
Arranged Marriage With Mr Ceo

Rhia, a 20-year-old girl, is forced by her parents to get married to a stranger on her birthday. She is desperate to escape this fate and calls her best friend Lesley for help. Lesley arrive, Rhia reveals her situation, and Lesley offers her a place to stay. However, their escape is short-lived, as Lesley soon spots Rhia's parents and their bodyguards arriving at the apartment, likely to drag Rhia back home. The story explores themes of forced marriage, parental control, and the desire for autonomy and self-determination. Rhia's journey is just beginning,will she fights for her freedom and happiness.

ezztee · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Dangerous Mistake

Rhia walked towards Zander, her pace slow and cautious, as if she feared he might change his mind. Finally, she reached his lap, and Zander's eyes never left hers, his expression unreadable. Rhia's face flushed as she sat down, her heart racing with anticipation.

Zander pulled her closer, his face nuzzling the hook of her neck, and Rhia's thoughts were a jumbled mix of surprise and excitement. She wasn't scared of him; she was just taken aback by this sudden display of affection from a man who was always cold and unreadable.

Rhia's heart raced as she tried to process this new side of Zander. She was drawn to the contrast between his usual aloofness and this tender moment, and her body responded to his touch, melting into his embrace. The warmth of his breath on her skin, the gentle pressure of his face against her neck, and the soft rustle of his hair against her skin all combined to create a sensory experience that left her breathless.

In a deep, low, husky tone, Zander spoke, "Your phone." His hot, fresh breath fanned Rhia's neck, giving her goosebumps. It took her a moment to process what he said, and her breath hitched as she slowly handed him the phone. Still in the same position, he took the phone, and not long after, he returned it to her.

Rhia turned, but it was as if she'd made a dangerous mistake. Her swift movement caused her lips to brush against his nose, and her soft, wet lips sent a jolt of electricity through both of them. She gasped, standing up quickly, not expecting that to happen. Her cheeks were already flushed, and she tried to escape the situation, but Zander caught her wrist. His grip was firm but not hard.

"I never said you should leave," he spoke, his eyes intent on hers. In that moment, Rhia couldn't think straight. The connection between them was palpable, and she felt drawn to him in a way she couldn't ignore.

Zander's gaze settled on Rhia's face, lingering longer than usual. As she met his mysterious, calm dark eyes, her cheeks flushed and her heart raced.

Trying her best to act normal, Rhia blurted out, "Lesley will be visiting tomorrow after breakfast. I'd like you to meet her." She was attempting to shift the atmosphere, but Zander just stared at her, a smirk playing on his lips. Rhia's eyes involuntarily trailed to his mouth, and she quickly averted her gaze, fearing her mind would wander elsewhere. His hands still held hers, and she found herself staring at his ring, feeling an inexplicable sensation she couldn't quite grasp. Zander's enigmatic gaze made her heart race, and she reminded herself they were in an arranged marriage. As he released her hand and spoke, "You may leave," the atmosphere shifted, and his expression returned to its usual calm, surprising Rhia. She left, feeling a sense of relief wash over her, but also a lingering sense of curiosity about the mysterious man she was bound to

Rhia burst into the room, jumping onto the large bed with a flourish. She rolled around, grabbing a pillow and screaming into it as if trying to exorcise the embarrassment she felt just minutes before. Her antics were a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere she'd just left behind, and she seemed determined to shake off the lingering emotions. The pillow muffled her cries, but her body language spoke volumes - she was releasing pent-up energy and frustration, trying to erase the memory of her encounter with Zander.

After her emotional release, Rhia lay back in her normal position, feeling slightly better. She closed her eyes, and before long, she drifted off to sleep. The sunlight peeking through the curtains slowly roused her, and she opened her eyes with a yawn. Turning to the side, she expected to see Zander, but he was nowhere to be found. "Maybe he left," she thought to herself, knowing he was incredibly busy as the most successful CEO in the country. While she understood his demanding schedule, a hint of disappointment lingered in her eyes.

After her bath, Rhia slipped into a simple yet elegant matching outfit, pulling her hair back into a sleek ponytail. She sat down at the dining table, eating slowly and deliberately, as was her habit. The butler stood nearby, attentive and waiting for any request. Just as she was savoring her food, she heard footsteps descending the stairs. Rhia's head lifted, and her eyes met Zander's dark gaze. For a fleeting moment, a smile played on her lips, before quickly returning to her neutral expression. Though she tried to conceal it, her happiness at seeing him still present was palpable. Zander's observant eyes, however, didn't miss that brief, telling smile.

Wearing a plain shirt and a pair of jeans, Zander's handsomeness was still utterly captivating, even in a normal outfit. His rugged features and chiseled physique seemed to radiate an aura of quiet confidence, making him stand out in any setting. Rhia tried her best not to stare, but she couldn't help sneaking glances at him as he ate with complete etiquette, his refined table manners only adding to his allure. Despite his calm demeanor, Zander still exuded an intimidating aura, one that commanded respect and attention. His piercing gaze seemed to see right through her, leaving Rhia feeling both fascinated and unsettled. She was drawn to his enigmatic presence, yet wary of the power and intensity that lurked beneath his polished surface.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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