
Apocalypse I can Synthesis Anything

Destruction and chaos spread on the once-vibrant Green Star, its surroundings plagued by the incessant noise of impending doom. An ominous darkness, akin to locusts, relentlessly devoured the land. "Why is this happening? Why?" A few melting figures glared at the impending doom of darkness above. A colossal shadow cast its veil over the Green Star, declaring an impending cataclysm. Above, a green pillar of light flickered intermittently, each appearance marking the vanishing of another source of life. Silence draped the star as both light and vitality were snuffed out. Everything became devoid of life, light, and silence spreading across the whole star along with darkness. Thousands of light years away, in the vast expanse of deep space, ripples distorted the fabric of the cosmos. A colossal shadow materialized, observing the distant spectacle of a supernova's explosive demise. Amidst cryptic symbols, a message emerged: "~~" "~~~" "~~~~~" Deciphering, "Not Found," "Erasure is Complete," "Proceeding to the next target."

Chaos_Gray · Sci-fi
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141 Chs

Chapter 30 Bandits

Thinking of Solaris City,

"Solaris was one of the most dangerous cities around the world; even after a few years, it was declared a forbidden zone. Tenth-level evolvers would not dare to go there. Rumors spread that there was a tenth-level spiritual beast inside the city, but no one knows its true form."

The Spiritual Beast uses spiritual talent, one of the unique talents. There were also a few humans who used it; all of them were super strong.

Thinking of the spiritual beast, "If i kill it and devour the spiritual talent," a smile appeared on Jack face.

After passing through different routes, looking at the scenery around and progressing forward while listening to songs, after a while seeing the sunset evening and darkness spreading from one corner of the sky.

He parked the RV near the roadside amid empty hilly areas in the surrounding; Jack disappeared with the RV.

He grabbed a fat rabbit moving around near his castle. "Today I will eat fried rabbit," looking at its frightened face, with a high heart rate and wide nose breathing.

"Ha ha ha, I remembered someone looking at your expression," Jack then laughed, started patting it in his arms, and walked inside the castle.

After a while,

Smelling the aroma, walked inside the kitchen, picked the cover, looking at vegetable soup, put a little soup with vegetables inside one small utensil, and then filled his bowl. Walked toward the dinner table.

"Here is your share of vegetable soup,"

Passed it in front of the rabbit, who was chewing grass placed on the table.

Jack dug into his bowl, after a while looking at the rabbit still eating the grass, shook his head, put him down from the table on the ground with his little grasses, walked toward his room, waved his hand, "Good Night, Today I will sleep as a vegetarian."

Next Morning,

Jack appeared in the kitchen, prepared breakfast. While eating, a white head protrude from behind the couch, then slowly it appeared near his feet, started smelling around,

Looking at it, Jack raised his eyebrows, commented, "Oh, I haven't seen a daring rabbit like you in my entire life." Picked it up, "Here, eat it," few fresh grass appeared in Jack's hand, with a carrot, put it in front of him.

Rabbit started eating after smelling the fresh carrot, happily.

Rubbing it's head, After he walked out of the castle, looking at the livestock, sent them all toward the forests; 'now they are not needed in fences.'

Walked toward the fruit garden, looking at fresh grapes grabbed some, appeared outside the ring world with his RV, started navigating on the way toward Solaris,

Passing on the road, looking at stone hilly areas and desert on both sides, also, there are some Nightwalkers on both sides moving, after each 100m, you will see some of them.

After a while, Jack stopped the RV, looking at the iron wire, bound with iron pillar on both sides of roads. Looking at the desert bikes and Jeep's moving toward him from both sides of the road, 'Another trouble,' then, shook his head; but It has no effect on him, drive passed above the wires.

Suddenly, they speed up, few people revealed in front of his vision, sitting on bikes and land vehicles, in bounded clothes, monkey masks. Some are hiding their faces with clothes.

'Bandit's' a word flash through Jack's mind.

