
As Luffy in One Piece

A man was transmigrated into One Piece as the main proganist of the series.. Monkey. D. Luffy... "Well.. That was unexpected but Luffy won't be stupid anymore..." The fan-fiction goes on with the plot.. except the changes in the character of Luffy and have a harem of course. Update schedule: Random number of chapter but it will be updated everyday..

AFKing_000 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: Syrup Village!(end part)

On the coast near Syrup village:

"Three Swords Style!"

Zoro wielded his three swords and immediately rushed forward slashing several pirates easily.

"Ahh! My hand!"

"Don't! Ahhh!"

The pirates cried in pain and fell down one by one.

Usopp also used cracker bombs to attack but it didn't cause much damage but the distraction was enough for Zoro to attack them. Soon, the numbers of pirates started to decrease at visible rate making the remaining pirates trembled in horror of Zoro.

Jango: "Damn this idiots! Sham! Buchi! You too go and crush him!"

Sham & Buchi :"B-but, he's too strong.."

"Just do it already! "

"Alright! Here we come! Ahh.." Sham and Buchi immediately rushed forward and attacked Zoro.

"Heh! So these two are the cat brothers that Captain talk about.." Zoro smiled slightly looking sharply. Luffy had already told him about the main officials of the Black Cat pirates before leaving.

"You guys may be strong but you don't have three swords.."

"Three Swords Technique: Demon Slash!"

Zoro instantly rushed forward and curved his swords and directly slashed both of them on their chest.

Usopp: "Ok nice one! Zoro! I'm cheering for you!"

"Ahh! It hurts!" Both of them screamed in pain and fell down. Seeing them defeated easily, Jango was about to use hypnotism but Zoro rushed towards him staring at him with death eyes.

"Heh! I won't let you use it.. 'Three Swords Tenchnique: Tiger Hunt!"



Some time before...

On the mansion:


Kaya fell to the ground beside her bed knocking down a vase near her. She was looking very pale watching at Klahadore. He was standing in front of her with blood on his face and five swords were connected to his fingers like long claws dripping with blood. After returning from the coast, he met the butler Merry and told him about Usopp. Kuro was in a bad mood due to changing his plan when Merry kept on babbling nonsense. So he slashed him with his claws to shut him up. Then, he came to Kaya's room immediately scarring her.

Kaya heard a loud voice of Merry so she decided to check it. But suddenly, Klahandore came inside with full of blood making her scared and fell down.

"K-klahandore! Why are you full in blood? W-what happened to Merry?" Kaya asked in a trembled voice. She was looking at Klahandore's long sword claws full of blood. She had a bad feeling in her heart but tried to deny it.

"I killed him, Miss Kaya.." Klahandore said casually instantly making Kaya pale. She couldn't believe it. She trusted Klahandore like a family. She even chased away Usopp for telling bad things about him and yet he betrayed her.

"W-What! Why would y-you kill him? Y-you must be lying right? Tell me its a lie.."

"Sorry but its the truth.. and I have also become sick of babysitting you, Miss Kaya! I feel sick remembering those last three years..ugh"

Now, she was completely devastated. She had no one who will help her now. She chased Usopp away, Merry was also killed and..

'Luffy!' Suddenly a name echoed in her mind, she remembered a boy with a straw hat always teasing her and telling her stories. He was already gone when she woke up. She really missed him now.

"H-help me.. Luffy!" Kaya muttered in her mouth softly.

"No one will come to save you. Now be a good girl and come with me.. Miss Kaya!"

"N-no! I-i don't want to.. he will surely come to save me.. h-he hasn't finish his story yet, he promised!"

Kaya said as she moved back away from Klahandore walked closer to her.

"N-no! Don't come over! S-save me.. Luffy! Save me!" Kaya shouted with tears flowing down her eyes.

At that time, a shadow flashed and Luffy suddenly appeared in front of her making the most heroic entrance..

Luffy was half kneeling pressing his right hand on Klahandore's abdomen.

"Phew! I appeared in time.. Hehe, the hero has come to save the beauty... 'Rubber Blast'


Luffy's right hand which was hardly contracted like a spring suddenly repulsed out blasting Klahandare ,who couldn't even realised Luffy's figure appearing, felt a huge pressure in his abdomen and was instantly blasted away.

This attack was his own creation just like Luffy's King Kong gun but with great pressure as it was smaller.

Next moment, a huge air shockwave from his previous attack came towards them which were blocked by Luffy holding his hat tightly with one hand.

"Hehe.. it seems like I've done it a little stronger."

Luffy got up patting the dust away and turned to look at Kaya. But as soon as he turned around, Kaya immediately plunged on Luffy's chest and starting crying loudly holding Luffy tightly.

"Luffy... sob~sob, why did you left this morning..sob~sob"

"Chuckle! Y-you were sleeping so comfortably drooling, so I can't watch and had to leave hurriedly.." Luffy joked stroking Kaya's blonde hair, comforting her.

