
Apply to Status

I was just wandering around as usual on the school courtyard with my friends, Sun and Saya, when a fire broke out in the school, and surrounded us, trapping us into the small courtyard, filled with an abundance of plants. Little did I know this one incident would lead to a world of wonders and magic.

Story_Harnesser · Fantasy
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10 Chs

SS Rank

I returned to the guild through my portal, and just as planned, Sora, Saya, and Mary were all there waiting in line so they could return the thnigs necessary to become B ranks. I went and joined them. Since they were at the back it wasn't really a big deal and no one would complain about us cutting in line.

Some time passed, and we made it to the front. Of course while we were waiting several hooligans tried to hit on the girls or try to pick on us because we looked weak. I gave them a a kick to the nuts and they all nearly died since I was controlling myself.

Sora, Saya, and Mary turned in the targets for the B rank quest and got approved. There were quite a few people that were suprised by the results, I gues starting at B rank was pretty unheard of, but in that party there were 2 heroes and someone from another world, so they pretty much have to be OP there's no question about that. And it definitely showed. Mary had pooled her stat points into mana, and now she had some and it was noticeable from before, while I could clearly see the density of mana surrounding Sun and Saya.

Some of the harrasers avoided them all together after that. After all they were B rank rookies which means they will go far and become extremely powerful people. Then it was my turn.

"Excuse me where should I put the corpses I have?"

"Just lie them on the counter here. OH but tell me the quest you took first."

"I took the 'Slaying the Dragon Queen' quest, but ran into the Dragon King so I have both of their corpses."



They all stared at me like I was crazy. I honestly don't think it was that hard, but I guess their stats were pretty extreme. Whatever, she said put it on the counter so thats what I'll do.

I pulled out both of their heads and smacked them onto the counter. If I had put their bodies out it would crush the building and that would not be good for any of us. The receptionist lady went running to the back to get appraisers, I guess she wasn't sure what she saw was correct.

After an hour of waiting and careful analysis of the skulls I was called to the guildmaster's room.

"Hello, I am the Spruce Guild Guildmaster. Give it to me strait, how did a kid like you kill the Dragon King and Queen in less than a day. Either way you'll end up at SS Rankbut we need to put these down in history to show off Spruce Guild's power, you wouldn't mind right?"

"Yeah, so um first of all, though I might be ten I am an Iven so keep in mind I am just really powerful to begin with but pretty much they were asleep in their den, and after I teleported over to them after reading their stats and estimating how much power I needed to cut their heads clean off I did it, then got levelling sickness and was stuck there for 3 hours. Then I teleported back."

"Oh, so you didn't have a really cool big battle or anything, that's sort of anticlimactic. But what were the stats of the King and Queen anyway."

I showed him the stat pages I had recorded in my memory, and he nearly fainted.

"Well what about your stats."

I showed him mine and this time he really did pass out. I slapped his face really lightly a few times and he slowly woke up. It was quite troublesome to have to do that while holding Yuuki in my hands but whatever.

"I wasn't dreaming was I?"

"No you weren't those are my stats, and I'll only get stronger as more time passes."

"Well I guess I got it all down, take this coin it is your reward for slaying the dragons."

He gave me back my big coin. All in a days work, I spent 2 big coins and got one back, that might not exactly be profit but spending two cities then getting one back is pretty good so I wasn't really complaining even though it was mine in the beginning. He also put a stamp on my Guild Card that had the big letters SS on them, and the card turned into a bright white, only slightly lower to that of he coin.

I left the room, and met with the rest again.

"How did it go, did you get approved for SS rank, I heard its been several centuries since someone has gotten that."

"Yeah I got approved, and my reward for slaying the dragons was my big coin back so it's pretty cool."

"You know you're going to become really famous really fast right?" (Saya)

"That was already bound to happen since we stopped the Human Demon war thats been going on for a few decades."

"I guess that is true, so we might as well just become as famous as we want right?" (Sun)

"I dont see why not."


"Well lets head back to Vala to tellthem our stories and keep our promise from the morning."

And we I opened the portal again, and we ended up back at the courtyard. Of course since it was evening Rose and Vala were in the garden again, I guess Calof was training for something and Violet was resting. When Rose saw us, she ran over and hugged me again.

"Sora, Sora did you do something cool today?"

"Yeah, I did something really cool, I killed some dragons and became SS rank look."