Stopping his RV, looking at mountain bikes and jeeps stopping in front, and gatlings behind the vehicles aimed at his RV,

A leader walked out of a jeep in front, Jack recognized him as a leader because, a few iron twisted rods floating around and above him, pointed at his RV.

Startled, his eyes lit up; Jack smiled interestingly, opened the door. Suddenly, all bandits backed away, pointed their rifles at Jack's direction.

"Shoot," the leader ordered; at the same time, he waved his hand at Jack's direction, and the iron rods flew toward him at fast speed.

"You guys are really cautious and intelligent, as expected of bandits, but your strength is not enough," Jack spoke with a wicked smile, instantly, metal liquid spreaded on his body in a millisecond and a fully armed Ops suit appeared on him, with a smoking mask,

Suddenly, Jack appeared beside one of the bandits, shot his temple; other bandit's got alert, fired at him, disappeared bullet passed through the air in all directions, reappeared near another bandit,

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Finally a sparking sound rang through the battlefield, next second, the bandit's expression turned pale, looking at bullets shell kissing Jack's armor, leaving a spark and falling to the ground without any damage,

Ignoring the bullet rain, Jack aimed at another head, another corpse fell.

Suddenly two saber appeared in Jack hands, zig zag black after images flashed in front of all bandits and looking at seperated corpses of their companion,

The horror and panic spread in their heart, with a chill rushing through their spine; even the leader's face changed. He, as a limit 2nd level evolver, couldn't read Jack's movements.

"What is this?"

"Run away, run away, or we will all die."

"Boss, save us."

"I don't want to die."

All bandits started running and shouting, with panic-stricken expressions, without turning their heads; some started their bikes and Jeep's quickly drove away almost falling and sliding.

Leader controlled the iron and twisted them, throw them at Jack quickly, while backing away himself,

Jack dodged and walked toward the leader, at his every step, one spike sprang through the ground, pierced the bikes and Jeep's one by one. Even leader was hit on the chest flew back, but it was not a spike, He doesn't want the leader to die, Yet.

Walked past a few fallen and injured bandits, looking at Jack; they were very terrified, begging and pleading for mercy.

"Don't kill me; I have a wife and children."

"Please don't kill me; I am not with them."

Jack ignored their plea and begging, harvested their life one by one, using different ways, shot some in the forehead and slashed some with saber's, walked toward the leader man, step by step, reaching in front of him,

looking at his embarrassed appearance, black bloody chest removed the clothes from his face.

"You can take whatever you want; I am the leader of a village. There are women, food, and also there are beast cores, a lot of cores. I can take you there, Just don't kill me, I have a small daughter, I can't leave her alone." Leader begged and offered with a frightened and regretful expression.

Shaking his head, Jack spoke expressionlessly, "I already know its location, I just need your talent, I took a fancy to it."

Under the horror filled eyes, grabbed his head, devoured his talent.

[Talent Detected]

[Deciphering and Injecting]

[Injecting Successful]

SS- Magnetic control

"With such a good talent, he was a bandit; what kind of absurdity is this?" Jack muttered, shot his head leaving a useless corpse, walked toward his vehicle, started his RV, and navigated toward the village he sensed before.

Jack parked the RV near a hill in front of the village and walked toward the village entrance. "This village is very remote; is it really the bandit village?"

"Who are you?, are you here to join?," Suddenly, a voice emerged from inside the village and a bandit walked through the entrance and appeared in front of Jack, While looking at his RV standing far away, "Is that your car, It looks a little different, well if you want to join then offer everything you have," told the rule of joining the village with a scheming smile,

"I want to ask a question?," Jack asked curiously,

Smile disappeared from Bandits face, an annoying look appeared instead, raised his gun aimed at Jack forehead, spoke coldly,"Now ask,"

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, "Nasca what are you doing, bring him inside, boss will arrive back soon, you don't want to die right," A voice appeared and reprimanded the Nasca through the satellite phone in his hand,

Putting his gun away, "you are lucky." Nasca spoke with a mocking smile, gave Jack a disdainful look, 'Another useless stuff,' then walked toward the entrance of the village.