"You liar! I hate you! sob~sob" said Kaya but she was holding Luffy tightly burrying her face on Luffy's bare chest.

After staying like that for a while, Kaya stopped crying but she was still feeling down. She stayed beside Luffy with a puffed red face because of crying, resting on his shoulder.

The current face of Kaya was so cute that Luffy had an evil thought. He slightly tilted his straw hat upward with one hand..

"Kaya! Don't move! There is something on your face.." said Luffy as he slowly lowered his head and kissed Kaya on her face which made her suddenly wake up from her thoughts and blushed.

Kaya's face was very soft and hot, a little salty from her tears but it felt good.

"W-what! Luffy! Y-you.. Where are you kissing?"

Kaya immediately looked at Luffy with wide eyes.

But she soon became shy and looked down not daring to look at his face. Her face became blood red like tomato and started steaming.

"Hehe.. I'm kissing on your face or you want me to do it in your mouth. I like that better you know.."

Luffy teased Kaya slightly laughing.

"I-its not that! Idiot! Why kiss me?" Kaya asked in a mosquito voice.

Luffy: "Eh! Are you getting foolish? Of course I kissed you because I like you.."

Kaya: "W-what! B-but we've just met only yesterday and.. and~"

Luffy: "What? You hate me? Well.. I'm sorry then.."

He acted heartbroken which made Kaya immediately panicked and hurriedly said..

"No~no! I don't hate you! I-its just that I'm a weak girl and you're a pirate.."

Luffy understood what she meant,

"Kaya! Do you want to sail the sea with me?"

"What! I-i don't know.. asking so suddenly, I need some time to think.."

Kaya was shocked with Luffy's word and she needed time to think about it.

"Well thats ok, I will stay her for some days anyway.." Luffy also knew that she needed time.

At that moment, Kuro suddenly flashed behind Luffy and swiped his claws towards Luffy's left side. Luffy sneered slightly and blocked the claws with his left hand covered with 'armed color'.


"Bastard! you also use this.."

"Chuckle! So you have finally woken up after losing consciousness for so long. But its rude to suddenly attack on others back you know... 'finger pistol'.."

Luffy pointed his finger and immediately pierced on Kuro's body several times making him leak bloods everywhere.

'Rubber Pistol!'

*Bang! He was shot out again by Luffy with his fist. Kuro flew outside breaking the wall and crashed on the ground.

"Miss K-Kaya! " Suddenly a weak voice came from inside the house. Kaya knew the voice..

"Merry! Where are you?" Kaya called out and weakly rushed out to look for Merry.

Luffy also disappeared from the room and instantly appeared beside the dying Kuro.

"Hmm! What shall I do with you? Maybe I should break all your limbs and send you to hell.."

Luffy lifted his leg and stepped hardly on Kuro's four limbs crushing the bones into pieces..

"Ahh! It hurts!"

Kuro cried in pain and soon fainted due to high blood loss. Luffy dragged him and tied him up.

Then he went inside to check on Merry.


On the coast, Zoro was leaning against a rock breathing heavily. He had several small cuts on his body and a little bloody.

"Hehe.. I've cleaned them all up. Ah! I'm tired.. I need some rest.."

Zoro also had defeated all the pirates on the coast even though he had a hard time.

While attacking on Jango, he immediately dodged Zoro's attack and gave a cut on his arm by his chakram which was used as pendulum. He still used hypnotism and made their pirates became stronger, the fallen Sham and Buchi also got up with increased strength. But the good thing was that, Usopp also unexpectedly got hypnotized and got mad attacking the pirates angrily.

After fighting for a while, Zoro with his good sword skills and great strength finally defeated all the Black Cats pirates.

Usopp: "Haah.. haah.. I'm also tired! I wonder whats going on the other side.."

Zoro: "Huh! Don't worry about Luffy.. Our captain is incredibly strong. I think Captain Kuro won't stand a little chance."

Usopp: "Sure enough.. he is really great. Luffy is good at everything than me." Usopp said in a depressed tone.

Zoro: "Hey Usopp! Why don't you join us in our journey?I'm sure it will make you stronger.. maybe becoming the strongest sling-shooter.. hehe!"

"Well! I'm not sure.. I was also planning to sail to the sea.. Will Luffy agree to me joining the crew?"

Usopp really thought about sailing to the sea creating his own pirate group but joining Luffy's group was also not bad.

"You know what? When we first came on this island, Luffy already told us that you will be one of our crew soon.. He said that you are a funny guy."

Zoro said as he was looking at the sky slightly smiling.

"Eh! Did he say that? But I thought he came here to see Kaya, his childhood sweetheart.."

"Maybe that was one of his reasons.. hehe"

"Ahm! Well! If Luffy really want me to join that badly, maybe I will consider it.." Usopp said with a proud face.

Zoro: "Ok! So you didn't really want to join us? Fine then.. we will be leaving soon."

Usopp: "Wait! Don't! I will join.."

