
Arranged War

Kiara Johnson is a happy, cheerful and quite a savage college girl living a peaceful life till GOD OF ALL THE STORMS ON THE EARTH makes an appearance in her life . When one's specialised in sarcasm and one in keeping a poker face, how life turns out for them??????????????

createdbysupernova · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 - Unexpected Meeting

Ian's POV

She'll be here soon " announces Mr Jackson. He is been my dad's secretary since I remember . He's one of the most trusted employees and my dad's close friend.

When I still lived in the main house our families reunion party or something like that they call it once every three months and seven years ago at one of those parties I saw her last time .

My sole reason to go to those parties was Mrs Jackson and her mouthwatering cuisines, she is such great cook and their third daughter she took after Mrs Jackson and pretty fun to be around . I liked her the most out of all three children of theirs . Well now can with no doubt can say that I was not the only one . Turns out my grandfather adored her too .

But never once I thought he would do something like this.

Now I remember what's happening here

my grandfather he had his second heartattack a few hours ago and had to undergo surgery.

Well apparently he is fine now but not me . Don't get me wrong I love him but ..... fine I'll tell you .

Doctor John advised him to not to worried or stressed and his greatest worry turns out to be MY MARRIAGE. What kind of worry is this I mean is it that big of a deal to get a fucking heartattack on.

And for my surprise it doesn't ends here he has already choosen his great daughter- in- law and now my whole family with hers is discussing my wedding.

I mean their great daughter -in-law and daughter -in-law is going to be my wife too atleast ask me if I want to get married.

Patrick, my little brother seems to be enjoying the most . So annoying .

"She is here" informs my brother and I hastily turn toward door of the hospital room my great father is in .

A shining girl enters the room running, her brown wavy hairs floating in the air

, a few hair strands on her beautiful face and all want is to place those silky looking strands behind her ear. What am I thinking .... No no no but she is so beautiful. I can't believe that little girl turned into such a beautiful angel.

She stops in front of the hospital bed and looks at my grandfather with worry written all over her face .

"Ian Ian " my brother says while shaking me . "Yes" I asked in surprise. " You have been staring at her " oh am I ?

"Grandpa , what happened oh my god are you fine o..." My grandfather stops her ranting with his ear to ear long smile.

" I am fine , don't worry" says my grandfather in calm voice. " That's a relief" she says while releasing a sigh of relief.

"Can you marry my idiot grandson ?" What idiot? Really? and looks directly to Patrick . Thank God.

"No no not me , Ian " says Patrick in horror. And then she turns her gaze to me with awe . It's a relief she found me .....oh no what am I thinking again.Focus Ian .

"But grandpa ...." She starts but grandpa stops her in between and says " let's have a talk first, then you can tell us your decision, is that alright? " she seems to be thinking then nods in reply .

" I want to talk to her alone " announces grandpa . What ? Alone ? What is going to say to her ?

"Ian, lets wait outside" says my dad . I follow him with no knowledge of where I am going and I realised this when I got bumped in a wall. " Ian, watch where you are going" says dad . Ohh so that wall was my dad . I mean dad not a wall . What am I saying now I better just go out . So do I I apologized to my dad and rushed out.

" Brother, let's go for some coffee I think you need that . You seem to be in your dreamland " he says and starts laughing. He can be so annoying sometimes. But I think I really need a break so I just start walking out.

After a while I hear a voice calling after me " wait for me " I turn to see Patrick huffing. So he was following me .

I just stand there waiting for him . He walks to me and starts with his usual self " Did you saw her , isn't she beautiful? I told you . You are lucky man she is going to be your wif..." " she hasn't accepted it yet, so you can stop your fantasy for the time being , okay? " I say.

"Oh who are you trying to fool , can anyone say no to grandpa ? He always has his way ". He replied smirking. Oh how much I want to kill him.


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