
Apocalypse of Darkness

Gods, demons, dragons, and apocalypses, the past has become a fairy tale, and the mysteries of this world have receded, but some people have brought those bygone things back into the public eye. And all the clues and accusations point to a person named Chen Ye. "Ladies and gentlemen, are you willing to forsake this mortal shell and join us in embracing evolution?"

yichenyear · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 041: Chaos Tide!


The sound of flesh being pierced echoed, as a black arrow pierced through the chest of the bald man, leaving behind a gaping hole.

The bald man's eyes widened, and he collapsed to the ground.

Seeing this, the Splitter nonchalantly slipped his hands into his pockets. "What a pity. He had the chance to live, yet he chose to give it away."

"He truly was great and selfless. But I must say, it was a foolish choice. You all would do well not to follow his example."

Watching the bald man die, Fan Ye's breathing became rapid.

What was that?

An arrow that could fly on its own?

And it just casually killed the muscular bald man?

Was that really reasonable?

Before Fan Ye could think much, the Splitter suddenly produced a switch. "Remember what I said earlier, those who get the potion can live, but those without it, like our bald friend here, meet their fate."

"Now, go ahead and fight for it. There may only be one chance!"


With the Splitter's press of the button, the restraints on the people's chairs were instantly released!

Without hesitation, everyone rushed towards the center of the room like hungry dogs released from their cages!

No matter what, the priority was to grab a bottle of potion!

Fan Ye thought the same way. With some talent in sprinting, he was faster than others and managed to grab a green potion bottle!

Several others followed suit, grabbing their own bottles of potion!

However, there were only twelve bottles of potion in the room, and with the bald man dead, there were still nineteen people left. It was not enough!

And without the potion, they would be killed by the Splitter!

At this thought, those without potions became red-eyed and directly rushed to snatch others' potions!

"Are you crazy?"

"Give it to me, hand over the potion!"

But some tried to be clever. Seeing that they didn't get a potion, they turned to run!

Seeing this, the Splitter shook his head and flicked his finger, sending a black arrow through the head of the fleeing person.

"Reminder, the best way to prevent your potion from being snatched is to drink it."

"From now on, I'll kill one person without a potion every ten seconds."

Hearing this, everyone became even more frenzied!

Fan Ye seized the opportunity and quickly opened his bottle, drinking the potion!

Several others followed suit, quick to mimic his actions!

But one weak-looking youth was unfortunate. His potion was snatched by someone, who then drank it!

Seeing this, the Splitter's lips curled into a smirk. "Exactly, survival of the fittest. Only the strong will survive, that's how it goes!"

With that, he threw a black arrow, piercing through the brain of the unfortunate youth!

Witnessing this, the others intensified their struggle, some even aiming to kill their opponents!

One person even used their bare hands to kill someone and snatch their potion.

Only when there were twelve people left on the field did the bloodshed stop.

Those twelve people all drank their potions, kneeling on the ground, their bodies contorting and convulsing in a non-human manner!


"This feeling!"

"Ha-ha... cough, it's... extraordinary power!"


The sun was gradually rising.

Inside the room, the stench of death began to pervade.

The Splitter looked at the twelve people before him, a satisfied smile on his face.

"Since the dawn of human civilization, there has never been an end to the slaughter, war, and revenge. It was the same when humans were still beasts."

"Humanity prides itself on being the pinnacle of reason and wisdom, yet they are constantly driven by emotions, plundering everything from others for their own desires."

"Look, they are just like zombies and beasts, eager to drag others down from their pedestals, to tear everything apart and claim it for themselves, only to be torn apart like others in the end!"

"Kindness, charity, justice, human rights, all these are nothing but things concocted by the ruling class to disguise their fear of the weak rising up in rebellion!"

"The only thing that truly helps people gain higher status and treatment has always been the naked law of survival of the fittest!"

"Knowledge, status, wealth, civilization, these are all weapons that people arm themselves with to gain more benefits!"

"Everything is to ensure their own survival and reproduction, and everything else is a sacrifice not worth mentioning."

The Splitter said, slowly spreading his arms.

"Will we stand by and watch as humanity continues to slaughter endlessly?"

"Will we stand by and watch as humanity squanders the resources they possess?"

"Will we stand by and watch as humanity perpetuates their pride and sins?"

"Pick up your weapons and smash everything of humanity!"

"They should fear us, for we are the end of them."

"For the sake of everything beautiful in this world, for the sake of ending this endless cycle, we are the Chaos Splitters, we split endlessly, we are immortal, we number in the tens of thousands!"

"Order is against nature, true nature should be in chaos!"

"We are not destroying, but repairing the mistakes of this world!"

"War, never ends!"


North America.

On an aircraft carrier, a man in military uniform stood there.

"Monsters are surging out, more and more. We need to gather the best warriors of humanity, or some extraordinary individuals with unique skills."

"We need to form a legion of heroes, to quell the chaos and save the masses. Humanity needs such heroes."

"Franz, are you still thinking about this?"

"Through the course of history, when a civilization reaches a certain level of development, there will always be a catastrophe."

"It will be the life and death crisis of that civilization, and only by relying on unprecedented unity and relentless efforts can it be overcome."

"If it is possible to overcome..."

"Don't talk like that again."

"Yes, the extinction of the dinosaurs is a fact."

"Are you saying that those monsters could cause a planetary collision and destroy the world? Don't joke."

"For a long time, our scientists have imagined many disasters."

"Such as alien invaders, mechanical life artificial intelligence ruling humanity, or wars from other dimensions spreading to Earth, starting a war between gods and demons."

"But whatever it is, it inevitably involves the meaning of destroying humanity."

"And unfortunately, it has already happened."

"For some time now, a silent tide has swept through our people."

"We have seen zombies, vampires, but what are they exactly, and where do they come from, we have no idea."

"Perhaps the current situation is not yet worthy of being called a catastrophe of apocalyptic proportions for humanity, but I believe it's close,"

"A global tide is surging forth, and by the time we realize how dangerous it is, it will be unstoppable."

"Every time I think about this, I feel a shiver of unease."

"This plan can no longer be delayed, or rather, it's imminent. We must respond immediately to this impending catastrophe sweeping across humanity."

"Once again, I will contact the President and the United Nations. The establishment of a global supernatural alliance is now urgent."

Three days after the submission of the United Nations resolution, it was unanimously approved by the five permanent members of the Security Council.

Thus, the Global Occult Coalition (GOC) was established.
