
Apply to Status

I was just wandering around as usual on the school courtyard with my friends, Sun and Saya, when a fire broke out in the school, and surrounded us, trapping us into the small courtyard, filled with an abundance of plants. Little did I know this one incident would lead to a world of wonders and magic.

Story_Harnesser · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Guild

When we made it back, we all just went back to our rooms and went to sleep. I know that it was bad to just leave the reporter lady there, but the maids would give her a guest room to stay in so there was no need to worry. Once again Yuuki was crying frequently, and I being a responsible parent continued to clean her and feed her my mana.

Then morning rolled around. Being the first one up again, I changed my clothes into the typical Artistic Sage Set, and let my hair down again. When Yuuki woke up I fed her, and carried her over to the courtyard and showed her all the plants and flowers. I did try putting her on the the floor today to see if she liked the grass though just as a change of pace.

Of course I did make a tiny little dress that she could wear instead of the swaddle, but it had the same effects as the swaddle so I didn't think mentioning it had much value. She loved the grass and was slapping it like crazy while giggling. Then I saw the reporter, I called out to her, and she came over.

"Hello, I'm Sora, I don't think I got your name last night, sorry about ignoring you like that."

"No it's okay, thank you for taking me along I feel like this will be lots of fun. I'm Mary Banks a travelling journalist, and I think you made my carreer when you chose me to come along, its a shame I can't talk to anyone though."

"Oh right I did it again, sorry I completely forgot about the language barrier, let me fix that."

I gave her [Perfect Translation].

"That should fix it."

"Huh, did you just grant me a skill or something? That's so cool, can everyone do that or is it just you? Thats really incredible, but how do I check my status, or can I check my status at all?"

"To answer your question I did give you a skill, only I can grant skills in the current area, and focus on trying to see your status and it'll pop up."

She was really focused, so I went to go play with Yuuki some more. After around 30 minutes she was finally able to see her status. Of course it was low, but nevertheless it was hers and she was happy so I was happy. I didn't read her status because I'm content with my powers right now, but I'm pretty sure her mana was at 0 but she might've gotten a unique title for being the first from Earth to willingly embark on a journey to this world.

I figured now might be a good time to check on my stats again to see what was new, or rather what random things got updated and became even more overpowered than they should be.

Name: Sora

Species: Iven

Level: 67

Class: The Artistic Sage

Patron: Freed

Age: 10

Titles: [Reincarnator] [The Ninth Sage] [Messenger of Freed] [Creative] [Prodigy] [Ruler] [Loyal] [One Who Endures] [8th Renfiner] [A Legend in the Making] [Loving Parent] [Diplomatic] [Breaking the Odds] [Brave] [Carefully Watched by the Gods]

Mana Renfinement: Ordinary, Royal Stage

Bonds: {Yuuki 100} {Sun 48} {Saya 43} {Vala 30} {Rose 35}

Blessings (New, requirements met): {Blessing of Mala} {Blessing of Freed}

God Gifted Skill: {Apply to Status}

Unique Skills: [Remove] [Perfect Steal] [Complete Analysis] [Obscure Combat 8] [Earth Portal]

Skills: (Parallel thinking) (Enhanced Brain Processing) (TrisKaieiKosigon Magic) (Tailoring 6) (Item Box 4) (Disguise 2) (Synthesis 2) (Enslave 5) (Public Speaking Max) (Creation Max) (Enchantment Max) (Transfer 5)

Health: 8,780

Mana: Infinite

Strength: 1,010

Defense: 685

Evasion: 930

Intelligence: 10,030

Wisdom: 8,530

Endurance: 1,340

Charisma: 370

Luck: Infinite

Bravery: 10

Stat Points: 0

Elements (Abbreviated): {Origin} {Dimension} {Exillary} {Azure} {Equilibrium} {Tiger} {Pressure} {Clear} {Soul} {Sword}

Status: Healthy, Gem Eye of Earth

And I somehow ended up with a blessing from Mala. It must've been because of my bond 100 with Yuuki. I know that she gives bond points randomly to people that catch her interest, but isn't she a little too interested in me and the people surrounding me?

Whatever, it doesn't really matter anyway. Well, everyone else woke up and made it to the courtyard again. It seems like the courtyard will be our meeting place from now on.

"Thanks for hosting us Vala, we'll be sure to visit again, but for now we want to register in a guild and adventure so we can test our powers in this world."

"Yes of course but be sure to visit soon or Rose will get sad."