I showed her my guild card and the big coin I was given backas a reward.

"Here this big coin is a souvenir for you."

"Wow, really thanks."

Vala was pretty shocked by the exchange, probably because of how casually I brought it up and how easily Rose accepted it as the truth, but I'm not the type to lie so he bought it.

"Sora, you really just went out for one day, and became SS Rank, something that millions of people want to acheive but never can in their lives, as just a yeah I did that kind of thing."

"Yeah, it's because I did do that. I think in a fe days I'll go for the Dragon God but I'm not too sure yet. I know it's hard to rank up after you do the initial register but with enough SSS Rank quests they're bound to promote me, and it's not like any of them are strong enough to stop me anyway."

"I see."

"Oh but I do have their corpses so we can have Srch Dragon steak tonight. I also got (Cooking Max) so I want to try making it today."


And so I pulled out the Dragon King Corpse and began cutting it apart and cooking it with magic, pulled apart the bones, skin, and vaious gems that were imbedded in to skin into my inventory so I could make items later, but continued working on the steak.

Rose and Vala brought me some spices and vegetables to use, and I added them all to the dish literally flying mid air as I cooked it while making it float. In around an hour, it was finished. I kept it in the air, but walked over to the dining room, and slapped it down on the platter that was prepared by the maids.

And we ate. This steak was definately the best one I had ever had, but I wasn't sure it if was because I was a good cook or if it was because Dragon King meat was delicious. Anyway, we finished our meals, and head back into our rooms to rest for the night.

I put Yuuki to sleep, then took out the bones and gems. It was time to make a staff fitting for a Sage. I looked at the bones first. There were many large ones, the most notable being the thigh bones and tail bones. The dragons teeth were also nice, but were too sharp to be wasted on a Staff when making a sword with them would be better, so I held myself back.

I chose the tail bone bcause of it's high mana resistance to attacks. Next I had to look at the Gems. I found a few that were especially good. The first was called the Dragon Stone, and it contained high density Dragon Element Mana that felt like it was near the Dragon God element level, but I couldn't be too sure. The next was the Gold Stone, A similar Gem imbued with Gold mana to make Gold magic more efficient. Then a pair of flight gems that were from the wings, and helped in flight. Then there was the Heart Stone, this one was the most important, and is what made the Dragon King, Dragon King, its effect was power over all Dragons and a God Gifted Skill from the Dragon God that was tailored to you by him, and anyone that could with stand its power would gain those benefits. Then a random gem, it was called "The Sixth Sage" it couldn't be that he was trapped inside it right? There wouldn't be such a weak member of the Iven species right? We were all strong right?

I wanted to break the "The Sixth Sage," but first the staff was more important than a loser that got himself trapped in a rock. Before beginning construction on the staff, I swallowed the Heart Stone. It was ungodly the way my mouth stretched, but I was able to heal it all after the stone went down. At least it wasn't as painful as my last levelling sickness.

I felt a surge of power, but didn't feel like checking my stats yet, so I continuedto sort my materials. I scratched out an outline of a 6 foot tall staff in the tail bone, and made marks where the stones I picked out would fit, then cut it up with my bare hands. This might sound rough and difficult but with max level creation and enchantment it was easier than it would be with tools, and I was able to put in runes to link the effects of the gems together so I could use them all at once if I really wanted to. I dyed it brown so it looked more like wood, and called it complete. I named it Drasir after Yggdrasil the precious materials used to create this staff.

Drasir: A staff made by The Artistic Great Sage, Sora, it can withstand any magic attack in the mortal plane and enhances the effect of all magic cast with the Dragon, Gold, and Flight elements while allowing or quicker casting in every element.

Perfect, it's just what I needed. Now time to check my new God Gifted Skill, I hope it's good.

