
As the Wind Blows Your Scent to Me

[COMPLETED] "Meow~ Meow~" The orange tabby cat sneaked out of the house, bringing back with it a little girl to resurrect the faint link between two people who had just crossed paths together once. Three years ago, Kato Himari was forced to end her first love in order to cherish herself more. In the early moments she faced her own heartbreak, she met him in a series of strange events. At the same time, Hayashi Kazuya was compelled to assume a crucial role after tragic events kept on befalling his loved ones. There were things he had to let go of and there were things he had to hold on to. Unknown to them, a funny companionship of a cat and a little dumpling led them to meet again. Would their encounter give them second chances of gaining more hopes in the face of the future? Would the reappearance of Himari's first love break the ties of their Fate? And, what was the secret that Himari concealed even from her loved ones? "Uncle, when would you give me an auntie?" "Uncle, why don't you marry Teacher Kato home?" "Teacher Kato, do you find my uncle handsome?" Both of them exchanged glances before they hurriedly looked away with the tips of their ears reddened. The little girl grinned and gave thumbs up to the orange tabby cat next to her before she looked at her back. "Big Brother, look! I've found us an auntie!" "Meow~ Meow~" The orange tabby cat happily agreed to the little girl's words. --------------------------------------------------------------- Commissioned cover by yuuri_e (Instagram). Exclusively for this book. Entry for Spirity Awards Spring 2021 for Slice-of-Life and First Love themes My other books: Spring Blooms When I'm With You [Completed] The Ocean Beneath Her Feet [Completed] For Our Happier Path [Ongoing] Get Rid of Him (Ongoing) Discord: hansora#1507 Instagram: hansora_author Enjoy!

hansora · Urban
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357 Chs

Aw~, What a Considerate Guy

"So, you could just lazying around at home for a day tomorrow?" Nanako's voice sounded skeptical at the end of the line.

Himari scoffed listening to her friend's words, "Do you take me as Chobi? But, well, I'd really lazily around at home tomorrow. Don't be jealous since you have work to do~"

Once she returned home, Himari sent a text to both her mother and Nanako, saying that she would stay home tomorrow. Her mother immediately called her asking what was wrong.

Himari shared a few details of the incident with her. Akemi urged her to rest well instead of thinking about the matter. After she ended the call, Himari received a call from Nanako next.

"Even though you said it's just a small rock, it's better to go and check it. Who knows, you might have a concussion due to it."

"You're so worried, like Kazuya," Himari burst into laughter again when she heard the same things that the man had said to her from Nanako.

"What? He said that?" Nanako was quick to catch the man's name.

Himari rolled her eyes. She adjusted her posture on the strawberry couch, "Didn't I say, the ones involved were the children. I met him after that. He said I should tell him if I got dizzy later."

"Aw~, what a considerate guy. Hey, don't you think he's so concerned about you? He must have said that he would send you to the hospital too, right?"

"...He did say that."

Once the car stopped in front of the apartment building, Kazuya repeatedly reminded her to call him if needed. Chiharu and Izumi also asked her the same. The little dumpling was still so worried when she tearfully waved goodbye at her before.

"Teacher Kato, thank you for your sacrifice. Chiharu won't ever forget it."

Her words made Himari laughed out loud. She didn't know from where did this little dumpling know such lines. Kazuya mumbled he had to monitor which channels did the little one always frequented.

"Hehe, I know you just have met him but, what if there are sparks between you two?" Nanako insisted to change the subject to her friend's love life.

"Do you think this is a drama? We're just friends," Himari felt an urge to slap her own forehead, but, thinking of her wound, she didn't, "It's plausible for him to worry since I helped his niece and nephew."

"Tsk, so rigid," Nanako complained, "Alright, alright. Since it has come to this, you could use your injury as the excuse to not come to the reunion."

"You're so quick to change the topic," Himari laughed in helplessness. Her eyes fell on Chobi who was sleeping on the low table.

Reaching out a hand, Himari lifted up the heavy Chobi and put the furry orange cat on her lap. She didn't even feel guilty for bothering her cat's sleep. Chobi lazily opened his eyes, stared at his Mama then continued sleeping.

Himari spoke again to the phone, "I know you're worried, Nanako, but, I'd still go. Teacher Takaki has personally messaged me asking about my attendance."

Yesterday, after she came back from the picnic, Himari received a message from Teacher Takaki. The retired teacher asked if she would really attend the reunion. It seemed like the teacher had known the unpleasant rumors about her breakup with Jun as well as the photos that Nanako took of her with Kazuya.

Himari promised that she would come without fail which relieved Teacher Takaki.

"I know that you've repeated it but... Sigh," Nanako let out a heavy sigh as if she was the one who would face troubles at the reunion, "It's not only the class monitor who pesters me about your contact number but Jun also. He keeps on asking me until now. It's so obvious that he wants to meet you there."

