
As Jugram Haschwalth Starting in Starwars

A self insert without bringing up the past life if at all with a large possibility of multiverse travel... A man is transmigrated as the third son of Valkorion Zakuul named Jugram Haschwalth Zakuul as he grows in power he rebels however it fails luckily he is to strong to kill and a worthy future vessel to his father so he is sealed away for future use or perhaps a backup plan? Authors note~~~This is my first attempt at a fanfic i really do not know how often i will update this however i have been making a crap ton of notes with some research to back them up for this so at the very least i should be able to finish the starwars arc before i get any form of writers block. I do not own any characters or worlds besides my OC`s and custom creations.

Left_Nut_Of_Madara · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 ~Blood Sacrifices for the Dragon~

Speaking ""

Thinking {}

System/status []

-Authors Note- I screwed up a part of the editing so I fixed that just now.-Authors Note End-

Unknown: "Just relax your minds and we will all be free after all don't you want to be free of this war? To no longer be slave soldiers?"

Clone Commando Squad Leader Nix: "Y-y-yes yes we do"

Arc Trooper Pike: "I-I-I NOO I don't want... GOOD SOLDIERS FOLLOW ORDERS! RIGHT? Guys?"

As Pike turns around to gain support he sees all of his brothers looking at him with their helmets already on the ground with peaceful looks on there face as they speak one after another.

Clone Commando 1: "Come on Pike just imagine all of us being free."

Clone Commando 2: "Yeah Pike all you got to do is let him in."

Clone Commando Squad Leader Nix: "Pike just let him in that way we can all be free"

Pike starts to panic and looks for a way to run however his now former brothers get to him first grabbing him forcing him to his knees while taking off his helmet pushing him against the pedestal in front of the casket.

Ark Trooper Pike: "NO guys what are you doing we are brothers how could you do this to your own brother!"

Clone Commando 1: "Do brothers stand in the way of our freedom because if not I don't believe you deserve to be called our brother."

Soon after Nix comes over with a knife in his hand while looking conflicted but resolved unlike the other clones who simply have dreamy looks in their eyes.

Clone Commando Squad Leader Nix: "Pike last chance give in so that we can be free."


Clone Commando Squad Leader Nix: ~Face darkens~ "I see you have made your choice goodbye brother"

Nix soon after cuts open Pikes throat with his knife causing him to gush his blood on the pedestal. When suddenly the whole room glows red in runic fashion while all the clones start to scream as red mist emerges from their bodies soon after leaving them as nothing but skin and bones in armor and the mist gathers around the casket soon seeping into it causing the lid to pop off the top falling to the side as a naked blonde man with eyes having three red pupils that glow in the darkness with newfound power sits up and steps out of his old home for the first time in thousands of years.

Unknown man: {As promised we are free, you of your life as slave soldiers and me of my eternal prison.}

Then suddenly a holo-projector activates showing a man with grey hair, pale skin wearing white cloths and armor the naked man cant help but to snarl at the man despite realizing immediately that its just a recording.

Valkorion: "While I couldn't kill you, I chose to seal you until I got strong enough to kill you and take your body as a perfect vessel or I die permanently. If its the latter all of your equipment is in the back room along with your custom sky troopers and custom HK-97 assassin droid with a stealth corvette that has been upgraded to the limit of the time and has all of the data that Zakuul had at the time from schematics to simple hyper-lane data. I wish you good luck, you are now the dragon of Zakuul and even though you are a most treacherous son you were my favorite for your desire for power and audacity to rebel while turning a large portion of my forces against me in your foolish rebellion so I now give you this chance to have a conquest on a new but familiar galaxy in your own name Jugram Haschwalth Zakuul."

Jugram: "I would have done that regardless foolish Imperial Father.....Goodbye"

Jugram then feels into the force while hiding himself from all parties and soon realizes its the early clone wars era and the biggest signature in the force out there Anakin Skywalker is on Orto Plutonia meaning its only 22BBY and so Jugram smirk's and decides to shake things up for a while.