Name: Sora

Species: Iven

Level: 367

Class: The Artistic Sage ------> The Artistic Great Sage

Patron: Freed, Mala, Dragon God

Age: 10

Titles: [Reincarnator] [The Ninth Sage] [Messenger of Freed] [Creative] [Prodigy] [Ruler] [Loyal] [One Who Endures] [8th Renfiner] [A Legend in the Making] [Loving Parent] [Diplomatic] [Breaking the Odds] [Brave] [Carefully Watched by the Gods] [Dragon Ruler] [Next Dragon God] [Caring] [Brutal] [SS Rank]

Mana Renfinement: Royal, High Stage

Bonds: {Yuuki 354} {Sun 120} {Saya 100} {Vala 89} {Rose 180}

Blessings: {Blessing of Mala} {Blessing of Freed} {Blessing of the Dragon God}

God Gifted Skill: {Apply to Status (Freed)} {Kings Roar (Dragon God)} {Caring Embrace (Mala)} {Mana Dragon Form (Dragon God)}

Unique Skills: [Remove] [Perfect Steal] [Complete Analysis] [Obscure Combat Max] [Earth Portal] [Breath] [Soul Harvest] [Domain] [Soul Raise] [Dragon Scale]

Skills: (Parallel thinking) (Enhanced Brain Processing) (Primordial Magic 46) (Tailoring Max) (Item Box Max) (Disguise Max) (Synthesis 2) (Enslave 5) (Public Speaking Max) (Creation Max) (Enchantment Max) (Transfer 5) (Cooking Max) (Household Chores Max) (Swordsmanship Max) (Transformation Magic Max)

Health: 2,334,780

Mana: Infinite

Strength: 13,967,478

Defense: 2,020,000,000

Evasion: 1,030

Intelligence: 230,030

Wisdom: 268,530

Endurance: 1,340

Charisma: 370

Luck: Infinite

Bravery: 10

Stat Points: 3,000

Elements (Abbreviated): {Origin} {Dimension} {Exillary} {Equilibrium} {Pressure} {Dragon} {Gold} {Scale} {Flight} {Shadow} {Blessing}

Status: Healthy, Gem Eye of Earth

Incredible, I ended up with even more patrons. It seems like when a God Gifted skill is granted to an Iven, they also become a patron for you, and as for Mala, I have no clue what on Earth she's doing, but I can't say I'm mad about getting her blessing. OH but I do have stat points to allocate. I'll just put them all into Evasion.

Now to move onto "The Sixth Sage." I knew there had to be some curse or something on it that put the Sixth Sage into it, but how do I get rid of it? I think Equilibrium Magic has some forms of curse removal and curse magic so I'll see if I can apply those to the gem to break it. I tried it out, and what do you know it split right in half, but then started to float.

A bright yellow light surrounded the stone, and a young looking boy with yellow-white hair and matching eyes, currently missing an arm appeared, and fell onto the floor, and the gem vanished into thin air. I used regeneration magic on him, and restored his arm back, and so I now had a young boy completely naked laying on my floor. I smacked him.

He woke up.

"Who are you? How did I get outside the gem."

"I broke you out old man."

"Old man, how dare you, I'll have you know I am only 6,000,512 years old."

"Thats pretty old you know."

"Well how old are you."


"10 what years, decades, centuries, millenium?"


"Huh, then how did you get me out of the gem?"

"I'm an Iven like you and was summoned a few days ago, and I'm pretty strong, I'll have you know I killed the Dragon King and Queen."

"Yeah well I... I've killed a dragon too."

"Oh really, well I'm Sora, The Artistic Great Sage and the 9th Iven."

"I'm The Sage of Light, Fuun, and as you may know the 6th Iven, but I've been locked away for 6,000,000 years so maybe not but that doesn't matter. Also can I have some clothes."

"Oh yeah."

I handed him a set of clothes from the dresser. Of course they were too big, so I just tailored them to fit him when he had them on.

"So Fuun, why were you in that gem?"

"Well you see, I was fell in a dungeon and knocked my head on something and passed out, then the next thing I knew I was being sacrificed by a cult, and became a gem within a matter of seconds when I woke up."

"So who is your patron?"

"Hikari, the Goddess of light. What about you who is yours."

"Freed, The God of Freedom, Mala, The Goddess of Matrons, and the Dragon God."

"Why so many?"

"I honestly have no clue, but it seems like when we get God Gifted skills from a God they automatically become one of our patrons."

"Oh cool, maybe Hikari will give you one too then for saving me."

"That would be cool if she did but I doubt it. Well anyway lets go to sleep, Yuuki over there is my daughter so I'll stay next to her, but since the bed is big just take the other end."


And we went to sleep. I was wondering if I did get anything for Hikari, but it wouldn't matter either way, with Fuun I could figure out more about the other Iven and where they might be so I can learn about ascending to Godhood.

Fuun, look up his name and you'll find out his most prominent trait.

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