

Not all arranged marriage end up badly as we expect,What happens when your marriage is arranged to your soulmate. Follow Victoria Millan's story on how she was forced to get married to a stranger. Read to the end to know what happened to her since she hates marriage to hell

ann_finlay · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Tori's P.O.V

Its now two days since i received the valentine gift from the unknown person but no one has come to my shop and my apartment to claim he had sent me the gift so am just planning keeping it anyway. My days are always busy and i think they are helping me to forget about Julio,that is a positive outcome to me.

I was seated in my shop at noon when i saw a familiar person coming towards my shop, his face looked familiar like i had seen him somewhere but i could not remember where exactly i had seen him. Getting closer is when i realized who it was, Trever the guy i met during the party at Julio's house. I had even forgotten about him until now.

"Hey miss, you look familiar, have we met before?" Trever asked.

"Kind of i guess,we met in Julio's party" I replied smiling at him.

"Oh, Victoria right?" He asked.

"Yes" i said to him.

"So you work here, i wish i knew earlier because i could be passing by to say hello." Trever said.

"Now you know, and yes i own this shop" i answered him.

We continued talk until when a customer came, Trever then left promising he would pass by evening after he was done with his work. He even forgot to order the flowers he had come for.

Trever's P.O.V

Ever since i saw that girl called Victoria in Julio's party, i have been thinking of her.I could not get her out of my mind. I decided to look for her so that i get to know her when, thats when i learnt that she works in a floral shop in mid town. First lemme introduce myself, am Trever Raymond the best surgeon in the country, 25 years old bachelor. Yes i was single, i had solved all puzzles of life but i had failed to solve matters of the heart.

So today i decided to visit the floral shop where Victoria works. At first i pretended to have forgotten her when in real sense i have thinking of her day in day out for the last two weeks. Seems like she still remembers me. We talked for a while until a customer came and i had to excuse myself and leave since i had overstayed my visit yet i had a surgery to attend to after the lunch break. I hurried back to the hospital to carry on the surgery.

Everything needed for the surgery was already there, within minutes my surgery was over and it was success. I went to my office to pass time waiting for evening so i could pass by Victoria's shop.

I don't remember when i dozed off , if not for my phone ringing i could be sleeping by now. Looking at the caller Id i saw my dads name flashing there, another family dinner tonight, oh no i don't want to ruin my plans today so i ignored the call, knowing my father well he would never call twice. Looking at the wall clock, it was almost five in the evening, i remembered i had to see Victoria, i hurried to the parking lot, opened my car and drove it towards Victoria's floral shop. I just arrived there in the nick of time as she was locking the front door meaning her day's work was over.

"Hey Tori. " I greeted startling her.

"Hey, i did not know you were here," She replied smiling at me.

I liked her smile, it was beautiful, it had no comparison.

" So what's your plan for tonight?"I asked her just to keep talking to her.

" Just watching some tv programme, nothing big." She replied.

"Not bad for a friday night anyway, but i was thinking if you could join me for dinner since i have no friends today, they are like all booked up today."

" Doesn't sound bad, since i have no great plans, i don't mind joining you." Came her reply.

And that' s how i got her to accompany me, not that my friends were booked but i had no other excuses to offer. I just wanted to have her company.

We ended up to a mexican restaurant since i learnt that she loves mexican food. Our dinner went on well and after that, drove her to her apartment , which was a surprise to me because she lived in my neighbourhood.

"Thanks for tonight, the company the dinner and everything." She said getting out of the car.

"It was nothing, i think i should be thanking you for keeping me company."

Tori's P.O.V

My day went well, it was five already time for closing the shop and going home. Trever had promised to pass by but it seems he was caught up so he was not going to come. I was focused on closing the front door until i had my name. "Hey Tori" I was starled but looking behind me i saw Trever whom i thought was not coming.

Trever asked me to accompany him for dinner, since i had no plans but watching some tv programme, i accepted the invite choosing one of the famous mexican restaurant in town since i was liked mexican dishes. After having dinner with him, he drove me to my apartment. I thanked him for dinner and went inside my apartment.

Entering my apartment, i closed the door before me. I changed into my pajamas and without wasting even a single second, i climbed on the bed.

Julio's P.O.V

It has been like two weeks since i had found out where Victoria lives but UpTo now i had not talked to her, and in this two weeks i had not screwed even a single girl, i think i had already lost interest in all girls, That is unlike me but i guess love can change someone, if this truly was love then trust me i will never rise up once i have fallen for her .I just wanted to tell her how i felt about her but i could not just show up in her place and open up for her. I was still thinking how to approach her but i was not ready enough to do so.

Tori's P.O.V

Since i had moved out of Julio's mansion i had expected him to look for me and ask me to get back but nothing like that happened. I hope our parents never find out about me moving out, but to some point i don't even care because i think they deserve that. I hated Julio for not coming to check on me. I thought of approaching him and asking him to file a divorce since were only married on paper and he did not want me but then i just let it go,maybe after moving fully on and starting to date is when i will tell him about the divorce, i know he will be happy.

Trever and i are seeing other and the way i see it is more like a friend thing, he has not yet asked me to be his girlfriend but his actions shows that. He is a good guy, he passes by every evening to say hello, sometimes he takes me out for drinks and dinners. Maybe this is my chance of forgetting about Julio and starting a new life.
