
Apocalypse - Infinite Resource System

Catastrophic disasters descended, the world underwent tremendous changes, and doomsday arrived, with zombies and mutated monsters everywhere. Amidst the struggle for survival, Waldo suddenly discovered that he had obtained an infinite resource system, granting him one unlimited-use item every day. [Congratulations on obtaining unlimited bullets.] [Congratulations on obtaining unlimited painkillers.] [Congratulations on obtaining...] While everyone else in the outside world faced countless natural disasters and resorted to desperate measures to survive, Waldo had already settled into a luxurious mansion, leisurely sipping wine and enjoying grilled meat...

AllenWorker · Fantasy
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583 Chs


Since there was only one item in this auction, once the first auction item was finished, the auction house concluded, and auction buyers began to leave the auction room one after another.

[The auction has successfully concluded. Congratulations to player 10086 for winning the bid and obtaining the gold-level blueprint: Barrier Wall.]

The chat channel fell silent, and then someone spoke up.

Player 132423: By the way, someone mentioned earlier, where did 10086 go if they didn't participate in the auction? I just killed some zombies, still steaming hot. If you want to eat, I can send you the coordinates.

Player 51542: Unbelievable! I never expected 10086 to have six hundred units of essential supplies. I can't even come up with a fraction of that. It's terrifying.

Player 456755: Who knows where 10086 lives? Even if I have to risk my life, I will go find them. I'll ask them to take me as their little brother!

The chat channel was mostly discussing Waldo's terrifying strength.

Being able to offer so many essential supplies for bidding, it is likely they have even more in stock.

Looking at the huge amount of surplus goods in their backpack, laughter erupted wildly.

With so many supplies, it would be enough for them to live for a very long time!

They wanted to find a place to hide and enjoy all these supplies by themselves slowly!

In the midst of the apocalypse, human nature was the most terrifying.

While an ordinary person may not be guilty of any crime, as long as they possess something valuable, they become a target.

Waldo had witnessed people fighting over food and water from other survivors, even to the point of injuring or taking lives.

Therefore, Waldo didn't dare to flaunt these supplies in front of others.

At this moment, Waldo was opening their mailbox and receiving the gold-level blueprint sent by the auction house, the Barrier Wall.

They quickly glanced at the required materials.

Barrier Wall

Barrier Wall Blueprint (1/1)

Wood (20/300)

Steel (66/300)

Cement (3/300)

Water (Unlimited/300)

All these materials could be easily bought on the trading platform.

Waldo immediately started shopping on the trading platform.

Soon, they gathered all the necessary materials, and Waldo clicked on the Barrier Wall blueprint.

[Dear player, would you like to construct the Barrier Wall?]


Choosing "Yes," the Barrier Wall blueprint in front of Waldo disappeared into thin air.

Immediately, a loud noise resounded, astonishing Alanna on the second floor of the villa.

Outside the villa where Waldo and the others were, a towering wall suddenly rose, reaching the second floor of the villa.

The thickness of the wall was such that even Waldo extending their arms wouldn't be able to touch its edge.

[Gold Item: Barrier Wall has been constructed!]

Waldo looked at the instantly constructed fortified wall and felt satisfied. Alanna, with a shocked expression, came downstairs and said, "Is this the gold-level blueprint?"

As Waldo's teammate, Alanna naturally knew Waldo's identification number. She had been following the chat channel and understood the strategic significance of this gold-level blueprint. It meant that their long-term refuge would become an impregnable fortress in the short term.

After establishing the shelter, Waldo decided to venture out to the zombie gathering area outside to search for supplies, while leaving Alanna to stay safe in the villa.

He felt immense pressure because everyone's strength was rapidly increasing, and more advanced resources would continue to appear. Only by staying ahead of others could he survive longer in this post-apocalyptic world.

Of course, there was another reason—his poor marksmanship. He had to quickly improve his shooting skills. Luckily, he had acquired a P92 handgun and a suppressor, so he didn't have to worry about being surrounded by too many zombies.

Leaving Alanna in the villa would ensure her safety, and upon his return, he could share some experience with her. Although she played the role of a doctor in the team, her skills couldn't be too weak.

Waldo immediately shared his plan with Alanna, who obediently nodded.

"You stay safe, and if things don't seem right, come back immediately! I'll be waiting for you at home, and I'll practice with the crossbow as well!"

Taking advantage of the heavy rain, Waldo put on the raincoat he had finally found during the search. After bidding farewell to Alanna, he headed towards the zombie gathering area outside.

Previously, while silently observing the players' conversations in the chat channel, Waldo had gathered some information.

He knew that his villa area was naturally barricaded by a zombie horde, blocking the passage between different areas, making it difficult to break through in the short term.

However, as resources gradually became abundant, the separation between areas wouldn't pose a significant obstacle. Waldo was heading towards that isolated direction.

He didn't know how long he had been walking, but when the rain stopped, he saw the neighborhood ahead. Waldo quietly climbed onto a residential building and used his handgun to eliminate two zombies, securing a residence.

The building wasn't very tall, and from the second floor, he could overlook the scattered zombies on the street. The stench of rotting flesh downstairs made Waldo nauseous.

He felt more comfortable after putting on a mask. However, the wailing of the zombies continued to echo in his ears. Waldo raised his gun and prepared for a swift battle.

The fire raged below, burning the zombies, while Waldo constantly reloaded his gun on the small building. It was a harvest. Although his marksmanship wasn't great at the beginning, there were just so many zombies down there.

Even if he missed one target, he could luckily hit another. This was a perfect opportunity to practice his shooting skills. Waldo's experience bar was rapidly increasing.

[Acquired 1 experience point]

[Acquired 1 experience point]

[Acquired 1 experience point]


Congratulations on leveling up! Keep up the good work! The flames ceased, and the barrel of the gun emitted a slight smoke. Waldo checked his personal information.

Level: 4 (0/400)

Strength: 20

Agility: 9

Stamina: Normal

Looking at the charred scene below the small building, Waldo exhaled heavily. Then he took out a ladder and climbed down, heading towards another group of zombies.

He had noticed that the supermarket and the villa area were relatively safe regions. The fewer resources in an area, the fewer zombies

there were. However, after crossing a block, there should be a gathering point for zombies. Following the ridge opposite the villa area, Waldo had killed many isolated and small groups of zombies along the way. He also found a few resource boxes, although they were all bronze-level.

By now, his experience bar was already more than halfway filled. Waldo found a safe small bungalow, climbed onto the roof, took out his lunch, and began replenishing his supplies. After finishing lunch, he continued forward towards the ridge.

It wasn't until sunset that Waldo returned to the villa area. After leveling up twice in a row, he noticed a significant difference in his stamina and endurance compared to before.

He maintained a steady running pace throughout the journey, and he didn't feel tired or out of breath when he reached the edge of the villa area.

As he approached the front gate of the villa area, the scattered zombies noticed him and started running towards him.

Waldo shook his legs and smiled, "I'll use this opportunity to warm up after running back. Let's see how much my physical fitness has improved."

With that, Waldo charged towards the zombies. As a precaution, he chose to eliminate them one by one rather than recklessly facing the entire group of zombies.

Even though he had reached level 4, he still preferred caution.