
Apocalypse : The Silent Shimphony

In the unforeseen currents of the universe, reaching its pinnacle in magic, Park Doo Shi, a teenager reborn six years prior, found himself submerged in a world fraught with chaos. His birthday arrived a week before doomsday commenced, and with skills lying dormant beneath his skin, he found himself the last remaining hope for humanity. With a courage exceeding his years, Park Doo Shi crawled through the rubble of crumbling cities, stockpiling supplies for survival, and facing the threat of roaming zombies. Yet, his strength didn't end there. He possessed a rare ability to read the minds of others, granting him an edge in confronting enemies and navigating the post-apocalyptic world with heightened vigilance. In this journey fraught with challenges, Park Doo Shi discovered that true bravery and strength emanated not solely from physical prowess but also from the courage of the heart and the willingness to stand tall in the face of adversity. Through a blend of extraordinary power and genuine kindness, Park Doo Shi proved that even amidst destruction, the light of hope could still shine brightly.

Fallen_Angelss · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Korea National University

The distance between the lodging and the National University of Korea felt far, and the journey was never peaceful.

In times past, the presence of zombies always startled, appearing in the dead of night to give Park Doo Shi a brief window of fifty minutes to act.

That time was just enough for Park Doo Shi to reach the drop-off point, but facing hordes of zombies throughout the night was an inevitable challenge.

Fortunately, the zombies currently seemed weak. Ordinary people, armed and without excessive fear, could still confront them relatively easily.

Yet, the threat remained. Park Doo Shi didn't fully understand the situation at the National University of Korea. All he knew was that the drop-off point would be located in the campus gymnasium.

He had to take risks in his quest for wealth because if he didn't, he would be forced to rely on the limited food supplies he had gathered, which would limit his survival at the outset of this journey.

Park Doo Shi considered everything carefully. In his new life, he had to fight hard to ensure his safety.

He took two flashlights, a machete, and a knife, along with two large bottles of water, a brown box, and two packs of self-heating rice.

He packed them all into his small bag, ensuring his mobility remained intact.

Once everything was ready, he only needed to wait for the rain to stop.

At 11:11 PM, the red rain ceased, as if nature had restored tranquility. It was the first time in six days that Park Doo Shi opened his door.

There weren't many corpses in the hallway, not as many as he had imagined. However, signs of battles were still evident in many places, indicating the tension that still existed among the surviving humans.

Park Doo Shi didn't have time to engage with those corpses. Right now, his task was to head to the National University of Korea promptly.

Park Doo Shi had no time to dawdle among the scattered corpses around him. His relentless duty demanded his swift arrival at the National University of Korea.

His strides had just found their rhythm when a woman lay naked, her eyes snapping open suddenly.

"Water, I need water," she rasped.

The woman seemed as if she stood on the precipice of death itself. Park Doo Shi couldn't fathom where her strength came from, but without hesitation, he reached for her.

"Save me, and I'll give you anything you desire," she pleaded.

Despite days without food or water, the woman still exuded a captivating allure. Park Doo Shi wasn't surprised to deduce she might reside in the upscale hotel nearby.

Furrowing his brow, Park Doo Shi approached her.

"Please, save me."

Yet, as Park Doo Shi moved to continue his journey, the woman, in desperation, clutched at his trouser leg.


Without mercy, Park Doo Shi kicked the frail woman, sending her tumbling into a corner of the room. Without a backward glance, he hurried onward, descending swiftly.

His descent was smooth. Despite each floor being filled with lifeless bodies, it didn't falter Park Doo Shi's pace. Whatever came, he had witnessed worse.

As it was still early morning, even if there were survivors, they might not yet realize the sudden cessation of the blood rain. The empty streets were adorned only with stiffened corpses, bloated from being submerged in water for too long.

Nimbly, Park Doo Shi navigated the familiar streets, making his way to the National University of Korea with haste.

Though not too far, walking would still consume at least half an hour of his time.

As time passed, an increasing number of survivors became aware of the situation outside, and many rushed to leave their places of refuge.

The first step taken by most was to head to the nearest supermarket or store. Six days, an eternity it seemed, yet also a mere moment, but enough to leave anyone starving and disheartened.

Amidst the chaos, there was a scramble for food among those who remained. But for Park Doo Shi, he wanted no part in the commotion. His mind was solely focused on one thing: reaching the Faculty of Economics promptly, then finding a safe hiding place.

However, even though he sought no confrontation, confrontation found Park Doo Shi.

Two tattooed men blocked his path.

"Brother, I see you're carrying a lot of food," said the man with tattoos on his left arm.

Many of those who emerged appeared thin and hungry, signs of days of starvation. Some might have stored a little food at home, but now everyone was in a rush to find anything edible. Only Park Doo Shi seemed untouched by the call of food.

Moreover, he carried a bag on his back.

Stores had been ravaged, and most of the food was spoiled. Only a few packaged snacks remained consumable.

However, in a situation where food became scarce and demand was high, it was easier to rob Park Doo Shi than to compete for it.

Park Doo Shi surveyed with a steely gaze those who dared to try and snatch his belongings.

"Unfortunately, the man lacks the right instincts. Despite us being only two and him alone, he still wields a knife," whispered the tattooed man to himself.

"But I shall play along, let him pass unnoticed first, then strike. The thief's bag must be brimming with food," thought the tattooed man, devising his attack plan.

The speaking man shook his head cynically, strategizing in his mind.

"No need to fret too much, Brother. We've weathered this storm before, and the government will surely provide aid. Hence, food will soon be available," he said, attempting to reassure Park Doo Shi.

Yet, Park Doo Shi only grinned coldly, not uttering a single word.

"Let it be. If my brother doesn't want it, he and I will find food on our own. We won't trouble you," said the man, glancing at his companion with a nod. They both moved aside, giving space for Park Doo Shi to pass.

With every step Park Doo Shi took closer, the tension between the two men heightened.

Normally, they only engaged in petty crimes, accustomed to robbery situations. But this time, it was different. Their opponent wielded a knife, while they themselves were almost starving to death.

"Almost... almost... quicker!" they whispered to themselves.

As Park Doo Shi stood in front of them, it wasn't he who attacked, but the knife he carried.

As expected from a knife designed to cut bones, the strike was deadly.

Without mercy, the man on the left immediately lost half of his head.

Before the criminal on the right could react, Park Doo Shi's right hand darted forward, stabbing him hard in the chest.

Both men collapsed soundlessly.

Some onlookers fled, screaming that "He's killed someone!"

Park Doo Shi merely wiped the blood from his face, straightened the knife in his hand, and continued on his way. Now, no one dared to impede his path.

Though delayed by the scuffle, what should have been an easy half-hour journey now felt burdensome. Yet, he finally arrived at the gates of the National University of Korea.

The red rain had long ceased, and most survivors were scattered, scavenging for food.

Within the university, food shops, restaurants, and cafeterias became their chosen spots.

Calmly, Park Doo Shi approached a student and displayed his bloodied knife. Obediently, the student informed him of the gym's location.

However, upon reaching the gym, the surrounding area was strangely deserted. No students moved towards it, none realizing the airdrop from a former life's existence.

At 11:51 PM, Park Doo Shi reached his destination, the gym entrance.

The zombies would emerge in 9 minutes.