

Not all arranged marriage end up badly as we expect,What happens when your marriage is arranged to your soulmate. Follow Victoria Millan's story on how she was forced to get married to a stranger. Read to the end to know what happened to her since she hates marriage to hell

ann_finlay · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Tori's P.O.V

The following day i went to check in my floral shop only to be met by news that someone had asked for me the previous day. It could not be Trever because i had told him about my plans of the day and second he had a tight schedule since he was preparing for a medical conference. I had no friends, especially male friends who could be checking on me. So the question is who could this person be, or is it the unknown person who keeps sending gifts to me. I just needed to find out who it was.

After much description, i figured out the description fitted Julio, but wait him, why? Him asking for me that is very unbelievable, or maybe he came to talk about us divorcing because i can't figure out why him of all people could come to look for me, that is impossible. Maybe its time i should face him and ask for divorce instead of waiting for him to divorce me, all days i had waited for him to come to me but he never came, it was high time i nullify my marriage to him.

I thought of going to meet him in his apartment, then the thought that i could in to him screwing someone just made me change my mind. But i always wonder why i hate him being with other ladies yet he on the other end hates me like hell. I should think of a reason to hate him, but still am not finding one, or maybe i should hate him for hurting my feelings, ignoring me when i started falling for and last for accepting the marriage to happen yet he knew he was going to treat me like trash.

I should always blame him for everything, he could at least tried to be nice, or he could have suggested for our marriage to be some kind of a contract at least doesn't sound, but who i may, i could have still fallen for him anyway, he is just too handsome to be ignored. But i can't blame, i just can't control my heart from falling in love.

Trever's P.O.V

I had just finished my surgery when i heard my phone ringing, checking the caller id, it was from my dad. I was just too tired to talk to anyone right now so i just ignored the call. In my office i decided to take a nap, i had not even slept for a minute when my phone started ringing again. My father calling twice! that was not like him, maybe something was not right, i picked the call this time but instead my dad disconnected it.

After a minute, i had a message popping up, curious to know, i opened it up immediately. It was from my dad, it read:

Your mom has been admitted to AGHC hospital after she fainted and has been diagonised with stage three cancer, come immediately."

Mom, cancer how? i just can't relate, how the hell did she get cancer, worst of all stage three. Oh no please i can't loose my mom, i just i can't. Rushing out of my office i ran to my car, started it and drove as i was passing through hell, i ignored the traffic. I just wanted to see my mom.

Arriving at AGHC hospital, i hurried to the reception desk, asking about my mom's ward number. Without wasting my time, i was on her ward door only to be stopped by a nurse. "Are you her son?" the nurse asked, i just nodded because i could not even form a word. She allowed me to enter, the sight that caught my eyes made me almost to turn around, my mom with pipes connected to her, she had lost weight within hours, she her body frame looking thin and fragile. Standing there, i wondered if this was the same person who had that beautiful captivating smile placed on her face, who had taught that as a man i needed to stand for myself, who had been my pillar through thick and thin, this should not be her in this condition.

I stood there motionless tears running down my cheeks, i could not just control myself. I loved my mom, i really did.

"Oh son you are here, the doctor says she has less than to weeks to live,the cancer cells have destroyed her immunity." Said my dad trying not to break down.

"WHAT! less than two weeks, no, no, no, please mom don't do this to us, please mom no."

"Trever calm down, she doesn't need to see you like this, i think you know your mom well." That was from my dad.

Yes i needed to be strong for her but i just can't, like am i going to live without her, my mom is my happiness.We could have taken her for chemotherapy but the doctor said it was too late for that, so meaning i was just going to watch my mom die.

After sitting there for like an hour, my mom finally opened her eyes, she was coughing. I just went near and hugged her tightly, i could not believe in less than two weeks she won' t be with us.

" Son, i know am dying its too late now to save me, but there is one thing i want you to do for me. You have to promise me you won't reject what am going to tell you" My mom said in a mid of coughs.

"Anything for you mom, i will do anything. Just say it am ready for anything ". Yes i meant what i said, i was ready to do anything for my mom, even if it meant walking the whole world barefoot, i was ready.

"So there is this girl i want you to marry, she is called Trinna. She is a nice girl. I want you to meet her today and talk to her, she already knows about the marriage but i want you to talk to her. " My mom said.

This is going to be hard, i mean i was in love with Victoria, but i had to accomplish my mom' s death wish, i was not going to fail her, even if it meant sacrificing my happiness i was going for it.

"Okay mom, where exactly is Trinna ?" I asked. I just don't want to say no to my mom.

"Everything is in order, just meet her at Cafe Lalo, she will be waiting for you" She said closing her eyes.

Trinna's P.O.V

Am getting married? Mom are you kidding me, wait am just 21 and you have already arranged a marriage for me worst of all to Trever Raymond?" I asked my mom. I could not just believe her, who the hell still goes for an arranged marriage in this century, that is old fashion. Don't get me wrong about me not wanting to get married to Trever but how will you feel when you are asked to marry someone you had a crush on in your senior year of highschool but he ignored you completely.

"Listen Trinna am your mom so have some respect, am not doing this out of selfish reason, you know Trever's mom well, she has been my friend for such a long time, she has been diagonised with stage three cancer, you know what that mean, she is dying and it is her wish to see her son settled down with someone before her death, she wishes to attend her son's wedding, So please enough with the complains lets just make her wish come true, she has chosen you because she knows you suits her son, and she has raised Trever well enough, he is a gentleman ,he is not like this kind of boys you have been dating." that was from mom.

I didn't know Trever's mom had cancer, she has always been good to my mom and me, and to repay her goodness and kindness to us i have just to sacrifice and marry his son, he is not that bad anyway. And that explains why am seated to cafe Lalo waiting for Trever.

Am Trinna Miranda by the way,and am a designer.