Himari smiled bitterly, "Ignore him. And, I would do the same on that day."

According to Nanako, Jun would be back in three days, just two days away before the reunion. Their classmates were shouting praises to him as Jun came back to be a young lecturer at one of the renowned national universities in the country.

Not only that, the university where he would work was just within this city.

"What if he insists to talk to you?" Nanako asked again bringing up the possibility.

Himari tilted her head up, staring at the ceiling above her, "Since this is the first time we would meet after years, maybe I'd directly talk to him once. But, if he refused to listen to me, that's his problem."

Even until now, Himari hadn't even thought that Jun was a bad boyfriend to her. The problem in the relationship was only due to his family's opposition. She understood he was torn between loving her and respecting his parents but, because she no longer felt secure with him, she chose to break away from him.

It was better to swiftly act on it instead of suffering for long.

"Then, do you want me to come and pick you up this Friday night? We can go to the hotel together," Nanako made a suggestion.

Since Himari's decision was irrevocable, Nanako knew she should stop asking the same questions all over again. For now, the thing that her friend needed was absolute support from her.

"Nah, there's no need. Let's just meet in the lobby. You'd have to make a detour if you come to pick me up," Himari quickly rejected her offer.

"Alright, alright. I'll stop being fussy," Nanako scoffed, "I have to go now. Ryota's parents come to the city. He wants to bring me to see them."

"Behave well in front of your future parents-in-law," Himari playfully teased her friend, "Dress well. I'll call you again if there's anything. Bye-bye."


Himari tossed her phone on the low table. Both of her hands stroking Chobi's fluffy and soft fur. The act gave comfort to her especially when the fat cat purred.

Not a word about Teacher Masuda and Film Emperor Ishizaki Ryuu came out of her mouth when Himari was talking to Nanako earlier. The excitement of discovering the couple's secret was still in her heart but, Himari tried her best to not let even a word out.

Even though Nanako claimed she would be happy to see her favorite actor being with someone, it was not a reason for Himari to break her promise with Teacher Masuda.

A sigh echoed in the little apartment.

"Chobi, your Mama really hopes that she could be strong when meeting him," Himari mumbled while kept looking at the ceiling.

"Meow~" Chobi yawned, revealing his pointy teeth.

Himari laughed softly. She closed her eyes, pushing all the heavy thoughts away.

Sakuya Residence.

While Himari was trying to take a nap, Yuina was exasperated as she was talking to someone on the phone. Her entire face was twisted as she felt a headache having to deal with that someone.

"Aunt, I have already said that I won't give more money to you! Hiro has even known about it!"

"What's wrong with helping your only aunt? Don't you feel bad for me? I just want to do a little bit of an investment! Your husband has so much money! Can't you give me some? You won't lose too much anyway!"

Her aunt gave excuses as if Yuina was the one owing her money!

"Hiro has said that the investment is only a lie! Why don't you listen to your own son if you didn't want to listen to me?"

"Aiya, that boy is still too young. He knows nothing! Once I get the money back with the profits, he would surely thank me. I want to use the money to buy a house for him before he gets married."

"No. If you really want the money, I'd transfer it to Hiro. It's up to him either he wants to give it to you or not. Bye."

Yuina threw her phone aside. She slumped on the couch as a wave of exhaustion burst within her.

Every time her aunt contacted her, it would be about money. If not for Hiro's interference as well as Ryuu's stern warnings, Yuina was certain that her aunt would make a fuss every single time.

The only thing that prevented her aunt from telling the world that she was married to Ishizaki Ryuu was the evidence against her aunt's husband that Ryuu held. Once the evidence got submitted to the police, the prison time of that scummy man might increase.

As for why her aunt's husband got behind the bars, it was related to Yuina herself.

"No, no, let's stop thinking about it!"

Yuina quickly shook her head. She didn't want to remember the darkest time in her life.

With her eyes fell on the wall clock, Yuina silently estimated when would Ryuu be back. He said the filming might end quite late so she could only wait at home.

Speaking of him...

Yuina didn't expect that she and Ryuu's relationship would be exposed to Teacher Kato. Ryuu also directly introduced them as husband and wife.

Even though Teacher Kato looked like someone that she could trust, Yuina was still worried. She was actually afraid if aside from Teacher Kato, there was someone hidden who might see them together.

She had to be extra careful. She shouldn't let her feelings get to her head.

I wanna suggest two songs for you :) they help to comfort me in these few days

On YT, channel Music Drawing, the title '"Have a happy day" Relaxing music for you - Beautiful Piano Music', it has a cute kitty photo staring at a potted plant :)

The other is a new song from the Japanese band This is LAST, the English title is Swaying in Ponytail or ポニーテールに揺らされて

I hope you'd love the songs too :)

hansoracreators' thoughts