
Apply to Status

I was just wandering around as usual on the school courtyard with my friends, Sun and Saya, when a fire broke out in the school, and surrounded us, trapping us into the small courtyard, filled with an abundance of plants. Little did I know this one incident would lead to a world of wonders and magic.

Story_Harnesser · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Sixth Sage

I woke up first like ususal, but this time what Fuun said really bugged me. What if I really do get a skill from Hikari, that would be pretty cool, but would it really happen? I'll just check my status to be sure.

Name: Sora

Species: Iven

Level: 367

Class: The Artistic Great Sage

Patron: Freed, Mala, Dragon God, Hikari

Age: 10

Titles: [Reincarnator] [The Ninth Sage] [Messenger of Freed] [Creative] [Prodigy] [Ruler] [Loyal] [One Who Endures] [8th Renfiner] [A Legend in the Making] [Loving Parent] [Diplomatic] [Breaking the Odds] [Brave] [Carefully Watched by the Gods] [Dragon Ruler] [Next Dragon God] [Caring] [Brutal] [SS Rank]

Mana Renfinement: Arch, Ordinary Stage

Bonds: {Yuuki 432} {Sun 150} {Saya 130} {Vala 120} {Rose 240}

Blessings: {Blessing of Mala} {Blessing of Freed} {Blessing of the Dragon God} {Blessing of Hikari}

God Gifted Skill: {Apply to Status (Freed)} {Kings Roar (Dragon God)} {Caring Embrace (Mala)} {Mana Dragon Form (Dragon God)} {Godly Light Sword Technique 1 (Hikari)}

Unique Skills: [Remove] [Perfect Steal] [Complete Analysis] [Obscure Combat Max] [Earth Portal] [Breath] [Soul Harvest] [Domain] [Soul Raise] [Dragon Scale]

Skills: (Parallel thinking) (Enhanced Brain Processing) (Primordial Magic 48) (Tailoring Max) (Item Box Max) (Disguise Max) (Synthesis 2) (Enslave 5) (Public Speaking Max) (Creation Max) (Enchantment Max) (Transfer 5) (Cooking Max) (Household Chores Max) (Swordsmanship Max) (Transformation Magic Max)

Health: 2,334,780

Mana: Infinite

Strength: 13,967,478

Defense: 2,020,000,000

Evasion: 4,030

Intelligence: 230,030

Wisdom: 268,530

Endurance: 1,340

Charisma: 370

Luck: Infinite

Bravery: 10

Stat Points: 0

Elements (Abbreviated): {Origin} {Dimension} {Exillary} {Equilibrium} {Pressure} {Dragon} {Gold} {Scale} {Flight} {Shadow} {Blessing} {True Light (White Light + Black Light)}

Status: Healthy, Gem Eye of Earth

I really did get it. It might've just been dumb luck, but it really does seem that everything goes in my favour, so maybe having Freed with me is a good thing. Or maybe it isn't I really have no clue at this point.

I picked Yuuki up to clean and feed her my mana. I think it's been 4 days since I got her so today is her hundreth day alive. In New Nippon we would have a celebration, but I guess we wont here, but she'll always have food in abundance so long as I'm here. But she should be starting to crawl soon if I remember correctly, so I'm excited for that.

Fuun woke up, then immedeatly fell off the bed and hit his head. Over night he did grow taller than me, but kept his youthful appearance. He maybe looked 12 now. I guess he wanted to show he was older than me and changed his appearance to match it. I don't see a point but it doesn't really matter.

I led him over to the courtyard to meet everyone else. Since I waited for him to wake up, most people were already there, really only Calof wasn't, he must really like to train.

"Hi everyone, I have someone for you to meet."

"Who is it?" (Rose)

"Well it's the 6th Sage."

And then he walked out from behind me and waved.

"Hi I'm Fuun the 6th Sage, Sora released me from a gem I was trapped in for 6 million years last night so I'm pretty grateful, I hope you don't mind I'll be imposing for a while."

"Yeah. Okay."

It seemed like once again they were suprised to see an Iven in person, let alone two in the same place. They snapped back into it soon and decided to ignore it.

"Oh yeah, that doesn't really matter,in fact I feel like it's a blessing to have 2 Iven inside my kingdom."


"Well anyway lets go back to Spruce Guild to do more quests."

"Spruce, isn't that a small elven village in the middle of no where?"

"No it's one of the largest adventurer towns in existance. But it is in the middle of no where, but that's necessary for an adventure town."


I made a portal over to Spruce and we all walked through. This time when we entered the city just by flashing my guildcard we were allowed in without having to pay. I think the guard was pretty shocked a 10 year old was SS Rank, but such is the life of an Iven.

We walked over to the guild and entered the room. I wasn't too sure who Fuun wanted to go with, so I just made teh executive descision that Iven should stick together so I would take him on my dangerous quests, rather than the safe Rank B to A quests. But when we entered the guild.

"What do you mean a kid came in with the Dragon King and Queen's head yesterday! We've been on a quest for years to find and kill those dragons, but came back with a teleprotation scroll to warn you they were missing from their den. How is it possible a kid 10 years old was able to just go there kill them and come back in one day."

"Well, that's just what happened, I don't know what to tell you. Guildmaster said his stats were through the roof and above the sombined status of the Dragon King and Queen, so if that's true then it wouldn't be impossible you know."

Ah, it seemed like I ruined someones dream of becoming a Rank SS just like Vala had half predicted. Fuun stared at me, then Saya, Sun, and eventually Mary. The recceptionist lady recognised us from the enterence, and called us over. I was sweating buckets.

"Sora, can you show these people your status."

"I'd rather not, but I can show them this staff I made last night."


