

Not all arranged marriage end up badly as we expect,What happens when your marriage is arranged to your soulmate. Follow Victoria Millan's story on how she was forced to get married to a stranger. Read to the end to know what happened to her since she hates marriage to hell

ann_finlay · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Trever's P.O.V

Today marks two weeks since i asked Tori to be my girlfriend and guess what she said yes, so currently we are dating. Dating is not as bad as i had picture it, i mean is not as clingy as i have my friends with their clingy girlfriends. I can say she is my peace since am always comfortable around her. I had asked her if she could move to my apartment but she said she was comfortable in her own apartment. I was not going to force her anyway, she will come when she is ready.

Soon or later i was planning to take her for dinner in my parents' place ,i don't if she will yes or think its too early to do so.

Tori's P.O.V

Forgetting about Julio is not something that can happen overnight, but at least i was not thinking a lot about him, although to be honest part me wanted to have him. I can't deny the fact that i missed him, just seeing him was enough to me, no matter how rude he was to me, i still find myself wanting him.

Recently Trever had asked me to be his girlfriend, at first i wanted to say no then remembering how Julio was having fun with other girls i decided to say yes, maybe this could my opportunity to forget about Julio completely and move on. But still there was one thing i had to do, i had to get a divorce from Julio to set me free. No matter how am living far from him, the papers still show that am his legal wife. So i had to find a way to end that now that i had found some who loves me.

Since my business was going on well, i decided to move to a larger apartment since i could afford to pay the rent and other expenses.

After looking for a bigger apartment, i moved out of Sunshine apartment to an apartment that was twice bigger.

Julio's P.O.V

I have been meaning to visit Victoria in her apartment and have a talk, i needed to take back the condition and terms that i had given her, i wanted to see her badly, to ask her for another to be her husband not only in papers but to prove to her that i was ready to take her as my wife.But everyday i keep postponing because i don' t if she will throw me out or not.

Today i decided i was ready for anything, i was prepared for the worst if it was to happened.

After todays work, i would have to visit her, to open to her about my feelings for her, i had to, i was tired of being patient and waiting for her to come back yet by now i was sure she was not coming back.

Evening came and as i decided i drove towards Sunshine apartment, reaching her door, i pressed her the door bell and waited, after waiting for like ten minutes without a respond, i rang more and more yet no response.I could have spent my entire night ringing the door bell were it not for her neighbour who passed by and told Victoria had moved out two days ago. I think today luck was not on my side, where she had moved to was still a nightmare to me.

Disappointed , i headed to my car and drove to my apartment, i then decided i was going to visit her shop the next day. And this time there was no turning back.

Tori's P.O.V

So today i decided to give myself a break, since my shop had grown, i had hired two employees to since the customers were too many to be managed by one person. Taking a break i decided i was going for a nature walk in a certain forest, yes i like walking alone because it gives me to refresh my mind fully. I packed everything i needed for the nature walk. From lunch to my camera since i would take some pictures .

By ten in the morning i was already getting my way through the forest. Watching trees of different species, different shapes, height made me remember my highschool Geography teacher who had taught us about Forestry and Forest.

The forest was endless, since a i walked and walked but i could not reach the end, so i decided to rest a little bit and have a bite of my lunch before continuing with exploring the forest.

Seeing dusk was approaching so fast and the sun was going to set soon, i decided to end my walk. I started walking back following the path that i had followed while coming. By the time i had reached the edge of the forest darkness had covered everywhere. I used my phone's flash ligh to tress my way until i came to the main road, luckily i saw a taxi was passing by, i made signs for the taxi driver to stop. Stopping, i entered in while giving him direction to where my apartment was.

Julio's P.O.V

I stayed awake the whole night waiting for morning to come so that i could go talk to Victoria. That morning i woke up early than usual because i was very anxious to go talk to Tori. Walking out of my mansion, i took my Audi and drove all the way to the floral shop. Parking my car in a near by parking lot, i walked towards the direction of the floral shop.

The first thing i noticed were two girls who were busy serving the customers, i could not see Victoria, getting near i asked one of the girls if Victoria was around, only to get a negative answer. Victoria was not around today, i had to ask if she knew where she stayed, but she answered with a no. What the heck for a day to start with.

' Victoria where are you please, just come back to me '

I could not go to work that day, i called my secretary and told her to postpone all the meetings i had for that day, until i talk to Victoria, i was not going to attend any meeting, because with my condition there was no way i could concertrate in anything. The earlier i find her the better for me. Was God trying to punish for my mistakes or what. I just could not figure out what was happening.