
Apocalypse of Darkness

Gods, demons, dragons, and apocalypses, the past has become a fairy tale, and the mysteries of this world have receded, but some people have brought those bygone things back into the public eye. And all the clues and accusations point to a person named Chen Ye. "Ladies and gentlemen, are you willing to forsake this mortal shell and join us in embracing evolution?"

yichenyear · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 39: Stepping onto the Stage!

Looking at Chen Ye's calm demeanor, Chu Yang took out a piece of chewing gum and put it in his mouth. "The ultimate answer is the one you've given me."

"So, everything makes sense now."

"As long as we deal with you, there won't be any new monsters appearing."

Chen Ye crossed his arms in front of his chest at Chu Yang's words. "Are you really sure about that?"

"Not too sure."

"What if you're wrong?"

"Then it's still better than doing nothing, right?"

The two locked eyes, with the bomb hanging from Chu Yang's chest serving as his bargaining chip. He gambled everything, including his own life, for a chance.

Chen Ye closed his eyes. "What do you intend to do, to die with me here?"

"I do have that intention."

"But as I've said, I came to negotiate."

"My condition is to recall all your monsters or simply kill them. In return, you can get a life sentence."

"My condition is simple. If you refuse, then we'll die here together."

"Are you trying to emulate Doctor Strange and Dormammu in your negotiation?"

Chen Ye tapped the table with his fingers. "Unfortunately, you don't have the power of time. But in a certain sense, we are of the same kind."

"Your idea is not bad, and it's quite decisive. But as I said before, I've made a high-stakes gamble with all my chips and destiny, and it turns out I lost."

"The same goes for you, Chu Yang. In this gamble, the loser will definitely be you."

"Because I'm the one in control of destiny."


What's that sound?

Some kind of sound coming from underground? Chu Yang realized, only to see Chen Ye suddenly grinning. "Just noticing it now? It's already too late."


A figure suddenly burst out from under the floor, swinging his arm to instantly seal off the two of them with a metal wall!

Seeing this scene, Chen Ye twisted his neck. Countless threads surged out, instantly restraining his body and flying him out of the coffee shop!

005, the Wall-Facer, followed suit and also exited the coffee shop!

"Lord Os, I arrived late."

Chen Ye, upon hearing this, put on a mask. "Not late, just in time."

The actions between the major organizations are very fast. They found Chen Ye so quickly.

"Since everyone enjoys playing so much, then let's play well."


A bullet struck a building, heading straight for Chen Ye!

But at this moment, a thread slid over and cut the bullet!

Chen Ye looked at the building. "The curtain has just been raised, and you want it to fall so soon. Isn't that too disappointing?"

As he spoke, several more bullets came from all directions!

The Wall-Facer, seeing this, turned his entire body into carbon fiber and directly blocked all the bullets in front of Chen Ye!

"Master, you go first, I'll hold them off."

Chen Ye sneered. "No need."

He spread out his fingers, and countless threads shot out, accompanied by numerous invisible puppets rushing towards the buildings!

In just a moment, several snipers were surrounded by invisible puppets!

Before they could pull the trigger, numerous cold weapons directly slashed their necks!

Chen Ye then pulled the threads, and the puppets picked up the snipers' guns and aimed them back on the ground!

At this moment, Chu Yang rushed out and joined a middle-aged man!

Chen Ye grinned. "At this moment, should I say, don't move, you've already been surrounded?"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Several gunshots rang out, and countless bullets flew towards Chu Yang!

But Chu Yang's agility allowed him to easily dodge several bullets.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man beside him suddenly grabbed Chu Yang!

"The plan failed, let's go!"

Chu Yang gritted his teeth, glaring at Chen Ye with determination.

Seeing his unwilling gaze, Chen Ye's smile gradually became somewhat mocking. "I told you, in this gamble, the loser will definitely be you."

Chen Ye pulled the threads, and countless puppets immediately threw away their guns and rushed towards the ground!

Chu Yang and the middle-aged man turned and ran.

Watching their departing figures, the Wall-Facer was about to act but was stopped by Chen Ye.

"Don't chase after them. If they dare to come, there must be other preparations waiting for us, maybe they've prepared some big surprises behind."

"It's not New Year's yet, and I don't want to see fireworks."

Chen Ye said as he pulled the threads and left.

The exposure of this base is not the most troublesome, the real trouble is the upcoming attack.

If they really want to break through and use mass destruction weapons, Chen Ye can just brew some new potions for himself, but if the Double Ears Pot is destroyed, then it's all over.

The Double Ears Pot is Chen Ye's foundation. Monsters can be recreated even if they die, but if the Double Ears Pot is gone, then everything is finished.

