
As Jugram Haschwalth Starting in Starwars

A self insert without bringing up the past life if at all with a large possibility of multiverse travel... A man is transmigrated as the third son of Valkorion Zakuul named Jugram Haschwalth Zakuul as he grows in power he rebels however it fails luckily he is to strong to kill and a worthy future vessel to his father so he is sealed away for future use or perhaps a backup plan? Authors note~~~This is my first attempt at a fanfic i really do not know how often i will update this however i have been making a crap ton of notes with some research to back them up for this so at the very least i should be able to finish the starwars arc before i get any form of writers block. I do not own any characters or worlds besides my OC`s and custom creations.

Left_Nut_Of_Madara · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 ~Small Timeskip And the Reaction to the Dragon~

As Jugram Meditates far away on the planet of Coruscant the jedi high counsel is in chaos.

Mace Windu: "I believe we need to act, who ever or what ever this is clearly is a threat to the peace and security of the republic."

Ki-Adi-Mundi: "And how should we find it?We all can feel it, but its like its everywhere and nowhere at the same time this is as bad as before."

Plo Koon: "At the very least it would seem that it is not allied with the sith. Although it could be a battle between master and apprentice for all we know, the sith of the past weren't that united either."

Shaak Ti: "Its highly possible, we have already killed the Sith Assassin Darth Maul so perhaps the master of the sith trained a new assassin and the person in question has decided to rebel?"

Ki-Adi-Mundi: "Its possible, however at that point we need to worry because the sith have followed the rule of two for the longest could you imagine if they have hundreds of Darth Mauls? It would be a disaster!"

Mace Windu: "We should have our knights and temple guards at high alert until we learn more."

Plo Koon: "I agree though I truly hope we are wrong for it would be a complete disaster."

Yoda: "Hmm much to ponder we do, preparation we must have."

Jedi High counsel: "Agreed"

Yoda: "Once the location of the Supposed battle we have, go with Skywalker I will to investigate."

Mace Windu: "Are you sure thats wise grandmaster?"

Plo Koon: "He is the supposed child of prophecy so if such a thing hold's any merit perhaps it will help."

Yoda: "Hmmm unsure of this prophecy I still am, however any help from the force I can receive will I take."

Mace Windu: " Very well I understand, sorry for doubting you grandmaster."

Yoda then laughs.

Yoda: "Worried are you not? Don't fret, be safe I will."

Back at planet planet snowball, it has been five weeks since the meeting of the jedi high council and Jugram could be seen swinging his sword in the Tràkata lightsaber form against a pair of training droids on the top of the VSD in front of the command towers.

One droid has a beskar staff, while the other has a single lightsaber and a blaster however even stranger is every time Jugram activates his lightsaber system it almost look as if nothing happened other than a near invisible cover over his swords blade making no noise while creating afterimages, this is the effect of a rare Ghost-fire kiber crystal. While even more amazingly each time he deactivate the blade it either begins to short circuit the light saber or begins to cause the beskar staff to become a liquid however it is not melting it?

This is due to the alloy Jugram created in a attempt to recreate Antarctic-Vibranium while not completely successful he did create a metal that has similar property's without any draw backs.

The alloy was created with Cortosis, Beskar, and Phrik creating a metal alloy that has the same ability's as before but vibrated in a way that causes any metal to come in contact with it that is not the same metal to liquify unlike its marvel counterpart that liquified any metal near it and it will short circuit any lightsaber after enough hits with the blade unlike standard Cortosis which will short circuit one almost instantly.

Soon after the saber droid backs up and allows the staff droid to take on Jugram alone if only for a moment effectively sacrificing its comrade and shoots its blaster at Jugram who uses telekinesis to redirect the bolts at the back of the other droid disabling it.

Jugram then uses the force to crush the blaster in the droids hand while rushing to the droid and swings down deactivating his saber millisecond's before contact causing the droids lightsaber to short circuit Soon after causing Jugram to reactivate his blade while continuing down cutting the training droid in half.

Jugram stands there for a second catching his breath and deactivating his blade while HK97 approaches him.

HK97: "My meat bag master do you hate droids like I hate meat bags because if so I'm going to start running the other way now."

Jugram: "No I do not, Report how far are we on the updating process?"

HK97: "Oh that's good, we will be ready to leave by next weeks end."

Jugram: "Good we will need to set up a few explosive present's for when the jedi arrive here."

HK97: "Oh oh can i do it master?"

Jugram: "Fine, but set them to a timer that starts ticking after I activate the holo projector I wish to have a talk with the jedi of this era."

