukai penolakan. Ia tetap mengoyak pakaian Laksmi dan tak memedulikan tangisan pilu si wanita muda. Ia tetap menjelajahi, menodai seinci demi seinci kulit halus, lembut, dan kenyal milik Laksmi; baik dengan mulut ataupun kesepuluh jarinya. Tangisan Laksmi terus mengalun, seperti ratapan di malam sunyi. Lewat beberapa lama, ia masih terus saja menangis. Namun, sejurus kemudian ia mendadak menjerit keras dan panjang. Nidera telah menghancurkan mahkota daranya. Laksmi mendapati rasa sakit menjalar hingga ke ubun-ubun, membuat kepalanya seolah-olah akan meledak. Badan dan batinnya terguncang hebat. Ia mencengkeram seprai sebagai reaksi dari gelombang yang dihunjamkan. Gelombang yang membawa segenap rasa sakit, datang dengan cepat dan juga bertubi-tubi. Semakin lama, gelombang semakin kuat dan bertambah cepat, hingga akhirnya lahar panas memasuki dirinya.

Litium · General
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Important: To all my readers, especially those who stuck with me since chapter one even though there were so many errors made (lol), I just want to thank you all for reading my story. My goal is to finish this story as it is the first part of a 3 seperate stories I'm planning to write. However, time, money, and reality is telling me that I have to do something else first. I have to do something that will help support myself and my love in writing stories from my head. I hate taking this course of action, and I will definitely miss the characters and some few concepts I made in terms of superpowers and abilities, but I'm going to have to give Alteria a very abrupt end. I'm sorry for not being able to do what I promised and I thank you for understanding why I have to do it. However, my idea of putting the stories in my head into words and share it to all still hasn't changed. If I am allowed to, in the indefinite future, I will write again. The title will change, the characters will have different names, the way the story goes will be changed, but the plot inside my head will remain the same. If that time actually comes, I will be more than glad to have you all read it! Again, thank you all for reading Alteria. That is all for me for now. Farewell! - OwariDa02 Lyrica Ley Rael, a 16 year old highschool student found herself in front of death's door after seemingly having her body move on it's own to save an old man from being hit by a speeding jeepney. But as she begin to accept the horrible fate she's facing, a voice started speaking to her inside her head, asking her what world she desired before the voice sent her in another world. And after having an agreement with the voice she somehow forgotten, Lyrica's journey in Alteria finally begins!! ------------------------------------------------- The story starts slowly with Lyrica's past with her parents. I apologize for that. If you want to go straight to the real story and action, feel free to skip to chapter 8 after finishing chapter 1! One more thing, the book cover is not mine. If the artist wants me to remove it, please do contact me via Gmail and I will take it down as fast as possible. Gmail: Josephrobertmarbella@gmail.com

OwariDa02 · Fantasy
211 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1


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What is a fluffy romance? Is it as fluffy as an orange tabby's fur? Is it fluffier than hugging your niece and telling her a bedtime story? Is it fluffier than the warm pillow on a winter night? Read this to find out.


This truly depicts what relationships are like in real life........................... Himari and Kazuya are my favourites and they are so cute and kids too.................. They emphasize the importance of communication in a relationship.............. I really like this story


I'm here from the ocean beneath her feet ....the author has a great penmanship, I should tell her that ! The words in a chapter can actually make you feel the emotions ....and this book is no doubt amazing ! 60+ chapters in ....I'm feeling lighthearted, giddy, sad , angry....all those emotions welling up inside me ! this novel contains two stories so it's double the satisfaction. Hope u enjoy the novel like I do! 💓


This story is so good It's heart warming, cute and fluffy. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


Honestly, when you pick up this book, you'd almost be tempted to leave an elaborate review just from reading the first three chapters. If you are a fan of light romance, I suggest you give this book a try and you won't regret anything other than having to finish it so soon. You did great by this author. It's staying on in my library, and I'd like to anticipate new chapters.


