
Apocalypse - Infinite Resource System

Catastrophic disasters descended, the world underwent tremendous changes, and doomsday arrived, with zombies and mutated monsters everywhere. Amidst the struggle for survival, Waldo suddenly discovered that he had obtained an infinite resource system, granting him one unlimited-use item every day. [Congratulations on obtaining unlimited bullets.] [Congratulations on obtaining unlimited painkillers.] [Congratulations on obtaining...] While everyone else in the outside world faced countless natural disasters and resorted to desperate measures to survive, Waldo had already settled into a luxurious mansion, leisurely sipping wine and enjoying grilled meat...

AllenWorker · Fantasy
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583 Chs

Unidentified visitors

Waldo shouted the classic move from the movies and delivered a flying kick, targeting the forefront zombie.

The zombie, upon receiving a solid kick, flew out and rolled several times without stopping. Waldo himself was astonished by his explosive power.

He didn't expect his strength to reach such a level. Considering that zombies have much stronger physical resilience compared to humans, this kick would have kept a zombie writhing on the ground for quite some time before it could get up.

Waldo could already imagine the scene if he had kicked a human.

Zombies, unlike humans, don't feel fear when they see their companions being kicked away. They continue to growl and relentlessly launch attacks at Waldo.

"Perfect!" Waldo exclaimed.

He took out a silver-level samurai sword he had collected earlier, relying solely on his brute strength rather than any technique, and effortlessly slashed down all the approaching zombies as if cutting through melons and vegetables.

Surprisingly, no more zombies arrived immediately.

Waldo shook off the zombie blood on his samurai sword and contemplated, "It seems that the team that entered the residential area with us earlier has truly wiped out the majority of the zombie horde.

In time, if other players receive the news, they will definitely come and settle in the residential area. How interesting."

However, Waldo wasn't too worried about whether new players would arrive in the residential area. After all, he already had the fortified walls. By the time other new players arrived, he should be well-prepared himself. The current concern was the nearby group of people.

They were still a team, and Waldo wasn't sure if the fortified walls could stop them. What if they climbed over using ladders? Waldo couldn't guarantee it.

He thought to himself, "I have to deal with the closest threat first. Once I resolve the immediate threat, I'm confident that when new players arrive in this residential area, my mansion will become an impregnable stronghold."

I need to find an opportunity.

Waldo returned to his own mansion and went through the facial recognition system at the fortified walls. Before entering, he glanced at the neighboring mansion and silently repeated his thoughts.

As he stepped inside, Alanna was already waiting by the door, examining Waldo from all sides.

"Waldo, you're finally back. Are you injured?" Alanna grabbed hold of Waldo and asked with concern.

Waldo held onto Alanna and smiled, saying, "It's not that easy for me to get injured. I have a guardian angel looking after me, and I can find artifacts just by going out."

Next, Waldo bestowed a portion of his experience to Alanna, and she instantly reached level 3.

Code 9527:

Level: 3 (2/300)

Strength: 7

Agility: 13

Stamina: Energized

"Mmm, reached level three, not bad," Waldo nodded in satisfaction. "But currently, the most important thing is to ensure my own growth. In the short term, she might lag behind me by a level. Perhaps when the experience requirements increase later on, we'll have a chance to be on the same level. Additionally, it seems that Alanna's physical attributes are not as outstanding as mine. I wonder if it's due to the difference in physical fitness between men and women or some other reason."

Alanna allowed Waldo to check her information panel and complained, "You have no idea how worried I was at home, watching the experience bar steadily rise. My heart was in my throat!"

Waldo rubbed Alanna's hair and chuckled, "There were indeed some twists and turns, but everything turned out fine. This wave of experience points directly resulted in a qualitative leap in our physical attributes, especially for you. You now have some self-defense capabilities."

Alanna noticed that Waldo seemed to really enjoy rubbing her hair. However, she didn't mind and was just curious.

"Why do you like rubbing my hair so much, Waldo?" Alanna twirled her own hair, feeling somewhat shy.

Upon hearing the question, Waldo realized that he indeed had a fondness for rubbing Alanna's hair. It was an almost involuntary impulse, akin to petting a cat. It was a bit addicting.

Waldo, originally planning to withdraw his hand, continued to cover Alanna's head and said while rubbing, "Why? If I don't rub your hair, do you want me to rub your big conscience instead?"

Alanna blushed upon hearing that.

"I gave you a chance before, but you weren't up to the task," Waldo said, feeling intrigued.

The curves of Alanna's well-fitted clothes outlined her body in a way that made a man's hormones surge. Her tempting expression of both acceptance and rejection, coupled with her nervous fidgeting hands, made her a true stumbling block for men.

Waldo's throat bobbed.

"However, I want to challenge my vulnerability."

Waldo hugged Alanna and their lips met, the suppressed hormones erupting in that instant.

"Alanna, would you like to take a shower?" Waldo asked.

Alanna embraced Waldo's neck with both hands and said in a tender voice, "I washed my hair and body."

At that moment, an untimely system notification popped up.

"[Dear player, there are several unidentified players approaching the fortified walls you have built.]"

Waldo was taken aback, as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over him, instantly sobering him up.

Alanna noticed Waldo's sudden change in mood and released her legs wrapped around his waist, standing on the ground. She asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Waldo wouldn't have such an abrupt change unless it was an emergency.

Waldo exhaled deeply and said with a serious expression, "There are unidentified survivors approaching outside the fortified walls. I need to go check it out."

Alanna straightened her clothes.

"I'll go with you to see!" she said.

Waldo took out his handgun and checked the bullets inside.

Shaking his head, he said, "No, you stay inside. Go to the second floor and grab the crossbow. If things don't look right, provide support for me."

Alanna also entered a state of readiness.

She took out the crossbow and nodded at Waldo before running straight to the second-floor balcony, finding a suitable spot to lay in ambush and takeshots.

Waldo reloaded the handgun and muttered angrily while opening the door, "All because of you bastards, the cooked ducks have flown away! If you don't have any sense, don't blame me for treating you as live targets."

From behind the fortified walls, Waldo shouted, "People outside, halt! No matter what your intentions are, if you come any closer to my refuge, don't blame me for not being polite!"

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