HK97: "Once again the best of present's master."

Jugram: "Hmm also start preparing a way to sneak a way into CIS space and for the planet Serenno I wish to have a chat with Count Doku."

HK97: "Oh and why is that, I doubt he has anything you would like."

Jugram: "Why to turn this fake civil war into a real one and while I'm at it perhaps gain a apprentice. Though we will need to make a stop at Lotho Miner to pick up the alchemic ingredient needed to both restore him to his prime while also make him realize switching to our side is the best choice."

HK97: "Very well master I will begin preparations for our little outing and plant the needed explosives."

Jugram: "You do that."

Jugram then sheaths his sword at his hip and begins to run back to the base while carrying two halves of the destroyed droid in each arm while the droid that was disabled to blaster fire was on his back eventually making it back about an hour later. Dropping off the droids for the clones to repair and replace he heads to his sealing chamber and begins to meditate as he does so he thinks in his head

Jugram: {status}


[Name: Jugram Haschwalth Zakuul]

[Power Level: Continental<weakened to state/super city level until recovered>]

[Force energy: 100,000 units<weakened to 21,590 until recovered> 21,034/21590 - Regen 134 Per Second]

[Force Ability's:

-Force balance-

<Description: "B" the balance has been recreated by combining the force ability's force devour, force absorb and force transfer/dark transfer creating force balance making any wounds on the user transfer to the opponent while healing the user fully uses 500 units of force energy every time>

-The Forces Almighty-

<Description: "A" the almighty has been recreated by combining the force ability's force insight, force foresight, force sense, shadow vision, precognition(shatter-point, battle precondition), farsight and force visions to create the force Almighty that gives far better vision than normal by default and predicative reflexes due to the permanent three red pupils and shadow vision.

Future sight that allows sight 10 seconds into the future passively while draining force energy slowly: 25 units of force energy every 10 seconds.

Future jump an ability that allows him to change his future by jumping to a different future undoing even his death: 2000 units of force energy every use.

-Force Telekinesis-

<Description: a basic skill that allows for a wide range of uses.

Force push to create a telekinetic wave that pushes anything in front away depending on the amount of force desired and units of energy used: 1 of unit of force energy minimum up to 10000

Force choke blocks the wind pipe of the target causing the target to suffocate can be blocked by a powerful enough force user or completely crush the neck area of the target snapping it completely: 150 units of force energy every 5 seconds to force choke and up to 750 units of force energy to snap a target's neck area

Force telekinetic control to control and move an object(s) as the user wills: 5 units of force energy a second minimum up to 10000>

-Force mind corruption-

<Description allows the user to preform any mind control method while also making the target more susceptible to following the orders of the user willingly without any direct mind control>

-Force mindslave-

<description turns any organic target into a true slave that can hardly think for itself without direct supervision otherwise it will only be able to preform simple commands: uses 1 units of force energy minimum up to 1000>

-Force Enhancement-

<Increases the physical ability's of the user making him faster, stronger, and have better reflexes while also smarter: uses 10 units of force energy every second minimum up to 100 can go beyond however doing so will damage the user over time but will give an increasing boost to physical ability the more energy used per second.>



The supreme Chancellor's office

Sheev Palpatine POV

Sheev: {Those idiotic jedi, to come to me and demand that I allow their knight's to guard this place and me from the supposed "master" of the sith from me would be funny if I didn't need to leave so that I could find out what the hell is going on. At least I finally got that green midget with a speech impediment and my unknowingly future apprentice to get ready to go to the place that I think caused this mess.}

Sheev: "Of course not grand master Yoda I would love to host some jedi knight's however I hope you could check out that old republic black-site I told you about and find out whats wrong, who knows maybe you'll find what your looking for as well I've been told the force does work in mysterious ways after all."{Ugh hold it together palp just smile and act like the kind old man that you totally are.}

Yoda: "hmm yess however search here we must, Four more months we need."

Sheev: {WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!!!} "I understand but if you still don't find what your looking for then I'm afraid I must implore you to go to the black-site after all none of the men we sent are responding and I believe having the most wise and powerful jedi{ugh} and the most promising and talented jedi{and sith} go there would be the best choice."

Anakin: "Don't worry chancellor we will go there the second we are done looking."

Sheev: {See this is why I like men of action.}"Thank you young Skywalker with this I can rest assured."

Yoda: "Go now we must, goodbye young Sheev."

Anakin: "Goodbye supreme chancellor."

Sheev: "Goodbye young Skywalker and goodbye grand master Yoda."{Stupid green midget mumble mumble mumble.}