
Apocalypse : The Silent Shimphony

In the unforeseen currents of the universe, reaching its pinnacle in magic, Park Doo Shi, a teenager reborn six years prior, found himself submerged in a world fraught with chaos. His birthday arrived a week before doomsday commenced, and with skills lying dormant beneath his skin, he found himself the last remaining hope for humanity. With a courage exceeding his years, Park Doo Shi crawled through the rubble of crumbling cities, stockpiling supplies for survival, and facing the threat of roaming zombies. Yet, his strength didn't end there. He possessed a rare ability to read the minds of others, granting him an edge in confronting enemies and navigating the post-apocalyptic world with heightened vigilance. In this journey fraught with challenges, Park Doo Shi discovered that true bravery and strength emanated not solely from physical prowess but also from the courage of the heart and the willingness to stand tall in the face of adversity. Through a blend of extraordinary power and genuine kindness, Park Doo Shi proved that even amidst destruction, the light of hope could still shine brightly.

Fallen_Angelss · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Gymnasium of the Dead

Park Doo Shi treaded cautiously through the deserted corridor, each step measured with precision. His eyes remained vigilant, tracking every shadow and unusual movement around him. In moments like this, tranquility became his most formidable weapon.

Ahead of him sprawled the deserted gymnasium, its expanse vast and silent, as if awaiting new occupants to animate its space. There were no signs of life, though the vibrations of tension lingered. Park Doo Shi breathed a sigh of relief; at least there were no signs of zombie presence within.

Yet, he knew that temporary safety was but a fragile illusion. Thus, without hesitation, Park Doo Shi resolved to seek better refuge. The gymnasium might offer ample space, but it also presents numerous entry points for danger.

With steady steps, Park Doo Shi ascended to the second floor. The staircase leading upward appeared empty, but he was not willing to take any chances. Upon reaching the second floor, he surveyed his surroundings carefully. The room was filled with various equipment for exercise and competition, but it also provided several small rooms that could serve as hiding places.

Park Doo Shi discovered a small room at the end of the hallway. With caution, he opened its door and stepped inside. In an instant, he felt the serenity of the room wash over him. Swiftly, he locked the door with care, ensuring that no danger could enter without his consent.

The window at the far end of the room offered a clear view outside, allowing him to monitor the situation more clearly. It was the perfect spot to hold one's breath, to wait patiently, and to face whatever threats may come. In the silence of the room, Park Doo Shi fortified his resolve, ready to withstand whatever may come his way.

At the stroke of midnight, when the sky had been veiled in the deepest of darkness, an unexpected occurrence transfigured everything. A blinding white light illuminated the heavens, leaving behind a mysterious cleft amidst the blackened clouds. From within the cleft, reverberating echoes resounded, as if unknown entities were hurtling towards the earth at tremendous speed.

Amidst the darkness, Park Doo Shi, a stalwart young man, observed this unforeseen phenomenon with eyes agog.

"Are those zombies?" he murmured, his eyes filled with perplexity as he beheld the event unfolding in the sky.

Park Doo Shi's pupils constricted in tandem with the questions racing through his mind. He had never fathomed that the arrival of zombies would transpire in such a mysterious manner.

Ten minutes felt like an eternity to Park Doo Shi, as he witnessed ghastly figures resembling humans plummeting from the sky towards the heart of Seoul. His head and heart spun, endeavoring to comprehend the sheer horror of the unfolding situation.

In front of the desolate gymnasium, a number of zombies had landed in a state of utter bewilderment. Park Doo Shi realized that before they touched the ground, a translucent bubble enveloped them gently, shielding their bodies from fatal harm.

"This bubble not only protects them but also guides them to evade buildings and trees," Park Doo Shi pondered as he observed intently.

"They seem to be relieved of their bewilderment by this bubble, and now they begin to crawl out in search of prey."

Though shaken by the harrowing sight, Park Doo Shi understood that survival was the paramount concern at present. In his heart, he resolved to delve deeper into understanding what was unfolding in this world, should he endure and gain power in the future.

The zombies that landed, after a brief spell of stiffness from confusion, started writhing and crawling upwards with crude movements. They, as Park Doo Shi knew, were creatures with low intelligence, relying on their instincts to survive.

"They are sightless, but possess acute hearing and scent," Park Doo Shi mused, observing their movements.

"I must proceed with caution."

With utmost care, Park Doo Shi prepared to confront this formidable threat, realizing that a daunting and perilous battle had only just commenced.

Park Doo Shi grasped at the frayed edges of his cloak, slowly parting it to peer outside. With cautious eyes, he glanced out, scrutinizing every move of the groaning zombies beyond the window.

In the dim moonlight, the silhouettes of the zombies appeared haunting. They moved their bodies with tremors, wild hair flowing freely in the night air. Some appeared ravaged, their flesh torn apart, yet it didn't halt their relentless advance, fueled by a cruel thirst for blood.

No one could have foreseen how the world could descend into such a hellish state. A group of students, now living under this dreadful threat, confined within the once cheerful campus.

A sudden scream pierced the night, echoing with a terrifying force. Park Doo Shi felt his hairs stand on end, his heart pounding fiercely in his chest.


The sound shattered the silence of the night, becoming a call of death. Yet, despite sounding distant, it caught the attention of the zombies. They responded swiftly, disregarding Park Doo Shi behind the window, and lunged towards the sound with ferocity.

The sight was terrifying, yet it also provided Park Doo Shi with a moment of relief. He couldn't afford to let this golden opportunity slip away. Quickly, he formulated a plan in his mind, seeking a chance to escape the campus and survive.

"No wonder no one could find this top-tier airdrop so early in the previous life," muttered Park Doo Shi with ironic undertones. He remembered how fortunate he was to stumble upon such a resource in the neglected room.

However, Park Doo Shi also realized that time was ticking, and he had to act swiftly before the opportunity vanished. Carefully, he plotted his next steps, devising a strategy to conquer the looming darkness threatening them.

The screams continued to echo from afar, creating a chilling harmony with the shuffling steps of the zombies. Yet, for Park Doo Shi, it served as a warning of the danger lurking in the darkness of the night.

During lingering life, a haunting silence enveloped them, awakening the realization that the luxury of sound was now a relic of the past.

Park Doo Shi stood tall amidst the hushed crowd. Though never before witnessed the presence of zombies firsthand, shadows of horror tales involving these creatures flickered through his mind. But now, reality confronted him with grim, luminous faces.

Along the lonely street, several zombies roamed. They traversed as specters adrift in a world they no longer recognized. Only five or six of them, yet to Park Doo Shi, each step they took felt like an unyielding threat.

"They keep coming," Park Doo Shi muttered, his eyes probing the oppressive darkness.

With unwavering resolve, Park Doo Shi spent the night sleepless. His mind churned incessantly, devising plans and strategies to confront the escalating threat surrounding them. Tomorrow's airdrop became their wager, their sole chance to procure the needed aid.