
Apocalypse of Darkness

Gods, demons, dragons, and apocalypses, the past has become a fairy tale, and the mysteries of this world have receded, but some people have brought those bygone things back into the public eye. And all the clues and accusations point to a person named Chen Ye. "Ladies and gentlemen, are you willing to forsake this mortal shell and join us in embracing evolution?"

yichenyear · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 38: The Visit of Chu Yang!

"God and the Devil played a game, and in the end, God was sent to hell. Then I played a game with the Devil, and in the end, I sent the Devil to see God."

"Weird, why haven't I landed yet?"

The Splitter was falling from the sky, but he hadn't touched the ground for a long time.

Perplexed, the Splitter took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, boss, it's me."

"I'm in the sky right now, yeah, the wind is a bit strong, and the signal isn't great. Can you hear what I'm saying clearly, boss?"


The wind howled, and the voice on the phone was unclear.

Until Chen Ye took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled a word.



"Roll is next to the character for 'three dots,' indicating that I'm going to fall into..."


As the words fell, Splitter plunged straight into the sea.

After a while, Splitter surfaced in the vast ocean. "Indeed, it's the boss, even predicting that I would fall into the sea."

Splitter flicked his hair. "This certainly isn't a coincidence. After all, 'roll' can also be disassembled into the character for 'clothing,' implying that clothes get wet. Isn't the implication clear enough?"

"So, what about the characters above 'roll'?"

"One horizontal line and one dot, below which is 'public.' Wait, could it be..."

"One horizontal line and one dot actually form an image, indicating how I should return?" 

Thinking of this, Splitter took out a black arrow and aimed it at a building in Beiling City. Then, he rode the arrow back, following it as it flew back. It's so logical!

"Well, since the way back is also within the boss's expectations, the next 'public' must be about continuing to execute public affairs!"

"Don't worry, boss, I'll be back soon!"


Beiling City.

Inside a café.

Chen Ye sat leisurely, drinking coffee. "It's rare to have such good weather and such peace and quiet, but there aren't many customers."


Chen Ye suddenly turned his head to look outside the café, where a black-haired youth was standing at the door.

Seeing the youth, Chen Ye's eyes suddenly lit up.

Ah, a rare guest.

Originally, I was thinking about whether I should go find him, but I didn't expect him to come on his own.

Standing in front of Chen Ye's shop was none other than Chu Yang.

Chu Yang pushed open the door and entered the café, his gaze falling directly on Chen Ye as he sat down opposite him.

Seeing Chu Yang, Chen Ye smiled faintly, "And you are?"

"You should have seen me, and I should have seen you," Chu Yang interrupted Chen Ye directly.

Upon hearing Chu Yang's words, Chen Ye suddenly retracted his smile.

This visitor doesn't seem friendly.

If I'm not mistaken, their first encounter should have been in front of the gate of Nanyan.

Although it was just a passing encounter, Chen Ye remembered Chu Yang deeply.

Because there was something about Chu Yang that deeply attracted Chen Ye, a feeling that was particularly strange.

It's like a mosquito finding a blood collection room, a mouse entering a grain store, or a young man meeting a married woman.

But he shouldn't be unfamiliar with Chen Ye.

Today, he obviously came for Chen Ye.

Recalling the previous hypothetical enemy theory, Chen Ye's heart couldn't help but be filled with hesitation.

Chu Yang may belong to some organization, and if he recognizes Chen Ye, he may even find the only possibility of Chen Ye...

That Chen Ye is exposed.

But Chen Ye couldn't figure out how he was exposed.

And how much does Chu Yang really know about him if he is exposed?

Seeing Chen Ye silent, Chu Yang suddenly took off his coat.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ye licked his lips, "Well-prepared."

Chu Yang's body was tied with many bombs with various mechanical circuits, a large number of them.

He opened his arms, looking as if he was ready to pick and choose, "You can try to cut with your silk thread. As long as one thread is wrong, all the bombs will explode in an instant."

