
Arranged Marriage With Mr Ceo

Rhia, a 20-year-old girl, is forced by her parents to get married to a stranger on her birthday. She is desperate to escape this fate and calls her best friend Lesley for help. Lesley arrive, Rhia reveals her situation, and Lesley offers her a place to stay. However, their escape is short-lived, as Lesley soon spots Rhia's parents and their bodyguards arriving at the apartment, likely to drag Rhia back home. The story explores themes of forced marriage, parental control, and the desire for autonomy and self-determination. Rhia's journey is just beginning,will she fights for her freedom and happiness.

ezztee · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Lesley visit

As they sat together, Rhia heard the sound of footsteps approaching and said "Lesley" in a slightly louder tone than usual, her voice tinged with a hint of excitement. Zander lifted his head, his gaze surprised, but not because of Lesley's arrival; rather, he was focused on Rhia's reaction, his eyes narrowing slightly as he studied her expression. He didn't even spare Lesley a glance, indicating that his attention was solely on Rhia's subtle cues, his interest piqued by the faint change in her tone. Rhia's eyes darted towards Lesley, a mixture of emotions flickering across her face, but Zander's gaze remained fixed on her, his intensity almost palpable.

This was new - her genuine smile, showcasing her perfect teeth, was a sight he had never seen before. For the first time, he was taken aback by her radiant expression. He quickly shifted his gaze back to his food, but his attention was still on Rhia as she hugged Lesley. "Rhia, who is that bodyguard?" Lesley asked in an angry tone. "He didn't let me in, but then I gave him a piece of my mind..."

"It's okay, what's great is that you're here now," Rhia spoke, trying to ease the tension. Rhia was calm and collected, a stark contrast to Rhia's friend Lesley, whose character was the opposite. The maids began to clear the table, their hands shaking slightly as they worked. Some droplets of sweat fell from their faces, betraying their nervousness. Zander's aura was simply too intimidating for them to handle.

Lesley nodded as her gaze shifted to Zander, feeling his presence even though she wasn't facing him. She wondered how Rhia managed to live with a person with such an aura. At the wedding, she could feel it, but now, being in the same room as Zander and Rhia, she felt the intimidating aura even more intensely.

Zander stood up, his movements graceful as he walked to the large, extravagant sofa. He sat down, crossing his legs like an expressionless king. Lesley had never felt this intimidated, but she snapped out of it when Rhia pulled her to the other side of the sofa. Though Zander never spared Lesley a single glance, he looked effortlessly handsome as always.

As Lesley sat down, she handed Rhia a bag. Rhia's smile widened as she opened the bag, revealing a see-through box of bunny-shaped cookies. Rhia squealed in surprise, like a child who had just been given their favorite princess gown. For a moment, she forgot that Zander was quietly staring at this other side of her. She was with Lesley, and almost forgot that Zander was there.

But Lesley could not hide the fact that she was getting intimidated by him. Her eyes kept darting back to Zander, who was still sitting calmly, his gaze fixed on some point in front of him. She could feel his presence, like a weight in the air, pressing down on her. She tried to shake off the feeling, telling herself she was being ridiculous, but she couldn't help it. Zander's aura was like nothing she had ever experienced before. It was as if he was a dark cloud, looming over them, waiting to unleash a storm.

After some time, Rhia turned to Zander, her gaze locked with his for a moment before shifting it back to Lesley. "Lesley, meet my husband, Zander," she said, trying to act normal. "Zander, this is Lesley, my best friend." The way she called his name was soft and gentle. "Nice meeting you, Mr. Zander," Lesley said, trying to break the tension. Zander responded with a simple "Mn," his gaze still fixated on Rhia, watching her every little expression. His eyes seemed to bore into her soul.

Still holding the bag in her hand so protectively, as if letting go of it would mean losing something precious, made Zander wonder why such a thing would make her so happy. He watched as she clutched the bag tightly, a small smile playing on her lips, and couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity. What was it about this bag that brought her so much joy? He thought to himself, his eyes never leaving hers, as he tried to decipher the mystery behind her happiness.

She quietly opened the bag, bringing out the box. She slowly opened it, and the radiant cookie aroma drifted around the room. Her smile never left her face, and this was the first time Zander saw her smile for so long. The seven cookies stared back at her, and she removed one, giving it to Lesley. "The rest are all mine," she said, her eyes still fixed on the cookies. Lesley nodded as she began to chew on hers. Rhia took one and savored the taste, her eyes closing in delight as the flavors danced on her tongue.

Immediately, she opened her eyes, Lesley stared at her, using her eyes to communicate, "Are you not giving him one?" Rhia spoke, but not with her eyes, "He would not accept it."

"Give me one," Zander spoke, shocking both Rhia and Lesley. The real reason why he wanted one was because he was wondering why Rhia was so attached to something so insignificant, even calling it hers. Rhia stared at him, surprised, but still, she stood, removing one cookie and handing it to him. He held her wrist when she was about to go back to meet Lesley, "Sit with me," his voice calm. Rhia sat, and Zander stared at the cookie before taking a bite. His eyes never left hers, as if searching for answers to his unmasked question.

Rhia stared at him, her face so eager to hear what he would say about her favorite cookie. "Not bad," he spoke, and Rhia smiled, her eyes lighting up with delight. Before she could speak, they all heard a voice. "Where is my sister-in-law?" They all turned, but Lesley froze, staring at him. "Mr. Blonde," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes fixed on him with a mixture of surprise and wariness.