"Obviously, we'll visit at least once a day for dinner and to tell some stories to Rose to help her fall asleep, I wouldn't want Yuuki to lose an important friend like her either."

"Of course such is the best thing to do as a parent."

"Then why are you saying goodbye if your going to see each other everyday?" (Sun)

"Shut up Sun you just ruined a perfectly good moment, couldn't you feel the bromance in the air."

"No you weirdo, just summon a portal to a random kingdom so we can register in a guild, elves perferably if you know what I mean."

"Very well, elves country it is."

I summoned a new door that led right to the outskirts of an Elven town in the country of Farrowood. This town was called Spruce. The Spruce guild is the largest one in the Elven country, and even has authority in other countries like the Demon Empire or Dwarven Kingdom.

For money I had previously stolen some from the king and people in the throne room from Merl and they were pretty large and shiny coins so they must be worth a lot. At least thats what I think.

We waited in line for the town enterence, and met the guard at the front of the gate.

"Do you have any form of identification?"


"Please put your hand on this orb to see if you have any crimes listed on your record, then pay the 1 silver fee per person."

We all put our hands on the orb, and it turned up green for all of us. Killing criminals like the king is a good thing so its not a crime according to the orb so we were safe. For teh cost, I took out one of the big shiny coins and handed it to the man as we all began to walk into the town.

"Sir this is too much."

"Huh, just take it I have plenty of them, plus I don't even know how much its worth."

We walked away and ignored his pleas to just give us change. If you couldn't tell already I skimmed over the money section of teh Encyclopedia and was guessing as we went along, not like I really cared since I could make anything I really wanted, and we would be staying with Vala so things like inns or food weren't issues. I'll give Vala some of my coins later maybe they're actually really important.

We walked over to the largest building in town, andjust as I had suspected it had the large words Spruce Guild right above the enterence. We walked in, and the entire room went silent. I'm sure it must be strange to see a group of an Iven, baby Vampir, Stone Monkey, Arch Elf, and Human all together in one place.

I decided to ignore it as I normally do with these types of things, and walked up to reception to register for the guild.

"Hi, can we all register please?"

"Yes of course, can you all please place your hand on this status reading gemand pour some mana in to make a guild card. You just need to pay 5 copper per card, but to reinstate one if you lose it, it'll cost 50 copper instead."

"Can I just pay with this big coin."

"Please don't that is worth too much for this establishment to handle."

"How much is this coin even worth?"

"For christs sake its a ARCH WHITE PLATINUM COIN, that is enough to buy this entire city and then some."

"So it's no good."


"Just take it anyway I don't have any smaller coins, and I don't want change, I just want to register."


And so we registered with the guild as the adventurers looked at us even more astonished because my big coin was so valuable. We all got our cards, and were told about the rules of the guild.

"These are the ranks of an adventurer, they go from F to SSS, with SSS being the strongest, and F the weakest. The only recorded SSS rank is the first Iven, Elios. Your starting rank can be detirmined on what quest you complete as your first. If you finish a rank A quest as your first one then you are a rank A rookie and so on, only do what you know you can do. And the guild isn't responsible for your death or anything, and though we don't condone fighting among adventurers it is still legal and you can kill all of the adventurers here for all I care."

Simple enough, just don't get too cocky and don't stand out if you're weak. I walked over to the status board, and looked at the higher level stuff, if I really wanted to grow in power I need strong opponents, or at least their stats and skills. So I picked up the S rank quest, Slay the Dragon Queen. It seemed like the Dragon King was surrently SS rank and the Dragon God was SSS rank so I would have to work my way up the ladder.

I think even more people got shocked. I waved over to Saya and Sun.

"You guys take rank B quests to be safe, I'll see you in a few hours when we finish these quests, got it."

"Yup, good luck out there!"

I opened a new portal to the location of the Dragon Queen. Of course it opened successfully and I appeared right next to her, but she was sleeping at the moment, and sleeping next to what looked to be the rank SS Dragon king too.

What to do now, I did still have Yuuki in hand so I was pretty limited in my movement, but these giant dragons were my targets so I should kill them and gain some experience before I start complaining, especially with them sleeping and all. So I read their statuses and used a combination of [Perfect Steal] and {Apply to Status} so I get double the benefits I'd get without it.

