
Arranged War

Kiara Johnson is a happy, cheerful and quite a savage college girl living a peaceful life till GOD OF ALL THE STORMS ON THE EARTH makes an appearance in her life . When one's specialised in sarcasm and one in keeping a poker face, how life turns out for them??????????????

createdbysupernova · Urban
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Chapter 3 - Inner turmoil

Kiara's POV

I left the hospital in hurry trying not to be seen by anyone I know . Although I told grandpa that I had an important presentation that's why I need to go back to college immediately but I know it better that that was a lie and grandpa knew it too but he didn't said anything. And trust me I am thankful.

I came directly to my secret place . It's a playground near my middle school, not

many people come here and it's same for today .

It's a beautiful place and many people used to come here in the past but you know "ghost rumours" exactly that happened to this beautiful place.

I don't know what I am going to do now. I Kiara ...me ..I am going to get married and with whom.....Ian Lewis Wilson...oh fuck ...no.....what I am going to do???

Don't get me wrong he is a great person I have always admired him and to be honest he is my ideal . He is my inspiration and I always wanted to work with him but marriage.....that's totally unimaginable .

I need to prepare myself for wha *ring* t s comi*ring* oh hell who is this ? I pick out my phone from my pocket and see the caller id * unknown* .

K : hello

Other side : hi

K : ( oh God no it can't be him , right?)

Ummmmmm.who's this?

Other side : Ian Lewis Wilson

K : Mr Wilson? Why ?

I : what do you mean why?

K : I ....I ..mean why did you called?

I : I just wanted to know if it's okay for you to meet me?

K : ummmm..yeah

I : okay , then how about tomorrow?

K : o..oo .Kay

I : Alright, I'll send you the time and location later .

K : Yeah.

K : Hello? Hello ?

What ? He hanged up ? Just like that?

He is ....huh....such an asshole , who on the Earth hangs up like this. Forget about him I really need to go back to home they must be waiting for me . *SIGH*


Next morning

My room is such a mess . I am trying to find a suitable dress to go to meet Mr Wilson. He sent the location we are meeting last night and we are going on lunch.

Well I am frustrated will be an understatement...why doesn't anything suits for the occasion.

About last night everything....that was fine...just dad asked me if I was really fine with the marriage thing to which I said yes and other than that everything was just like always .

Now that I think about it , it's just a lunch with THE MAN WHO HANGED UP ON ME so I don't think I should put any efforts. *Roll of eyes*.


Right now I am in front of the restaurant and as expected it's one of the most expensive ones . I don't get why rich people like to waste so much money . I mean we can eat and talk at any average restaurant too,right? What do you mean I am acting like his wife.*roll of eyes*.

I took a long breath and entered the restaurant. I mean I am about to meet my ideal ofcourse I am nervous.

As I entered, a staff showed me to the table where Mr Wilson was already seated . I went there and he got up abruptly. Oh Jesus I just got a mini heartattack.

" You startled me" I murmured. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" he said while pulling out a chair . So he knows how to be a gentleman too, I thought and grinned.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked in confusion. "Ohh...I was just.. thinking about something,yeah ..right". I answered. I am such an idiot why did I stammered.

After giving our orders , now, here we are sitting silently....an AWKWARD silence.

"So, why did you agreed for the marriage?" He broke the silence" did grandpa.....like ..blackmailed you?" He asked with a straight face.

I looked at him wide eyed "what do you mean blackmail? Do you think he is a don or something?" I chuckled.

"I meant emotionally "he said and literally I mean I really saw a glint of amusement on his face even just for a few seconds.

"Not really" I replied with a little nod.

"Then wh..."

"And what we talked about is our little secret so I am afraid I won't be able to answer that even if you ask me , so pleasssee don't ask " I cut him off before he can ask again .

"A secret "he paused for a few seconds " okay , so are you aware that they are planning for the wedding to be in a month ."

"Whattttt" I almost screamed.

"You didn't know ?"

"Ofcourse not, why would I be shocked if I did."

"Okay,you do now ."

" Why does it have to be so soon ? It's not like you got me pregnant and they need to cover it , what's with all this urg..."my ranting was interrupted by a coughing sound . "Oh God, here is water " Jesus he looks like he just saw a ghost .

"Are u alright?" I asked .


"Is it final?"

"It's what grandpa wants and he is not sure when he'll die ,so,he wants to see me getting married before that so that he can die peacefully."

"Hmm"I hummed. Why doesn't this guy show any emotions. I clearly remember he wasn't like this before. I am starting to believe that grandpa was right that something happened before he moved out .

"Are you fine with it ?"he asked.

"Doesn't matter."I said nonchalantly.

He raised a questioning brow at me and I continued " I mean you are not that bad , I can make do with it ." I smirked.

If he was shocked before , then he is dumbfounded now . I got my revenge. How dare he hang up on me ... me KIARA JOHNSON.Hahaha

"Are you fine , Mr Wilson?"I asked with a smirk.

"I think I am ." He answered with uncertainty.

"Well , do you want to talk about anything else?"

"I am afraid not " he replied. "Great ! We should just eat then. "

So we did just that and after finishing our lunch he got me a taxi to go back .

I am on my way to take back my words , he is not exactly like an asshole.

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