"Yeah, I made one out of the Dragon King Yggdrasil's bones and elemental gems."

I pulled it out of my item box. It was quite big and hard to pull out of the box, but was quite majestic when out. It was 18 inches taller than me, so it looked pretty strange, but I didn't really care because the staff was cool.

"Check the status of this and you'll see it's made of dragon bone."

They checked it's status. I think they might've been a bit too suprised that I had managed to already make a staff out of it, but it didn't really matter much.

"Sora did you really make this? I know it says your name in the status, but that would make you a Great Sage, and even among Iven there has only been one recorded, that being the first Sage, the Hero of civilization, the one that saved us all from chaos, and taught us how to fight against the monsters you know."

"Well that would make me the second because last night I became a Great Sage after I ate the Heart Stone and gained my third Godly Patron."

"Three! How do you have three?! Isn't only normally one!?"

"Well I don't have three anymore, now I have four, and it seems I'll keep getting more, the more I appeal to the Gods. My patrons are Freed, Mala, Dragon God, and Hikari."

"Oh so she really did give you her blessing."

"Yeah, I checked it this morning, and it seems like your prediction was really true."

"She's really nice you know, I think she was waiting to give whoever freed me a blessing regardless, it just so happened you were an Iven and it would be even better for you to get another patron instead, of course patronage is a blessing but that's besides the point."

"Sora who is that, and why is he talking like he's an Iven too."

"Oh right I haven't been in the public for 6 million years, but I'm the Sixth Sage, The Sage of Light Fuun. Sora released me from my gem prision last night, so I'm planning on enjoying my new found freedom."

"Oh okay."

We walked over to the mission board. I was looking at the Rank SS and SSS quests, but for some reason, Fuun was looking at Rank D quests.

"Fuun why are you looking at Rank D quests?"

"Obviously because I'm Rank D."

"How can you be Rank D aren't you an Iven?!"

"Yeah, but I just didn't have any drive to work hard and become stronger, plus I'm only an Octogonal Mage, so I don't have much power to begin with."

"How can you only have 8 elements, you were alive for over 6 million years weren't you."

"Yeah, but I found it entertaining to just watch the daily life of the Dragons so I wasn't really trying to get more elements by observing them use magic, but in retrospect it would've been a good idea to try to analyze the magic they used and get more elements."

"Yes that would've been smart, it's a shame you are an Iven and not someone more worthy of the potential."

"Yeah, the First Sage told me that too, he said I'm just too lazy to possibly be an Iven."

"Hey, do you want to go to the church to speak to Hikari instead of quests today?"

"Yeah I would like that very much."

And we left the guild, and headed toward the church. When we approached it, we could see more and more people claiming to be Iven and messengers of these random Gods that probably didn't have the power to make an Iven, only Superior Gods could make an Iven.

Anyway, we entered the church. Inside the church there were hundreds of statues of Gods with plaques on all of them saying which God they were. They were all made of the finest stone, and were giant compared to normal people. But of course being an Elven town, all of the Gods had sharper ears to resemble them, but looked to what I pictured them to be anyway.

Some statues especially stood out, and I don't mean like I was magically drawn to them, no, they were literally shining gold. You may be wondering how this is possible and all I have to say is Magic. I walked over to the first one.

This statue looked like a tall caring womenwith large breasts. Her clothes were like a nuns but had more modesty while having less cloth which was sort of strange but worked for her figure. She had really long hair, and a smile that looked like she loved everyone she saw. I read her name. "Mala, The Goddess of Matrons." Yup, I was drawn to one of my patrons.

I moved onto the next illuminated statue. This one was clearly Freed. I mean clearly. It looked almost exactly like him when I first met him, and honestly I didn't feel a need to read his name since I just knew it was him, the one that sent me to this world and gave me my powers. He's a good God, I like him. I moved onto the next statue.

This one looked like an old buttler, with a suit and tie. The only thing was, was that he had large Dragon wings and sharp talons on his hands plus reptile looking eyes. He gave off a sort of authority I hadn't felt from the other God's, almost like it was trying to supress me. There was no doubt about it, he was the Dragon God. Now to finally find out his name. "Dragon God, the Dragon God." His name was Dragon God. Of course an idiot dragon would make his title his name. I left his statue, and walked over to the last statue, who at this point I could only assume was Hikari.

Fuun was already there praying. hikari looked like a sort of mixed person. She had white and black skin that looked like they were clashing within her body. She wore a normal looking skirt and blouse at least by God's standards. She definately had the same laid back expression as Fuun so I instantly knew where Fuun got it from. She looked calm and happy though in a way. It might've been her figure manipulating the light, but I felt like it could truly convey her emotions.

I left Fuun alone for a while. I walked around and looked at more of the Gods. Then one stood out to me, and it wasn't like before with the light but I felt drawn to it. The figure was a tall looking man? women? I couldn't tell, but they had a large black cloak covering their face and body. The cloak had a large white flower on the back, with vines travelling all across the cloak. They definitely looked mysterious and elusive, but I wanted to get closer to them. I read the sign. "Alom, God of Reincarnation." I looked her up in the Encyclopedia, but couldn't find her in history at all besides the First Sage saying to make a statue of her. It seemed like he was imparted the image of all the Gods so he could guide worship to them.

I wasn't too sure but I thought that Alom felt alone or lonely so I stayed with them for a while. A few times I thought I saw a light flicker but I thought it was an illusion so I just kept chilling with them. I didn't know if they like male or female pronouns so out of respect to Alom I just used gender neutral pronouns since I wouldn't want to offend a God. Eventually I ended up falling asleep right next to Alom's statue with Yuuki still in hand. I'm not too sure what caused me to fall asleep, but I was knocked out.

Why did he fall asleep, nobody knows?

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