Name: Yggdrasil

Species: Arch Dragon

Level: 654

Class: Supreme Dragon

Gender: Male

Age: 765,124,234

Titles: [Dragon King] [Brutal] [SS Rank] [Next Dragon God]

God Gifted Skill: {Kings Roar}

Unique Skills: [Breath] [Domain] [Soul Harvest] [Dragon Scale]

Skills: (Parallel thinking) (Primordial Magic 35) (Item Box Max) (Disguise Max) (Creation Max) (Enchantment Max) (Transformation Max) (Swordsmanship Max)

Health: 163,000

Mana: 5,345,564

Strength: 6,483,234

Defense: 10,000,000

Evasion: 50

Intelligence: 10,000

Wisdom: 80,000

Elements (Abbreviated): {Origin} {Dimension} {Dragon (Hell Fire + Sovereign + Blood + Clear + Sword + AOE + Transforming + Undead + Soul + Void + Rally + Ruler + Holy Frost + Dark Gale + Promised Land)} {Support} {Gold (Metal + Aura + Tiger + Azure + Turtle (Frost +Thought) + Revival (Transition + Reversal)} {Scale} {Flight} {Sahdow}

Status: Sleeping

Name: Seraphine

Species: Arch Dragon

Level: 534

Class: Dragon Queen

Gender: Female

Age: 765,124,034

Titles: [Dragon Queen] [Caring] [S Rank] [Next Ruler of all Dragons]

Unique Skills: [Breath] [Domain] [Soul Raise] [Dragon Scale]

Skills: (Parallel thinking) (Primordial Magic 35) (Item Box Max) (Disguise Max) (Creation Max) (Enchantment Max) (Transformation Max) (Swordsmanship Max) (Tailoring Max) (Cooking Max) (Household Chores Max)

Health: 1,000,000

Mana: 1,000,000,000

Strength: 500,000

Defense: 1,000,000,000

Evasion: 0

Intelligence: 100,000

Wisdom: 50,000

Elements (Abbreviated): {Origin} {Dimension} {Dragon} {Support} {Gold} {Scale} {Flight} {Shadow}

Status: Sleeping

Yup, they were definately worthy of their titles, but my skills could take that all away, so thats what I did, and my status ended up looking ridiculous after just reading for 5 minutes.

Name: Sora

Species: Iven

Level: 67

Class: The Artistic Sage

Patron: Freed

Age: 10

Titles: [Reincarnator] [The Ninth Sage] [Messenger of Freed] [Creative] [Prodigy] [Ruler] [Loyal] [One Who Endures] [8th Renfiner] [A Legend in the Making] [Loving Parent] [Diplomatic] [Breaking the Odds] [Brave] [Carefully Watched by the Gods] [Dragon Ruler] [Next Dragon God] [Caring] [Brutal] [SS Rank]

Mana Renfinement: High, Royal Stage

Bonds: {Yuuki 100} {Sun 48} {Saya 43} {Vala 30} {Rose 35}

Blessings (New, requirements met): {Blessing of Mala} {Blessing of Freed}

God Gifted Skill: {Apply to Status} {Kings Roar}

Unique Skills: [Remove] [Perfect Steal] [Complete Analysis] [Obscure Combat Max] [Earth Portal] [Breath] [Soul Harvest] [Domain] [Soul Raise] [Dragon Scale]

Skills: (Parallel thinking) (Enhanced Brain Processing) (Primordial Magic 45) (Tailoring Max) (Item Box Max) (Disguise Max) (Synthesis 2) (Enslave 5) (Public Speaking Max) (Creation Max) (Enchantment Max) (Transfer 5) (Cooking Max) (Household Chores Max) (Swordsmanship Max) (Transformation Magic Max)

Health: 2,334,780

Mana: Infinite

Strength: 13,967,478

Defense: 2,020,000,000

Evasion: 1,030

Intelligence: 230,030

Wisdom: 268,530

Endurance: 1,340

Charisma: 370

Luck: Infinite

Bravery: 10

Stat Points: 0

Elements (Abbreviated): {Origin} {Dimension} {Exillary} {Equilibrium} {Pressure} {Dragon} {Gold} {Scale} {Flight} {Shadow}

Status: Healthy, Gem Eye of Earth

My stats had sky rocketed once again, and once again the targets became weaker than average babies. I figured it was good to end them before they found out what had happened to them, so I decapitated them both with my hand. I stored their bodies inside of my Item Box, and then got levelling sickness.

This time I was going from 67 to 367 so I had to go through 60 times the pain of a normal levelling sickness. I passed out, and when I woke up my internal clock told me 3 hours had passed, so I was right on time.

I stood up and made my portal right back into the Spruce Guild.

Yay levelling

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