"Don't be fooled by their small number; these are all concentrated essence. With this amount, it's enough to blow up a building in an instant."

"Furthermore, this bomb has three activation methods in total."

"One is remote control by someone outside, the other is my vital signs disappearing, and the third is cutting the wrong wire."

Chen Ye manipulated the invisible puppets with calmness, rapidly approaching Chu Yang!

But strangely, Chu Yang suddenly pointed to his own ear, "I suggest you not do this, I can hear."

"I'm here to negotiate, Weaver of Fate."

Chen Ye propped up his head with his hand and looked at Chu Yang sideways, "I hate it when someone threatens me."

Chu Yang shook his head, "This isn't a threat, it's just a means of self-preservation."

"If I don't do this, then coming to see you would just be a death sentence."


Chen Ye clicked his tongue.

If what Chu Yang said was true, these bombs of this level could indeed kill Chen Ye once they exploded.

If Chen Ye were to control his body without harming him and let him run out of here, it would indeed be a solution.

But he just said that there is another way to detonate it, which is remote control by someone outside.

This means that more than just Chu Yang has come this time.

The worst-case scenario is that they may have already been surrounded outside, and the conversation between the two is being monitored by someone outside.

If something goes wrong, the person outside will directly press the detonation button.

As for whether they dare to do this, Chen Ye cannot be sure. Anyway, he doesn't like to gamble.

But if Chu Yang can kill him here, it's not certain. At least Chen Ye has made a lot of preparations to deal with this sudden situation.

"Then let's talk, but before that, I want to ask, how did you know my identity? Care to explain?" Chen Ye said.

Chu Yang knew about Chen Ye's identity because of a diary.

I don't know if anyone remembers, but in the very beginning, there was a person who posted a novel online, and that novel predicted a case of nine people being dismembered.

And the culprit was a fish person.

The author of that novel held a diary that could predict the future.

After the last attack by the Forbidden Guard Bees, Chu Yang and the others accidentally found this person and learned some of the future from him.

Especially about the biggest villain, Monster Maker, 006.

His true identity turned out to be just a café owner.

After discussing this, everyone unanimously agreed that if what that person said was true, then 006 must be killed!

Because as long as 006 is alive, one day, the Earth will become the Earth of the monsters!

Upon hearing this, Chu Yang took a deep breath. "I don't want to discuss this matter. I said, I'm here to negotiate, before that."

"We want to ask, what is your purpose in doing all this?"


Chen Ye fell into contemplation upon hearing this.

A long time ago, before Chen Ye got the Double Ears Pot, he had been reading a book about humans and gods.

Man's power is sometimes limited, while God's power is endless.

"What's the biggest gamble you've ever made?" Chen Ye suddenly asked.

Chu Yang frowned.

"Coming to see you with my head held high is my biggest gamble."


Chen Ye laughed, "Is that so? The biggest gamble I've ever made was three hundred and thirty thousand, betting on my mother's life."

"I lost the bet."

"I gave the money to the hospital, I entrusted my hope to others, and in return, others handed me a death notice."

"This is both tragic and ridiculous, isn't it?"

Indeed, people are unable to control the so-called fate. An accident can easily take away the lives of your loved ones.

Just imagine, when an accident comes, we can only watch as the Grim Reaper walks past us, taking away the lives of our loved ones.

This is humanity.

Humans endure adversity and submit to fate, saying that my fate is not controlled by heaven but by myself. Yet, when someone says this, they have already entered a circle designed by fate.

If people cannot overcome fate and can only endure under the manipulation of fate, then why be human?

"Man can't change anything."

But God can.

When the Grim Reaper swings his scythe to take the life of your loved one, chop off the Grim Reaper's head first, and let Him roll

 to hell first.

The way to defeat the Grim Reaper is to become the Grim Reaper.

The way to break free from fate is to become fate.

"Is this reason sufficient?"