
Apocalypse : The Silent Shimphony

In the unforeseen currents of the universe, reaching its pinnacle in magic, Park Doo Shi, a teenager reborn six years prior, found himself submerged in a world fraught with chaos. His birthday arrived a week before doomsday commenced, and with skills lying dormant beneath his skin, he found himself the last remaining hope for humanity. With a courage exceeding his years, Park Doo Shi crawled through the rubble of crumbling cities, stockpiling supplies for survival, and facing the threat of roaming zombies. Yet, his strength didn't end there. He possessed a rare ability to read the minds of others, granting him an edge in confronting enemies and navigating the post-apocalyptic world with heightened vigilance. In this journey fraught with challenges, Park Doo Shi discovered that true bravery and strength emanated not solely from physical prowess but also from the courage of the heart and the willingness to stand tall in the face of adversity. Through a blend of extraordinary power and genuine kindness, Park Doo Shi proved that even amidst destruction, the light of hope could still shine brightly.

Fallen_Angelss · Fantasy
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12 Chs

After The Rains

Another day had rolled by the window.

The door of Park Doo Shi's room received repeated knocks, yet Park Doo Shi, in his silence, remained unmoved.

There was time for the knocker to seek another door, to save themselves from the hunger looming for the next two days.

Humanity still held strong at this stage, allowing one to open the door and welcome people in. But, in the days to come, they might face the price for such an action.

In the darkness devoid of light, even simple pleasures remained unattainable. Park Doo Shi had prepared himself wisely, possessing twenty fully charged power banks that would last, along with over ten TV shows on his phone, enough to fill moments in time.

A day passed swiftly, and as hunger struck, he would light the gas stove to heat his food.

A few cans of fish and meat provided a modicum of flavor.

Compared to those out there, Park Doo Shi was now living a decent life.

It was the last day rain poured heavily. By now, water had surrounded the 18th floor, almost reaching where Park Doo Shi resided. Looking down from the window, the water's surface was worryingly close.

Compared to two days ago, the rain had eased a bit. By 10 p.m., the water should have seeped up to the 20th floor.

At that point, the rain would diminish further until finally ceasing altogether.

Yet, there would come a time for red rain at 11:11 p.m.

If anyone still survived in the corridors, those who did not hide in their rooms tomorrow were likely not to endure another day.

As usual, after filling his stomach with a morsel of food, Park Doo Shi picked up his phone, letting it become a window to the world displaying TV series from over ten years ago.

Today marked the end of the tranquility he had felt. Even as the firestorm raged, though his house's protections were well-covered, the only remaining refuge was the bathtub.

Before the water supply was cut off, Park Doo Shi had filled the bathtub and every water storage container to the brim, hoping it would suffice for the next three days.

By 9 p.m., Park Doo Shi was busy preparing a large quantity of food supplies to be placed in front of the bathroom door. He planned to spend the next three days there.

Exactly at 10 p.m., the rain finally ceased.

The city of Seoul had turned into an ocean, and the corridors outside had come alive again since 5 p.m.

Since that afternoon, more and more survivors had ascended to the 21st floor. If the building were taller, they would surely continue to climb.

Thanks to the five-star hotel with a spacious ground floor, they could accommodate so many people.

No one knew who first realized that the rain had stopped, but instantly, cheers echoed throughout the room.

"At last, the rain has stopped! We're still alive!"

"Woo woo, incredible!"

Most of them were hungry and weary, but luckily, they were still alive.

They had to endure a while longer until the rescue teams arrived. However, they hadn't realized that this was only the beginning of a greater challenge.

At 23:11, the jubilant rain that had danced for over an hour had ceased, accompanied by the dwindling clamor outside. Behind the veil of night, only hunger remained, wandering endlessly within the stranded hearts.

Park Doo Shi stood still by the window, scrutinizing the towering sky with sharp eyes, ensuring that his room could withstand the fierce onslaught of rain erosion before he proceeded to the bathroom.

In past lives, there had been no tales of those who hid indoors, only to be roasted alive. The first drops of red rain fell to the ground with a gentle whispering hiss, before swiftly dissipating, losing themselves in the vast ocean. Yet, not long after, the red rain filled the air heavily, and the surrounding temperature began to rise rapidly.

Though it was a winter night, it mercilessly transformed into summer within seconds, and the temperature continued to surge fiercely. After monitoring the situation for over ten minutes, ensuring that the red rain did not contaminate his room, Park Doo Shi quickly moved toward the bathroom.


The piercing cold of the ice-cold bath provided a nearly-forgotten relief. Outside, the temperature reached 40°C, a daunting figure estimated to rise to 60°C by tomorrow morning. Under the scorching heat, the bustling corridors might not withstand a single day without losing more than half of their occupants.

Park Doo Shi looked at himself wonderingly, pondering how he had ever survived in past lives. With a relieved sigh, Park Doo Shi continued the drama of his life with a fervent spirit.

Two days had passed.

Park Doo Shi was submerged in water for over 18 hours a day, yet the scorching heat still enveloped him.

Drop by drop, the bathroom water had vanished, leaving only remnants of warmth. After enduring for two days with that supply, Park Doo Shi finally felt satiated.

No more footsteps echoed in the hallway; silence had taken over. While five days and five nights without food might be manageable for some, the lack of water posed the greatest threat.

But in situations like these, courage was the key. With so many sources of nourishment out there, as long as one had ample determination, life could still be sustained.

All that was no longer his concern. Now, Park Doo Shi stood in the middle of the room, stark naked with two cans of Coke clutched tightly in hand, occasionally taking sips.

Tonight, the red rain would cease. Through the grimy window, one could see the ruins that once were the highway.

Though Park Doo Shi still had enough supplies to last for quite some time, it was still far from sufficient.

According to his long-held memory, at 9 in the morning after the red rain subsided, several mysterious boxes descended gracefully from the sky, known as "airdrops." They were considered a sign of salvation from the Divine.

Those boxes contained technology never seen before, including the space equipment that had long been his desire. From the outside, no one could distinguish one box from another.

In the dim and fragile corridor, most boxes waited patiently, each containing one or two precious items. In this post-apocalyptic world, weapons and food were the most common treasures, becoming the most sought-after resources.

However, for Park Doo Shi, a fictional war sword was an irreplaceable commodity. The power and mystery hidden within it tempted his heart.

Though food was not his primary concern, the wonders concealed within the box were truly extraordinary. Beyond mere taste, the food provided by the box could be a lifesaver in emergencies, replacing the need for sustenance for days on end. It was not just food, but the potential to become a crucial support system for human survival in the future.

Among the scattered common boxes, there were upscale ones containing three to five different items, sometimes with remarkable equipment like interstellar warfare tools.

Yet, what truly captured Park Doo Shi's attention was the highest-class box containing ten rare items, accompanied by astonishing gear. Though he had never laid eyes on it, he knew there was a legendary top-tier drop box at the University of Finance and Economics, a place where fortunes could change.

Legend had it that Yao Ji, one of Seoul City's greatest masters, found his fortune from that top-tier box. The news had become the talk of the town, sparking a frenzy of searches for the unparalleled top-tier box.

With unique experiences from his previous life, Park Doo Shi was determined to reach there ahead of others. The top-tier box was his hope, the turning point in his destiny that awaited him with eager anticipation.