"Hahaha.. you're really a funny guy... hahaha"

Usopp: "Ahh! I was fooled! The great Captain Usopp was defeated.."


Soon few days passed.. during this time, Luffy and Kaya roamed around the village talking happily. Kaya also became cheerful and started becoming a little healthy. Their relationship had also greatly improved.

Usopp and Luffy also had become good friends now. At first, Usopp was a little depressed with the relationship between Luffy and Kaya but soon accepted the reality. After getting along with Luffy's group for few days, partying at night, listening to Luffy's 'famous past life' stories, conversing with each others.. Luffy's group and Usopp had become good friends.

The survived Black Cat pirates along with the broken Captain Kuro, now completely useless, was finally handed to the marines in exchange of money. The butler Merry lied to the marines that they were given by some pirates when visiting their village. The marines were also shocked seeing Kuro still alive. They didn't ask much and exchange them for 32 million bellies. Only Kuro and Buchi survived among the officials of Black Cat pirates but they already looked like dead peoples.

At night:

Luffy: "Usopp! We are leaving tomorrow, how about joining my crew?"

Usopp: "Eh! So early! Aren't you going to stay here with Kaya longer?"

"No.. We decided to leave tomorrow as we have various adventures waiting for us at the sea.."

Zoro: "Yeah! we have a long way to go.. I'm also getting bored here.."

Nami: "Giggle! Of course you will be.. afterall you get beaten by Luffy every day.."

Zoro: "That was just training understand!"

Luffy: "So, Usopp.. what do you think?"

Usopp: "Cough! Well if you want me to join that badly.. I will join but I will be the captain.. hihi!"

"In your dreams! I'm the captain!"

"Then Vice-Captain!"

*Constant laughter..

All the peoples around laughed out loudly seeing Usopp fighting with Luffy. Soon the happy night went away.

Next day, on the coast..

A huge ship was docked near the coast..

Nami: "Ah! Its a caravel!"

Merry: "Although it is somewhat old-fashioned, I was the one who designed it.

The ship's frames and its tripple mast sails are all part of a stern-centered control system.."

"I call this ship 'Going Merry'!"

Luffy: "Thanks Merry! Its a good ship!"

Luffy came forward and touched the ship. He like the 'Going Merry' ship in the original series, so he didn't think of changing its appearance. The current 'Going Merry' looked the same as in the series.

Merry: "Now, let me brief you on how to operate it.. First, how to turn it on and adjust the power..."

"Ahh! You only need to tell me how to operate the ship." Nami suddenly interrupted Merry.

Soon, Usopp also came rolling down the hill and landed on the coast with an extra large backpack.

Usopp: "Ok guys! Vice-Captain Usopp is ready! Lets go.."

Usopp and the others went on the 'Going Merry' and looked towards the two people: Luffy and Kaya who were standing facing each other on the left side of the coast.

Usopp: "Zoro! Did Luffy decided on taking Kaya with us?"

Zoro: "Don't know, Kaya had been thinking about it.. I don't know what she decided."

Nami: "Maybe she is still hesitating or thinking about it."

Usopp: " She has been staying in this closed village. I have never seen her so cheerful as she is now. Maybe Luffy should bring him. But I still can't stand watching their relationship.."

"Hehe.. I'm sure that he will bring her. And you should accept the reality.." Zoro smiled slightly, he knew Luffy the most.

Usopp: "Ahh! My eyes! My eyes are starting to get blind.. I can't watch any couples.."

Nami: "Maybe you will meet yours but I think it will have long nose.. hahaha!"

Zoro: "Hehe.. I'm sure about that."

Luffy was looking at Kaya who was currently looking down getting tense..

"So?Kaya... What have you decided?"

Kaya: "Luffy.. I~I don't.. I still don't.." Kaya didn't know what to say to Luffy. She was stuck in the middle of her thoughts.

Seeing Kaya's current situation, Luffy knew that she was stuck and need a push on her decision..

He smiled slightly, lowered his head and whispered on her ear..

"Well, I understand! So, be a good girl and let me kidnap you.."

"Eh! Wait~.. ahh!" Before Kaya could speak Luffy immediately lifted her up and jumped on 'Going Merry'.

Usopp: "What! He kidnapped her?"

Zoro: "Hehe.. that was a good one though.."

Luffy: "Ok guys! Hurry up and set sail.. we are leaving!"

"Ok! Captain!"

Like that the 'Going Merry' started sailing towards the sea and left Syrup village. Kaya was angry and shy at first but soon became cheerful feeling refreshed looking at the vast sea. Thus, Luffy's group added another two people and continued their journey.

The butler Merry watched the leaving 'Going Merry' with a bright smile, some teardrops on his eyes..

"Goodbye Miss Kaya! I hope you find your enjoy your journey and be always cheerful like that!"

He continued watching standing on the coast and finally left after 'Going Merry' disappeared at the horizon.


Chapter End..

See you guys next time..