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  • Chris_7092
    Chris_7092a month ago
    Replied to Bookdragon

    I agree. I always feel lost and off in these kinds of relationships where the top feels disgusted or uncomfortable with being the bottom but takes pride in the fact they can make the bottom's body ache. It feels one sided, forced and unbalanced. If both don't want any changes, it's still well and good and comfortable to read, but one wants and gets ignored and then made their body to ache without consideration it feels uncomfortable and too . It's not directly about the author. It's a complaint I have with similar troupes no matter the gender. I like how james didn't back down completely at the show of evan's jealousy and held his ground while evan showed consideration and respect with a request. I hope I see a healthy dynamic as I read it .

  • Chris_7092
    Chris_7092a month ago

    Honestly, if there is a novel about a couple getting back together after a conflict. Ryuu and Yuina's story feels most at ease till now. Especially with how ryuu acted and responded after yuina let her heart out and how yuina still didn't place all the blame on her husband only and made it feel like he could only grovel. They felt like two adults who cared for each other and saw each other as companions with willingness to improve their relationship mutually without blame. If I am being honest here, I was dreading for ryuu to completely shut yuina's emotional outburst and dismiss her internal sufferings until the confrontation happened and at the start of it. When it didn't happen, and went into a direction I didn't dare to expect it to go and still saw how I needed it when it happened, it really moved my heart, made it shaky, made it calm. I genuinely appreciate and feel moved by how you imagined and manifested the scenes in this story, Hansora. I was honestly dreading and expecting disappointments, heartbreaks and conflicts, yet what I was met with left me shocked, surprised, frozen and with a smile. Thank you πŸ™‡πŸ’†πŸ˜„

  • Chris_7092
    Chris_7092a month ago
    Replied to Eby_Namani

    That makes a lot more sense. Being a daughter, wife and mother can come with a lot of blessings too when relationships are healthy and a woman can be all of that and still be either a homemaker or career woman. These are the roles she plays because she chooses to . Being a daughter, wife and daughter is a relationship in their own way. That don't define or limit the roles a woman plays in her own life just like being a son, husband or father doesn't mean they lose the capability and authority to make personal decisions. Personal responsibility matters. For a person to be a homemaker, there needs to be a lot of support, respect and understanding with family members and not just restricted to gender and expectations of others.

  • Chris_7092
    Chris_7092a month ago
    Replied to Eby_Namani

    Maybe it is, it's still not something she wants. She wants to build her own individual power and not be on the whims of her relationships. There is nothing wrong with that too and it's admirable she is taking this step after all she has been through. She doesn't need to live according to the decisions of her father, husband or others' wishes and decisions if she doesn't want to.

  • Chris_7092
    Chris_7092a month ago

    I want to ask. Who is the male lead and what kind of relationship does she have with him? If it's the one who raped her, that's heartbreaking.

  • Chris_7092
    Chris_70922 months ago
    Replied to hansora

    I think there is more to it. It won't work to just cut his family off only, he needs to work on his communication and interpersonal skills. I might be wrong but he feels like a nice guy who would snap if things don't go his way or the other person disagrees with him. Snapping can also happen discreetly like how he was about their first time, the talks of having kids (if that can even be considered one) or during their time together about his family situation, he acknowledged it was unfair to her (did he?) but he didn't make any real effort to salvage the situation and only expected her to endure it and hoped for it to suddenly get better. As for overt, his refusal to respect her wishes until it was clearly confronted as the last resort. I think he also needs to learn the meaning of genuine consent and mutual decision making in a relationship and apologise to himari how he was in these aspects, whether he does that by contacting her one last time or in his heart with a vow to change. That change is important. It looks like he never reflected on their first time or how wrong he was while himari thought all or the majority of blame lies with her to the point of referring to herself as tainted which isn't true at all. Kazuya actually asking her before their first kiss is a stark contrast to that. If it helps, to anyone going through with something like this, what happened during their first time wasn't right or normal, in himari and jun's relationship at that time, it's not called having a normal and consensual sex no matter how long you have been in a relationship and it's not planning a future with how he talked about kids, it's coerced sex (rape to put it more bluntly) and baby trapping (they didn't even consider having a child and she wasn't given a chance to make a coherent decision). It can happen to either women or men or others from LGBTQ community. Gender doesn't matter, actions do. So if someone is going through the self doubt and reads this novel, I hope it helps them see that instead of drowning in self blame and self doubts while trying to keep everything to themselves or keep themselves upfloat somehow.

  • Chris_7092
    Chris_70922 months ago

    I am infinitely glad jun isn't the ml or with her anymore. Himari can't see it because she is taking on a lot of responsibility and blame for this. Even the blame that isn't completely her's to take. Jun never took a serious step to stop the harassment she received from his parents, no did he make sure their first time was with consent and acceptance. It feels like even she was guilt tripped for not taking the precautions. Sure, he said he can delay or cancel the flight but he couldn't even honor the promise they made to meet for a dinner at the start of the novel or stop his mother from harassing her. He just whined and became pushy when she said she wanted to break up with him and then not get back with him. It's even the existence of another man in her life that he let go of his fantasy and not because she already refused him until he saw how firm she was after pushing her boundaries again and again. And I think what he did to her during their first time would be considered rape because it was coerced if she wasn't in a relationship with him for years or she didn't let it go. It also makes me feel disgusted how he mentioned her having her child and giving birth like it was a walk in the park and she was somehow oversensitive and selfish if she didn't agree to that. It wasn't a decision they took together, it was a decision he made in the spur of a moment and as a way for her to prove her love for him and her carrying all the burden for it. Both responsibility, pain and sorrow. those are 3. It breaks my heart to see her blaming only herself for that when her fault if anything at all was trusting him and not being strong headed in how she dealt with him after all this. I would rather she hate him for how he treated her during their time together, their first time and her unborn child . I feel glad knowing and remembering how firm she was in her decision to not get back with him because it would only be chaos hidden behind pretentious soft colors on the outside.

  • Chris_7092
    Chris_70922 months ago

    Honestly, I couldn't wrap my head around yuina and ryu's story or the conflict between them until now. As I imagined yuina going through the pregnancy and everything that comes with it alone in the home she shares with ryu while making occasional video, audio and text conversation with ryu while he might be happy that she is finally pregnant. I understood. She might have to give up her job to and get the help of some professionals to appease him even if she wants him there if the situation doesn't change. In all of this, I feel angry and mad at ryu thinking if this is the situation he had in mind every time he joyfully talked about having kids with her or her travelling with him wherever he goes with little to no sense of stability there too. From their monologues, ryu sounds much more confident about the arrangements he wants from them than what she wants. I respect that he never pushed for her to get pregnant when she refused but I think that wasn't enough. He needed to ask the reason and they needed to communicate and work together a plan that works best for both of them, not just one. That conversation never happened until now and while she kept quiet about it as much as she could to not hinder him; he tried to make up for it all with bandaid solutions that have been kind of one sided until now to pursue his dreams too. I know this novel has already ended and it depends on how they both react to the situation they have now. I have a feeling kanna will play an unwavering part there. I wonder how this will transform their relationship with each other when the time comes. I wanted to let out the thoughts I had here while listening to this chapter. Take care of yourself Hansora

  • Chris_7092
    Chris_709210 months ago

    I think it was shown in the words quite well. The build up towards this chapter and the new details made a lot of sense.