
Apocalypse I can Synthesis Anything

Destruction and chaos spread on the once-vibrant Green Star, its surroundings plagued by the incessant noise of impending doom. An ominous darkness, akin to locusts, relentlessly devoured the land. "Why is this happening? Why?" A few melting figures glared at the impending doom of darkness above. A colossal shadow cast its veil over the Green Star, declaring an impending cataclysm. Above, a green pillar of light flickered intermittently, each appearance marking the vanishing of another source of life. Silence draped the star as both light and vitality were snuffed out. Everything became devoid of life, light, and silence spreading across the whole star along with darkness. Thousands of light years away, in the vast expanse of deep space, ripples distorted the fabric of the cosmos. A colossal shadow materialized, observing the distant spectacle of a supernova's explosive demise. Amidst cryptic symbols, a message emerged: "~~" "~~~" "~~~~~" Deciphering, "Not Found," "Erasure is Complete," "Proceeding to the next target."

Chaos_Gray · Sci-fi
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141 Chs

Chapter 29 Research

An interest shrouded his face,

Intrigued, looking at this escalating light and rhythmic spread, Jack's mouth took an arc shape, telling a storyline.

"You are my little sister, Nina. My name is Jack. You died suddenly, and I vowed to revive you. After all those struggles, I found your soul and put it inside this technology." After finishing the explanation, sighing with a sad expression, he added, "I am sorry I couldn't give you a real body."

(Character Name and Setting Received)

(Generating Character Template)

(Scanning the Brother)

A green ray flickered, scanning the whole body. Looking at the 'Brother' world in notification, he was speechless, gazing curiously at the holographic AI light.

(Generating Hypothetical Character)

(Character: Younger Sister Nina)

(Inputting Character Setting)

(Generated Successfully)

Slowly, a figure condensed in front of him. Then it became detailed amidst Jack's curious gaze.

A girl appeared around 5.7 height, her eyes almond-shaped and dark black. She had a wide, round face with a pointed chin, dark eyelashes, and started looking around curiously. "Big Brother, I like this place. Don't be sad. This body is stronger than that weak human body, with SS protection. I am happy here."

Suddenly, a little embarrassment swelled in Jack heart. 'It feels very secondary to be called brother by an AI,' suppressing the embarrassment without changing his face, Calmly asked while looking at her curious expression,

"Well, Nina, can you research technologies?"

Looking at Jack, Nina nodded and replied, "I can analyze and research on any project. Basic knowledge about a specific project is required."

Jack nodded thoughtfully. 'Well, it's basically the same as those AI envisioned in a previous life.' He then set up those expo servers, started them and then connected his watch with them,

All technology knowledge and information was stored away by Nina, and scanned all models. Also, every electronic and weapon he had on him were scanned by Nina thoroughly, and related knowledge and information were stored.

"Information and knowledge gathered successfully," Nina commented.

Looking at the new icon in front of him, Jack aimed at it. Suddenly, it expanded around him like a spider web.

"Brother, I have created an app with all the knowledge I have. You can now access it categorically. Just search and focus on any web node and thread; you will find the knowledge and information you are looking for," Nina explained the usage of this spider web app.

She then added, "Also, I am researching and updating all the technologies inside. I can also research on a single one if you specify."

After listening to all the explanation, a thoughtful expression appeared on Jack face. 'As expected of True AI so advance and helpful, Which technology should I research on?' After snapping out, he spoke, looking at Nina,

"Nina, research on robots. Also, list the machine tools needed for basic technology manufacturing."

Nina cheerfully nodded and replied with a happy expression on her face, "Brother, there is already robotics technology in the information I got. I will research, optimize, and tweak it. Also, we can manufacture normal mechanical robots. Just need some materials. Here is the list below."

A list appeared in front of Jack. After scanning it through, he commented, "Basically, I know all materials inside.

There are metal, industrial tools for metallurgy, engineering tools, and for other tech tools, I already got them from expo. Also, there are containers here filled with each type of metals," pointing at 20 or so containers far away.

Nina nodded and glanced at them, then started looking at the direction of the sky. "Brother, I need permission to add satellites so I can scan this whole world."

Looking at her, Jack was startled, looking away from the list. It seems she is really a true AI that can think independently and make suggestions. He nodded and replied, "Well, you have my permission."

"Yes," Nina then disappeared along with holographic lights around; all disappeared in the watch.

Jack raised his hand, and a small Nina appeared as a holograph on the screen. "Brother, I can talk and interact with you like this," she spoke with a victory gesture and a cheerful smile.

Nodding at her, Jack then glanced at the tech tool and 3D printer, and other things that are available. "It seems I have to visit the industrial city to get all tech manufacturing machines, also synthesize them to unprecedented technology."

A list appeared in front of Jack, showing tick marks on some tools and materials that are available now. Other than that, a lot of machine tools are needed for manufacturing technology and industrial tools.

Jack then thought, 'I can't use high-level technology or unimaginable power in the outside real world because it may be under the surveillance of that huge shadow. But I have this exclusive world; I can invent any technology here.'

Then, he thought of Luna's disappearance. A cold light flashed through his eyes, muttered with a chilling voice, "Although this ring can also be accessed by someone, after taking away Luna, whether it is he or she, they are underestimating me." Looking at the ring, he thought in his heart, 'It seems I have to upgrade it to a level no one can access except me. But how could I do it?' An idea flashed through his mind; his eyes lit up, a smile appeared on his face, then disappeared instantly.

Jack then murmured to himself, "I will collect resources from the real world outside and use them to create my real technology empire here inside my exclusive world."

After eating lunch, he appeared outside in the real world, looking at the nightwalkers around, shook his head. Now at 4th level evolver, one nightwalker gives him just 0.01 points of attribute. One hundred nightwalkers will give one point. If he devours 70 million nightwalkers, then he will reach the 5th level. Probably at the 5th level, they will have no effect on him.

Sighing, shaking his head, feeling his progress is slowing down. Now, a 2nd level night walker gives him 0.1 points, and 3rd level 1 point, 4th level 10 points, and 5th level 100 points, 6th level 1000 points, and 7th level 10,000 points.

Thinking of this, a bitter expression shrouded his face. 'Well, I should focus on beasts, because every beast gives him 100 times more attribute points than those nightwalkers. 1st level beast is 1 point, 2nd level is 10, the third is 100, the fourth is 1000, the fifth is 10,000, the sixth is 100,000,' While planning to devour the beast,

"Every beast has different genes and some have higher bloodline talent, and beasts are ten times more powerful than Nightwalkers, the same Nightwalkers are double in strength than humans," Jack murmured and estimated the gain after devouring beasts.

Jack then navigated toward Solaris city. It is toward the west of the capital city and south of the neon city, attached to three cities of central territory: Esme, Neon, and Apollo. Also attached to the sea from one side, it's famous for sea ports, solar energy utilization, and industries, another main feature, it's the largest city in the central territory.

'Although i can kill 6th level beast easily, but sea area is the most dangerous area of the world.' Jack was thinking sitting in his RV looking at the moving nightwalkers around,