After which he releases his full presence into the force while not allowing him to be found basically clouding not only the jedi but the sith as well alerting the jedi temple and royally pissing off Sheev Palpatine due to his entitlement but due to him being so close to the jedi temple he cannot force his way though the darkside of the force allowing jugram time to get everything set up to leave this planet.

Jugram then reaches out with the force and dominates all the personal on the VSD and escorts making them destroy the fighters launched for patrol and forcing them to land the ships near the temple Jugram was sealed near the opening for the hanger for the stealth corvette.

{I'll use the clones as labor to update and upgrade any data and inferior tech on the ship, HK-97 and the skytroopers.} Jugram thought.

After that Jugram walks to the back of the room opening the fourth door with a twitch of his finger and coming to a door across a hallway that needs his force signature to open he twitches is fingers again and wills the force to open the doors they crack open with a screech releasing dust as they open showing rows of custom skytroopers 250 of them on charging posts ready to go and at the front is his lightsaber sword hybrid with his cloths on a manikin next to it.

A couple meters away a droid activates suddenly with no noise and soundlessly walks up to Jugram when suddenly it jumps at him with the intent to kill when it stops midair jugram speaks without turning around.

Jugram: "Should i take this as a hello or a rebellion against your master 97?"

HK97: "Oh dear no my meat bag master i was just insuring that you did not weaken to the point i could kill you myself after all that would be a disgrace."

Jugram: "I see, well get geared up we have multiple ships landing near the hanger door with a few thousand mind slaves to work to death as I want as much data and equipment upgraded in the next 3 months as by that time the jedi or sith will have the chance to locate us through their records due to a missing fleet."

HK97: "Oh joy more meat bags to deal with, well I suppose I should insure as many die as possible of exhaustion then."

Jugram: "As long as they get everything done as fast and efficient as possible they can be all dead at the end for all I care."

HK97: "My meat bag master you give me the best presents."

As HK97 walks to his gear Jugram walks to his and starts to put on his uniform

first his undershirt and pants made of a standard cloth from spider silk produced by Zakuul Iknayid Arachnid and then puts on his boots made with bleached Zillow beast hide and white Beskar with blue highlights, gauntlets made from bleached Zillow beast and white Crotosis with blue highlights a double breasted trench coat with a fur collar on the left made from loth-wolf from lothal while the rest is made from bleached Zillow beast hide and a white cloak make from the same silk giving it chemical resistance, environmental resistance and slight blaster resistance.

Jugram then walks to his sheathed sword held up by holo projectors and covered in ray shields his finger twitches as the whole system shatters and his sword fly's towards him as he grabs it midair.

Jugram: "I've missed you my old friend"

The hilt vibrates as he said that as if welcoming his touch once more. Not many people know this but Jugram has been inserting his force signature into the blade and kiber crystal for 15 years after he constructed it in order to create something similar to a Zanpakuto from bleach and he partially succeeded while it doesn't have any real special ability's it is partially sentient, If anyone other than himself holds the blade it will suck out his/her life force killing the interloper soon after strengthening the blade causing it to be tougher and sharper with and without the kyber crystal active making it able to cut even a Zillow beast hide with little difficulty compared to a standard lightsaber that cant cut into one at all.

Jugram attaches his sword to his hip and walks toward the hanger door with HK97 following shortly after.

They go to the side of the hanger door and open a panel on the side that has a interface screen, he starts typing the command to open the door and suddenly the door roars to life opening up while a hanger bay shield activates to keep the harsh snow out as 5 ships land within walking distance 1 VSD 3 Arquitens class light crusers and 1 Acclamator class assault ship when they do they all open their hatches and on-load and offload ramps as thousands of clones start to disembark as a 5 of them in unique armor start to walk up to Jugram and the one from the VSD speaks.

Unknown clone(VSD): "Sir we are awaiting orders"

Jugram: "Good set up in the area and prepare recon teams to scout the area for any fauna and resources kill the fauna if found and report back to HK97 here if you found any resources, have your engineers check up all the droids and ship for anything that could be updated easily and have the IT techeads crosscheck any data you have with the data on the mainframe, what's the designation for you five?"