Chen Ye turned back to the building and took the Double Ears Pot with him.

As for the unfinished potions in the cabinet, there were too many to take. If someone drinks them, it doesn't matter. At most, there will be a few more experimental subjects branded with loyalty marks.

But Little Flower has to be taken away. After all, it's been raised for so long.

Chen Ye had the puppets carry the Venus flytrap and left the base directly.

The Wall-Facer was waiting outside. "My lord, what's our next move?"

Chen Ye looked up at the sky. "People always have weaknesses, whether it's family, relatives, or people they don't even know."

"People they don't know?"

Chen Ye smiled faintly. "If we use the people of the entire North Ridge City as bargaining chips, do you think they dare to gamble?"

The entire North Ridge City?

The Wall-Facer thought for a moment. "From the perspective of those Nine-Tailed Foxes, they will definitely play it safe, maybe even retreat or give up North Ridge City directly."

"After all, they are a national unit, they have to consider the safety of the people, and they can't ignore the lives of hundreds of thousands of people just to use mass destruction weapons."

"If I were the Nine-Tailed Foxes, facing this situation, the best solution would be to withdraw from North Ridge City or even give it up."

Is it possible for one person to kidnap the entire North Ridge City? From the perspective of humans, it's naturally impossible, but from the perspective of monsters, anything is possible.

If things go smoothly, this will indeed be an unsolvable deadlock for Chu Yang or the Nine-Tailed Foxes.

Unless, a miracle happens.




A figure instantly crashed into the coffee shop, smashing the door.

The Splitter shook his head and got up. "Oh no, I landed too heavily and accidentally broke the door. I hope the boss didn't see it."

The Splitter wandered around the shop, finding it empty and messy.

"Weird, did the boss move out?"

The Splitter then went upstairs and found nothing there either. All the important information had been taken away.

"Strange, maybe the boss moved out in a hurry?"

The Splitter noticed the cabinet in the room, where Chen Ye's potions were still placed. "Looks like the boss moved out in a hurry. He even forgot to take the potions."

Thinking, the Splitter directly called Chen Ye.

"Hey, boss, did you move out?"

"What about these potions? Do you want me to take them to your new place?"

Chen Ye's forehead developed a few black lines upon hearing this.

Please don't come looking for me.

"No need, just feed them to the dogs."


Nightfall, inside North Ridge City.

Zhang Jinsong and his team called for reinforcements, totaling thirty thousand people.

They selected a building and evacuated all the civilians inside, then set up a large number of bombs inside the building.

"How can you be sure that the Fate Weaver will definitely appear here?"

"Don't worry about it, just finish the setup."

The Fate Weaver will definitely appear here because the person with the future diary said so.

After finishing the setup here, Chu Yang and the others returned to the coffee shop. The place was now empty, with everything gone.

"How's the search going over here?"

"Well... all the important information has disappeared, and the information on the computer has been erased, no clues at all."

"Also, we found this."

Someone came over carrying a candy box, inside was a white candy.

"What's this?"

"We don't know, but when we just found it, there was nothing inside."

"But after we looked at it for a few seconds, a candy suddenly appeared out of thin air. We found it suspicious, so we kept it."

"A candy appearing out of thin air?"

Several people looked at each other. "Take it back to headquarters, there should be some research value."

Chu Yang's gaze swept across the room. "There should be surveillance here."

One person nodded. "Yes, we just collected the surveillance footage from the shop, haven't had time to watch it yet, do you want to see it now?"

Zhang Jinsong nodded. "Is there surveillance for the past month?"

The person shook his head. "No, the longest recording time is only three days."

The person then took out his phone and accessed the footage. "Take a look."

The surveillance footage showed nothing unusual, with very few customers in the past three days.

Then, when Chu Yang appeared, everything seemed normal.

As Chu Yang and his team withdrew, the Weaver of Fates returned to the shop and destroyed all traces and information, then...

...left with a Double-Eared Teapot?

What's a Double-Eared Teapot?

Everyone was puzzled.

After the Weaver of Fates left, a white-haired man abruptly plunged into the shop.

He muttered something to himself, then his head was suddenly severed by something, turning into a candy box!



The footage rewound, revealing a snake wrapped around the neck of the white-haired man.

The snake was biting its own tail, tightening more and more, resembling an Ouroboros.

As it continuously gnawed at its own body, it directly severed the white-haired man's head.

Then the white-haired man's head rolled to the ground, turning into a candy box.

But what was even more bizarre was that, after the head was severed, another head sprouted from the white-haired man's neck!

He shook his head nonchalantly and then turned and went upstairs.

This was too surreal!

After a while, the white-haired man emerged carrying a pile of bottles, his smile incredibly sinister, resembling a dog thief.