From where should I begin sharing the beauty of this book, Yes it's the beginning but This is different from the other books of Author-nim. I'm so hooked towards this story. Fluffiness.. you will get in endless ways in this book !! Highly recommended to add this in your library and to reading list! Thank you Author Hansora for taking us to beautiful journey of Himari & Kazuya and Yuina & Ryuu ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐😍😍😍😍😍❤❤❤❤❤


I wish I could say it face to face but hanasora! thankyou soo much.... I love this book alot. although I'm at 140 chapters only, I love their dynamics; the characters settings and overall plot. it's very inspiring and brings smiles to me on my bad days. thankyou


I am super stingy with rating as well many novels in tbis platform don't really deserve a 4 rating. But this one certainly is. It is so rare to find an author who can pen a romance novel in an elegant way and yer still so engaging. I like how how realistic all the characters are and how morality is still govern the plot. The author has successuly convert me to become a loyal fan.


I not only like this, I LOVE IT. The English is a neat one. Added it to my library. No delay!!! This is a nice piece you got here, keep it up!!!


You're the Goddess of writing heartwarming stories taken the example from real life !! I'm a Silent fan of your books and My wholehearted good luck wishes fr you only! For the new readers, Read her books and get swept off from feet experiencing every feeling 😘💜🤗🥰


REVIEW Narration: Decent and immersive Worldbuilding: Vast and detailed Character development: Nice and steady Character design: Outstanding Dialogues: Realistic and Lifelike Pacing: Not fast nor too slow Writing quality: Magnificent Execution of the Genre: Good pitch Story potential: High Updating Stability: Steady MESSAGE I am deeply happy that the author joined spirity. As it has the potential to win! With more exposure, this will become great and even reach a million views! Or anime adaptation even a movie! Kudos on your work and See you in December (if you know what I mean) 😉


I love this book so much. The plot was immaculate, and I hope you enjoy it too


Love this one, excellent story, characters, everything, I am gonna miss this reading


I have had a really healing reading experience in this novel 🙂🥹😌 after😮‍💨 going through and tossing the novels where all the unhealthy and toxic behaviours are promoted and glorified😒😡😨. However, I can't read the locked chapters with a fast pass. Does this happen with every finished novel on this app? 😭 i am not sure if I would really spend money yet because I can't right now but this is the first time I want to read a novel further so how much would it cost or is there a physical version that I can buy.🥺🥲🤔😄 Please reply and clarify my doubts.


its a little different (in a positive way) from what i read in past month. the male is the one who has a lacking which is good because you can feel his determination to win his. the story is refreshing🥰🥰🥰


I read the other novel which I pretty like and glad this is not about amnesia again. Overall this novel is light but quiet slow in the plot development you can skip few chapters and won't missed a lot. Notice there are 2 FL but seemed there is no justice for Yuina in the sense the story about her is mostly half to one chapter whereas the Himari can take few chapters. I like Yuina's story better and hope she too leave her husband that take her love for granted. All in all, I quiet enjoy and happy there is a novel that is pretty polite in penning the romance.


Already in love with the book so much, as it's dragging me out of my reality, Can't wait to read it further about what happens next!!! Auther-Nim keep goinggg!! Fighting!!!!


From the first chapter, you can start making a connection with the main character. As the story evolves, the plot develops, and it gets you tangled up in situations that you purely need to see them through. So, you simply can't let this book down till you finish it. I will wait for new chapters!


Lovely, very sweet cover page! From the very beginning the reader can feel that you, dear Author' have a concept for your story. Besides, you don't struggle with tenses, punctuation, etc. and you pay attention to the language you use, so it's a pleasure to read. The characters are expressive and the storyline also. Well done!


Love the story! Though I don't read romantic story much, I found it very interesting and I didn't get bored. I just wanted to read more and more. Synopsis is too much attractive. Please author-nim, keep it up! I cheer you! You are such a talented author!


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