Unknown clone(VSD): "Sir my designation is CT-9034"

Unknown clone(AAS): "Sir my designation is CT-8904"

Unknown clone(ALC1): "Sir my designation is CT-3090"

Unknown clone(ALC2): "Sir my designation is CT-5659"

Unknown clone(ALC3): "Sir my designation is CT-0980"

-Authors note they will be called their numbers from here on out-

Jugram: "Alright then i want 9034(VSD), and 8904(AAS) to focus on our immediate area while 3090,5649,0980(ALC1,2,3) to focus on scouting the rest of this planet with ground forces and the Arquitens with air support also set up the jammers on the ships to insure the CIS and Republic don't find us incase they send a probe droid or there are others on this planet."

Clones: "SIR YES SIR."

Jugram: "97 try not to kill them off to quickly for now we have a couple of months before we have any risk so no need to be hasty."

HK97: "No promises my meat bag master. ~laughs creepily unlike a droid should~"

Jugram then walks away to meditate on the force and check how much the seal had weakened him. slowly he reaches the back of the hanger door as clones rush past him to complete his orders he enters a hallway with multiple doors one of which leads to the place he was sealed while others are storage rooms and the one across from the sealing room is the room with the droids and mainframe is.

He walks to his former prison and raising his arms outstretched he wills the force infused casket, pedestal and platform to tear itself apart and reassemble it into the perfect three piece meditation platform.

Jugram: "~pant~pant~ Damned father of mine if I was not weakened so much i could have easily created this even with both his and my force signature reinforcing it."

{well at least its a perfect meditation platform due to how much force energy is infused into it, ill have to move it to my ships room.} Jugram thought. He sits upon the platform he and one of its sections start to float while the other two that are the shape of rings start to move like a gyroscope he closes his eyes and speaks to him self inside his head.

Jugram: "Status"


[Name: Jugram Haschwalth Zakuul]

[Power level: Continental< weakened to city level until recovered>]

[Force energy: 100,000 units<weakened to 10,000 until recovered> 1967/10000 - Regen 50 Per Second]

[Force Ability's:

-Force balance-

<Description: "B" the balance has been recreated by combining the force ability's force devour, force absorb and force transfer/dark transfer creating force balance making any wounds on the user transfer to the opponent while healing the user fully uses 500 units of force energy every time>

-The Forces Almighty-

<Description: "A" the almighty has been recreated by combining the force ability's force insight, force foresight, force sense, shadow vision, precognition(shatter-point, battle precondition), farsight and force visions to create the force Almighty that gives far better vision than normal by default and predicative reflexes due to the permanent three red pupils and shadow vision.

Future sight that allows sight 10 seconds into the future passively while draining force energy slowly: 25 units of force energy every 10 seconds.

Future jump an ability that allows him to change his future by jumping to a different future undoing even his death: 2000 units of force energy every use.

-Force Telekinesis-

<Description: a basic skill that allows for a wide range of uses.

Force push to create a telekinetic wave that pushes anything in front away depending on the amount of force desired and units of energy used: 1 of unit of force energy minimum up to 5000

Force choke blocks the wind pipe of the target causing the target to suffocate can be blocked by a powerful enough force user or completely crush the neck area of the target snapping it completely: 15 units of force energy every 5 seconds to force choke and up to 75 units of force energy to snap a target's neck area

Force telekinetic control to control and move an object(s) as the user wills: 5 units of force energy a second minimum up to 5000>

-Force mind corruption-

<Description allows the user to preform any mind control method while also making the target more susceptible to following the orders of the user willingly without any direct mind control>

-Force mindslave-

<description turns any organic target into a true slave that can hardly think for itself without direct supervision otherwise it will only be able to preform simple commands: uses 1 unit of force energy minimum up to 500>

Jugram: "Well not as bad as I thought"


and thats that a bit of time skip after this for a month or two nothing two major i just cant really think of much to throw on planet snow ball..

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Left_Nut_Of_Madaracreators' thoughts