
Arranged War

Kiara Johnson is a happy, cheerful and quite a savage college girl living a peaceful life till GOD OF ALL THE STORMS ON THE EARTH makes an appearance in her life . When one's specialised in sarcasm and one in keeping a poker face, how life turns out for them??????????????

createdbysupernova · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 4 - The D - Day

Happy Diwali to everyone who celebrates. May lord bring happiness and joy in your lives.

Happy Diwali 🪔


General pov

It's been one week since Kiara went on a lunch with Ian . She is yet to tell her friends about her marriage. So , this morning she decided today is D-DAY .

Hence , here she is at their house wondering how to burst the balloon.

Freddie, Ryder and Kiara all are in the living room watching a mystery movie .

But for the twins their friend is more of a mystery than the movie bcz they have been staring at her for a while now and she is still very very occupied in taking out the popcorns from the bowl and then throwing them at the twins .

It really seems like she is in her own world , where she either is in a war with the popcorns or that poor thing is her weapon. In either case twins are definitely the villains.

"Hey" Ryder screams in Kiara's ear to bring her out of her dreamland.

It makes Kiara to flinch away from him and retort with" what the fuck is wrong

With you, almost murdered my eardrums "  in a dramatic way.

"Well I can assure your eardrums are as cool as me but you don't look too ....ummm..good " said Freddie with a frown on his forehead.

"Who told you you are cool " Kiara tried to slip away from the topic again .

"Not again, Kiara." Said Ryder rolling his eyes .

Kiara tilts her head in the opposite direction and closes her eyes tightly in embarrassment.

"Kiara, I really didn't want to force you to say anything that's the only reason I haven't said a word till now but you have been zoning out too much these days . " he continues " Is something wrong ? Or something that's bothering you ? you know you can tell us ,right?"

"I know" she murmurs looking down at the carpet .

" It's good to hear that you know but " Ryder takes a dramatic pause " can you spill the beans now ?"

"I am reallllly sorry I didn't told you guys sooner . I wanted to , but I didn't know to bring that up. I know it's not an excuse but I should have told you guys a whole one week sooner , please try to unde...."

Kiara takes a long and deep breath and  starts with her ranting that was interrupted by Ryder's sigh and Freddie's " I get it that you are sorry but what I don't get is what are you sorry for ?"

Kiara tilts her head in order to look at her friends and almost whispers "iamgettingmarried in three weeks" .

The twins just stares at her face with furrowed eyebrows in confusion.

"What's in three weeks ?" Asks Freddie .

"And please speak a language we know" comments Ryder.

She sighs and starts" ummm....the thing is I ...am ...I ...I am getting married " she peaked at her friends and swiftly continued with a hand gesture to stop them from saying anything " and before you say anything let me finish " a brief pause " I just knew myself last week , you remember when I ...ummm. ....when we were talking about the roadtrip . That day I was aked to marry him and I said ...yes" she again peeks at them and waits for them to react.

"So what you are saying is that you were asked and you said yes just like that "asks Freddie in disbelief.

"Nooo,answer me first." Interrupts Ryder

"Who's the guy?"

"How does he looks ?"

"Do you even know him ?"

"He is not some old ass,right? Bcz I am not letting you marry any such person."anddd he continues his questions

"What's his name?"

"And what about his age?"

"Do we know him ?"

"Is he even a human being?"

"Can you please stop for a while , we are trying to have a serious conversation here " says Freddie with annoyance . "And ofcourse he is a human , idiot."

"Not sure, he can be a zombie just like Ara"Ryder retorts with a sly smirk .

"You are a night monster "answers Kiara with a flying pillow right at Ryder's face.

"Look you are attacking me like a zombie now " Ryder cracks like a maniac.

"Ry I..." Freddie cuts her off in between and gives her a look saying 'I have got this' "Ry , she just threw a pillow at you in a very humanly way "he says calmly "so can you shut up now ."

It makes Kiara to smirk at Ryder and Ryder to roll his eyes.

Freddie turns to look at Kiara and continues " but he is right I also want to know the answers of all those questions."

"Even the human one?"asks Kiara with a pout and the three starts to laugh.

"Okay , so I know him and you both too . He is like a family friend and.....you'll know with this ....my ideal."

"Your ideal?"says Freddie in disbelief.

"As in Ian Lewis Wilson" Ryder helps him complete his sentence .

"Yes"says Kiara with a shrug.

"Is that all  you have got to say ,Ara . He is Ian as in THE Ian ." Says  Freddie.

"Well , it's like arranged. Grandpa wants us to get married and he is like not in very good health. So.." Ryder cuts her off " so, you said yes. "

Kiara retorts "he won't wish anything bad for us  ."

The twins nod at her and she continues "you guys are not mad , right?"


"Never,honeybee" both answers her at the same time .

Kiara releases a breath she didn't know she was holding and jumps at both of her best friends to hug them .

"Ouchh, you broke my five bones ." Says Freddie chucking.

"Calm down , zombie girl " says Ryder and starts chuckling too and they return her hug too.

After that the three friends spends rest of there time talking about her marriage completely forgetting the movie and spilled popcorns.

"I can't believe Kiara , Kiara JOHNSON is going for an ARRANGED MARRIAGE" shouts Ryder in excitement and pure joy.


Thanks for reading.