
Apocalypse of Darkness

Gods, demons, dragons, and apocalypses, the past has become a fairy tale, and the mysteries of this world have receded, but some people have brought those bygone things back into the public eye. And all the clues and accusations point to a person named Chen Ye. "Ladies and gentlemen, are you willing to forsake this mortal shell and join us in embracing evolution?"

yichenyear · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 040: Feed the Dogs!

"Feed the dogs~ Feed the dogs~"

In a dark room, the Splitter placed all these bottles in the center of the secret chamber and silently left.

Inside the room, numerous people were bound and tied to chairs, seemingly unconscious.

Fan Ye opened his eyes to darkness. "Where... where am I?"

His head was pounding, feeling as though it had been gnawed by dogs.

Fan Ye shook his head and looked at his hands and feet, bound to the iron chair.

The scene made him feel like a prisoner in an interrogation room.

What had happened?

Fan Ye began to recollect.

He remembered being on a team-building trip with colleagues from the company.

Then a white-haired man greeted him, and out of politeness, Fan Ye responded.

But after that, he blacked out.

Was he kidnapped?

Fan Ye scanned the darkness. Many people were present, all fixed to chairs in a circular arrangement.

Within this circle were countless vials of various colors, their specific purposes unclear.

Suddenly, the man beside Fan Ye woke up. "Hmm... where am I? What is this place?"

"Hey, what is this place?" His loud voice startled the others, jolting them awake.

A bespectacled young man raised his head. "I suggest you don't shout. If you attract the ones who captured us, you'll be the first one to suffer."

Hearing this, the man furrowed his brow. "Huh?"

The bespectacled young man shook his head. "Hard to understand, huh? Well, not everyone uses their brains, despite having one."

"Let me tell you what I know, but my words are only for those who can comprehend our current situation."

"I was involved in telecommunications fraud in Hainan. A white-haired man found me, and I thought he was the police, but apparently not."

"He snapped his fingers, and I lost consciousness. I don't know what method he used, maybe drugs or something else."

"I should have just eaten dinner, but I feel hungry now. It means we've been here for over 12 hours."

"My routine is strict, but I'm hungry now. It means we've been here for over 12 hours."

A moment of silence ensued. "You're in Hainan?"

"But I should be in Halong Bay, Vietnam."

"Halong Bay?"

"No, isn't this Heilongjiang Province?"

"What month is it?"

"We're close to September."

"It's cold."

"So what? The temperature starts dropping rapidly in the north around September because it's autumn."

"Because it's autumn."

The bespectacled young man furrowed his brow. "So, it seems we're from different regions."

"He's in Vietnam, I'm in Hainan, and he's from Heilongjiang."

"So, who could have captured us from all over the place in a single day and brought us here? Lightning man?"

They couldn't comprehend. Fan Ye couldn't either. "I'm from Ningxia."


"In the north?"

"Okay, the scope is wider now."

"So, let's assume a group of people set out from here to various places to capture us. But why? We don't seem like wealthy people. Why go through all this trouble to bring us here?"

They were all puzzled. They couldn't understand why this was happening.

Suddenly, footsteps echoed in the darkness.

Agent 009, the Splitter, appeared and walked straight to the center of the room.

"You're all calmer than I expected. Well chosen, indeed. Though you can't match my perfection, you're qualified as secondary selections."

The bespectacled young man furrowed his brow. "Did you bring us here?"

The Splitter suddenly approached the young man. "No, no, no. You should say 'you,' not 'you.'"

The young man had a bad feeling.

"Is... is it you who brought us here?"

The Splitter grinned. "That's right, that's more like it. Good, it was me who brought you here."

"You're more aware of the situation than I thought. I was afraid you'd be as furious as abandoned cats and dogs."

"I brought one extra person, just in case. But it seems I didn't need to go through all that trouble."

The Splitter then turned to Fan Ye. "Oh, yes, you're the extra one. Would you like to see how I kill someone?"

"Since I've prepared it for you, it would be a shame not to take a look, wouldn't it?"

At that moment, a bald man spoke up. "Can you get to the point? I hate it when people waste my time with irrelevant matters."


The Splitter suddenly appeared in front of him, grabbing his throat!

"I said, use 'you.' If you can't remember, I can always deal with you."

The bald man's eyes widened, feeling the suffocation from having his throat grasped. "You... you..."

The Splitter released his grip. "Well, considering it's your first offense, I'll forgive you this time."

"Since everyone wants to get to the point, I won't beat around the bush. Do you think the world is really good as it is now?"

"Don't answer. Just have your answers in your hearts."

"Everyone has thought about defying fate, but few have attempted it because everyone rationally believes it's impossible."

"But there are still a few who keep trying, unaware that it's also part of their fate."

"Nobody can control fate. Your destiny, your life and death, are never entirely up to you."

"But what if I told you I could give you a chance to control your own destiny? How many of you can seize it?"

The crowd was stunned. The Splitter gestured to the vials on the ground.

"Do you see the vials on the ground? Drinking them will transform you, surpassing humanity, and controlling fate."

"But the vials are limited. It means some of you won't gain this power. For those who miss this opportunity, I express my regret."

"They are destined never to leave this place."

"Fate is never fair. There's a button on your chairs. It will light up in three seconds."

"The first person to press it will be released first. The rest, regardless of order, will be released in the second wave."

"So, let's begin!"




As the buttons lit up, almost everyone pressed them simultaneously.

But only the restraints on the bald man's chair opened. Obviously, he was the quickest to press it.


The bald man let out a sigh of relief and walked up to the Splitter.

The Splitter smiled at him. "Make your choice, the first one."

The bald man's muscles tensed. Without a word, he swung his fist at the Splitter!

"I choose to beat you to death!"
