

Not all arranged marriage end up badly as we expect,What happens when your marriage is arranged to your soulmate. Follow Victoria Millan's story on how she was forced to get married to a stranger. Read to the end to know what happened to her since she hates marriage to hell

ann_finlay · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Trever's P.O.V

I have been thinking of asking Tori to be my girlfriend for a while now but courage just fails me. I think its easy to kill a lion than facing a girl and asking her, Please be my girlfriend. But sooner or late i will have to gather and compose myself to face her and tell because my feelings for her cannot just die that easily. I mean she is a good person, she is beautiful, she has those curves in the right places, she has that beautiful smile , who on earth can ignore that in a girl. I have to man up myself and take the chance.

I had her number so i texted her to know if she could be available tonight, maybe then i could shoot my shot.

'Hey Tori, what is your plan for tonight' I texted but she did not reply back immediately so guessed she was busy. I was busy in my laptop reading some important files when i heard a message pop up in my phone, wow that should be Tori, i thought. And true to my thinking it was her i read her reply.

' I was planning to go for a night in a club, you wanna join me'.

Who am i to say no to that, my answer was a yes off course . We ended up drinking wine as we talked. I can say we had fun in the club . By the time we had finished our wine, Tori was very drunk and i had to carry her to my car. I guess she is bad in drinking , i mean just two glasses of wine and she could not walk steadily.

I drove in silent since Tori was drunk and sleeping in the passenger seat. Reaching Sunshine apartment, i parked my car in the parking lot as i open her side door so i could carry her to her apartment. Tori was deep asleep and i did not even know her door passcode so that meant i had to wake her up. Waking her was successful but the problem is she could not remember her passcode since she was drunk. She kept on blabbering numbers that were not her passcode. Seeing i was just wasting time waiting for her to guess the passcode, i decided to take her to my apartment so she could spent the night there and come back to hers in the morning when in sober mind.

Tori's P.O.V

I woke with a headache , opening my eyes i realized that i was not in my room. My room had pink curtains but i was in a room with blue curtains, where the hell am i. The only thing i remember of the previous day was being in a club with Trever , but i don't even remember going home, so where could i be. Could i be in Trever's apartment,if not where else.

"Good morning Tori" I head someone saying, looking where the voice came from, i saw Trever entering the room with two cups of coffee.

"How did i end up here, i literally doesn't remember anything apart from drinking wine in the club." I asked him instead of replying to his greetings.

" I guess you were too drunk to remember anything from guessing the wrong door passcode of your apartment to how i carried you from the bar to my car and from my car to my apartment."

What so i could not remember my passcode, hell no am not drinking again. What if i was alone, what could have happened.

After taking some painkillers to relieve my headache, i drank the coffee, thanked Trever and decided just to my apartment since My apartment was not far from Trever's place.

Julio's P.O.V

I was in my office going through some information about Victoria when i saw in her Bio her birthday date, 24th April, it was to happen in two days time. I guess it was time for me to make another move. I decided i should buy her something on her birthday, but the problem comes here what should i buy her. To tell the truth i don't know her well to know what she likes, what can make her happy. Maybe i should ask someone for advice, and that someone is none other than my friend Trever. So i decided to give him a call but then i realized Trever does not even know about girls since i have never seen him introducing any girl to us. But wait Trever had told me that he had a crush on a certain girl in town, they were kind of friends but he liked her more, maybe he can ask the girl then help me out.

So i called Trever ,

Me: Hey buddy how are you.

Trever: Am good, wassup?

Me: I was thinking if you could help me with an idea?.

Trever: Okay, go on..

Me: What is the best gift to give to a girl on her birthday?

Trever: Wait bro, are you seeing someone, which part of you will never date did i not understand.

Me: Its just complicated, but just help.

Trever: Okay, i may suggest maybe a necklace, or a birthday cake with her name.

Me: Oooh, i get it, thanks..

After ending the call i decided to buy her a gold necklace since money to me was not a problem.

I wanted to write my name on the wrappings but i decided against it and just wrote from Unknown person. I paid someone to take it to her address. She may not no its me but the fact that she will have something from me was enough for now. One day i was going to tell her the truth of how i felt for her, just one day.

Tori's P.O.V

It was on saturday , and being a weekend , i was doing some cleaning in my apartment when i heard the door bell ringing. I wondered who it could be since only one person knew my address, Trever and i was not expecting anyone. Opening the front door, i saw a delivery boy with a package.

" Hey how can i help you?" I asked him.

" I came to deliver this package to you. " He said handing me the package.

I just took the package and closed my door. Who could have sent it.Curiousity got the better of me and i tore the package to find a box wrapped well and on the wrapping was written:



Oh no again unknown person. Who could this unknown person be. I had even forgotten about him until now.

Opening the box i was surprised to find a gold chain, like real gold, the sender must be filthy rich. Julio is rich could it be him sending me this, but no he doesn't like me so he cannot be the one. I saw a note inside the box, i opened it thinking i could find more about this unknown person. The note read:

Hey Victoria,

I take this chance to wish you a very happy birthday as you turn a year older.


i celebrate you today..


unknown person.

What, i mean today is my birthday and seriously i had no clue about it. But who the hell is this unknown person who even knows my birthday, could it be my former classmates from highschool, but looking back, i did not have friends, so i could not figure out who had send me this gift.

Putting the gift away, i decided i should celebrate my birthday by buying myself a cake. After i was done with cleaning, i went to the mall and ordered a cake, a red velvet cake with chocolate flavor that was my favourite. After i had cleared the bills, i walked back to my apartment since i did not want to spend alot of money, walking will save me from spending money on a cab.

Reaching my apartment i placed my cake on the table, lit the candle and closed my eyes to make a wish. After that i cut the cake and that's how my birthday celebration entailed.

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