
Arranged Marriage With Mr Ceo

Rhia, a 20-year-old girl, is forced by her parents to get married to a stranger on her birthday. She is desperate to escape this fate and calls her best friend Lesley for help. Lesley arrive, Rhia reveals her situation, and Lesley offers her a place to stay. However, their escape is short-lived, as Lesley soon spots Rhia's parents and their bodyguards arriving at the apartment, likely to drag Rhia back home. The story explores themes of forced marriage, parental control, and the desire for autonomy and self-determination. Rhia's journey is just beginning,will she fights for her freedom and happiness.

ezztee · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Strange Feeling

As she settled into the plush seat, Rhia's thoughts drifted back to Zander, Rhia's heart sank as she realized she didn't have Zander's phone number. She had been so caught up in the excitement of visiting Lesley that she had forgotten to ask for his contact information. She thought about asking James, her driver, if he knew how to reach Zander, but she hesitated, unsure if it was appropriate to involve him in her personal matters. As the car continued on its journey, Rhia couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty that have sttled in her mind.

As the day drew to a close, Rhia gazed out the window, captivated by the city's evening beauty. The twinkling lights and bustling streets created a mesmerizing scene, a perfect backdrop for reflection. She decided to check the latest news on Hellogram, and her eyes landed on the ring adorning her hand. A strange, pleasant sensation settled in her chest, making her feel surprisingly good. It was then that she realized she hadn't noticed the ring for the past two weeks, likely due to her hectic schedule. The diamond ring, shaped like a heart, caught her attention, and her heart fluttered. She felt a sense of joy and gratitude, remembering the special moment it was given to her.

But Rhia was taken aback by her reaction. This was an arranged marriage, after all - a loveless union born of duty and obligation. She hadn't expected to feel this way. The ring symbolized a commitment, a reminder of the vows she had made, but it wasn't supposed to evoke feelings like this. Rhia's thoughts wandered to her partner, Zander, and their relationship,Where had this strange, tingling sensation come from?

The car came to a halt, and she was finally home, But what was it about this relationship that was stirring up these unexpected emotions? Rhia pushed the thought aside, focusing on the familiar routine of her life. Yet, the feeling lingered, a quiet whisper in the back of her mind.

As she entered the mansion, Rhia's footsteps came to an abrupt halt. Her heartbeat accelerated as her eyes locked onto Zander, standing before her in a plain grey shirt and sweatpants. His hair was mussed, a stark contrast to his usual immaculately groomed appearance. He looked... different. The intimidating aura that typically surrounded him still lingered, but there was something about this version of him that felt off. The casual attire and disheveled hair made him appear more relaxed, more human. Rhia's mind raced as she tried to reconcile this new image with the man she thought she knew.

Rhia stood before Zander, unsure of how to react. Should she hug him or kiss him? She quickly dismissed the latter, feeling too uncertain. Instead, she pointed to his cheek, trying to sound casual. "There's something on your cheek. Bend down, let me wipe it off." Zander raised an eyebrow but obligingly leaned in, lowering himself to her height. In a swift second, Rhia tiptoed up and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, just as he had done to her before. But hers was faster, more fleeting. Before Zander could react, Rhia spun around and made a quick escape, leaving him frozen in surprise. She had caught him off guard.

Rhia's cheeks flushed a deep crimson as she hastily entered the room, silently praying that Zander wouldn't follow her. The blood rushing to her face felt like it was about to burst through her skin. She parted her lips, taking a quick breath, and made a beeline for the bathroom. She needed a moment to collect herself, to calm the fluttering in her chest and the burning in her cheeks. She shut the door behind her, leaning against it as if to barricade herself from the outside world. Her heart raced with a mix of excitement and embarrassment, wondering what Zander must think of her sudden escape.

After her bath, Rhia slipped into her comfortable pajamas and sat down to dry her hair, lost in thought. She was contemplating how to ask Zander for his phone number, feeling a bit silly since they were already married. But she didn't know how else to reach him. After a few minutes, she got up and headed to the dining room for dinner. The mouth-watering meal was a welcome distraction, but her mind kept wandering back to Zander. Once she finished eating, she turned to the butler and asked, "Where is my husband?" Her cheeks flushed slightly at the unfamiliar title, but she knew she needed to get used to it. The butler replied formally, "In his office, ma'am." His respectful tone made Rhia feel a bit more at ease, but she knew she still had to muster up the courage to face Zander and ask for his number.Rhia stood before the extravagant, luxurious door, her heart racing as she finally mustered up the courage to knock. She rapped twice, her knuckles trembling slightly as she waited for a response. The deep, husky voice that answered sent shivers down her spine. "Come in." Those two words were all he said, but they held a commanding power that made Rhia's pulse quicken.Zander sat in his chair, still focused on his laptop, assuming it was the butler who had entered. He silently waited for the butler to speak, his gaze remaining fixed on the screen. Finally, he raised his head, and his eyes met Rhia's. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, and she looked almost too good to be true. He silently waited for her to speak, his expression unreadable. "Your number," Rhia blurted out quickly, not at all what she had planned to say. Zander just stared at her, his expression still unreadable, after a long silence that was eating her up. Then, in a low tone, he spoke, "Come here," his eyes still fixed on hers as he tapped his lap. Rhia's eyes widened in surprise - did he just ask her to sit on his lap?

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