
Apocalypse: My Domain System

Kiyo, a seemingly average man, finds himself in a post-apocalyptic world where he is betrayed and left for dead by three associates. After being killed by beasts, he wakes up in his bed covered in cold sweat, confused and angry. He realizes that he has somehow regressed back in time to before the apocalypse. He breaks up with his girlfriend Yumi, who was among the three who betrayed him, and begins preparations for the impending apocalypse. He withdraws all his savings and his late father's inheritance, amounting to $2,000,000. Suddenly, a mechanical screen appears in front of him and an Onyx black ring he had obtained five years prior loses its shine. The screen, part of the Apocalyptic Domain System, was created by a progenitor to guide and empower Kiyo to create a paradise and save as many humans as possible from the impending apocalypse.

MrKraguz · Action
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23 Chs

Chapter 18: Northern District

"Hmmm, what does the potion do if I need to reach the Amari rank to consume it if its an 'Amari-ranked' Vial?"

Reaching the threshold doesn't necessarily equates to having the power of an Amari-ranked entity.

The threshold equates to the limit of this plane, which in numerical term is equivalent to 100, whilst the potion increases your average stats to 1000, which is the average stat of an Amari-ranked entity. Moreover, the power it hold cannot be contained by this plain, therefore, the cataclysm will help in adjusting the limit. ]


'I see, so all of this relates to the cataclysm.'

Such distant future shouldn't be my problem for now, all I need now is to increase my strength alongside my Subordinates.

'It seems like I need to prepare for a more grand battlefield in the future. My regression and acquisition of the system has changed the environment too much.'

Kiyo was not only planning his own future, he is now reponsible of the future of mankind. 

His actions and fate is now tied to the planet he lives in, other humans are also affected by the difficulty of the apocalypse.

At this moment, more than 90% of humans has either turned into zombies or devoured by one.

Take note, it's only been less than 3 months since the apocalypse!

'System, use the gold-ranked skill card!'

Activating Gold-ranked skill card…


Obtained: [ Warrior ] Nocturnal Breathing Technique.

Description: A breathing technique practiced by the Nocturnal race of the vast universe before reaching adulthood. This breathing technique absorbs all energy in the universe to increase the strength of the user while reaching maturity. ]


'Warrior ranked? Seems like a powerful skill considering that I haven't reached the lowest Amari rank currently.' he mused


In the northern district of the West Sun City,

All invisible forms of energy formed a vortex, gathering in one spot.

One might not sense it with naked eyes.

The powerful vortex of energy seem to merge together in harmonious pattern, gathering quickly towards Kiyo.

He chose to activate the circulation of the breathing technique as there was nothing to do, all energies in the surroundings gathered around him as he constantly devour all of them.

A dense fog of energy swirls in the living room of the villa, 

In the middle, Kiyo sat on the ground, meditating.

With the system's help, it only took him a few hours to comprehend the proper utilization of the technique.

The power in his body rapidly soared, reaching the ceiling of a stage 4 awakener's strength.

Soon, everything came to an end as Kiyo stood up from the floor.

The commotion finally calmed down.

'It seems like I could only cultivate the technique for 3 hours a day.'

'What a pity, the limit of my current body could only handle this much, otherwise I'd surely reach stage 5 by today.'

"Goodmorning, Madam Violet!" 

He sarcastically greeted, at this point Violet had already awoken from her rest.

She rolled her eyes, not caring about Kiyo. "I'll prepare breakfast first." She said in an annoyed tone.

"Alright." Kiyo nonchalantly replied.

Time flowed like water and a few hours had passed.

The duo, Kiyo and Violet, stood side-to-side on top of a building.

Their gaze landing on the Tier 4 Mutant leading its horde on one of the streets.

"I'll deal with the Tier 4 Mutant, you deal with the horde." Kiyo ordered, "Absorb all the Z-Crystals from yesterday and this time to reach Tier 3 quickly." He added.

His figure leaped forward and shot towards the Mutant like a meteor.

Violet quickly followed suit, leaping from one roof to another, approaching the horde of zombies.

Soon after, her blade dance in the midst of the gruesome zombies. Each stroke of her blade sliced a zombie like butter.

She danced like a beautiful butterfly, various dismembered limbs and organs of the zombies she slaughted fluttered in the sky. 

A large sword-shaped arm slashed at Kiyo.

The mutation caused this Tier 4 to become a variant, transforming to a sword-arm mutant.

"Fuck! An Iron-blade Mutant!"

"Luckily I advanced to the ceiling of stage 4 this morning, otherwise I might be in real trouble." He mused.

This type of mutant is the strongest of the Tier 4, how unfortunate to encounter this thing first thing in the morning.

Thunderous sounds of the collision of the Mutant's arm and the pitch-black blade in Kiyo's hand reverberated throughout the streets.

The ground where they fought cracked ing web-like pattern, each building they passed through fell.

The mutant attacked in a cross-shaped slash using both of his bladed arms. Causing Kiyo to grip his blade tighly with two hands.

Raising the blade in his hands, Kiyo successfully blocked the mutant's attack.

"An opening!"

The attack just now caused the huge body of the Mutant to create an opening, Kiyo swiftly swung his blade diagonally, slashing the mutant from its left shoulder down to its crotch.

The iron-blade mutant might be the strongest among the Tier 4 mutants, however its power lies on its sharp blades and profound swordmanship. Its armor is inferior to most tier 4 zombies, even an attack from a Stage 3 awakener might severely injure it if not blocked.


Kiyo breathed a sigh of relief. Letting out all the air he held in while fighting.

Upon seeing that Violet is also about to finish dealing with her share of enemies, he swiftly opened up the head of the Tier 4 Mutant, revealing a dark-green crystal the size of a fist.

He toss it on the air and hit it with the handle of his blade, as if he was playing baseball.

Violet swiftly caught the crystal before retrieving the crystals on the zombies she killed.

"Where do we head next?" Violet asked.

"Well, let's head further north." "I have a bad feeling about that area so its best if you reach stage 3 quickly."

"Alright, boss" Violet nodded.

"We'll set out tomorrow, continue absorbing all of the Z-crystals in hand first." 

End of Chapter 18



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